AMBARI-17864. [Grafana] Add Storm Dashboards. (Prajwal Rao via yusaku)
diff --git a/ambari-metrics/ambari-metrics-grafana/ambari-metrics/datasource.js b/ambari-metrics/ambari-metrics-grafana/ambari-metrics/datasource.js
index 8546e67..fa0cc47 100644
--- a/ambari-metrics/ambari-metrics-grafana/ambari-metrics/datasource.js
+++ b/ambari-metrics/ambari-metrics-grafana/ambari-metrics/datasource.js
@@ -128,6 +128,14 @@
             var alias = target.alias ? target.alias : target.metric;
             if(!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "hbase-users") {
             alias = alias + ' for ' + target.hbUser; }
+            // Aliases for Storm Topologies and components under a topology.
+            if(!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables) && templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" &&
+            !templateSrv.variables[1]) {
+              alias = alias + ' on ' + target.sTopology;
+            }
+            if(!_.isEmpty(templateSrv.variables[1]) && templateSrv.variables[1].name === "component") {
+              alias = alias + ' on ' + target.sTopology + ' for ' + target.sComponent;
+            }
             return function (res) {
               console.log('processing metric ' + target.metric);
               if (!res.metrics[0] || target.hide) {
@@ -263,6 +271,19 @@
+          // Storm Topology calls.
+          var getStormData = function(target) {
+            var precision = target.precision === 'default' || typeof target.precision == 'undefined'  ? '' : '&precision='
+            + target.precision;
+            var metricAggregator = target.aggregator === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.aggregator;
+            var metricTransform = !target.transform || target.transform === "none" ? '' : '._' + target.transform;
+            var seriesAggregator = !target.seriesAggregator || target.seriesAggregator === "none" ? '' : '&seriesAggregateFunction=' + target.seriesAggregator;
+            return backendSrv.get(self.url + '/ws/v1/timeline/metrics?metricNames=' + target.sTopoMetric + metricTransform
+                + metricAggregator + '&appId=nimbus&startTime=' + from + '&endTime=' + to + precision + seriesAggregator).then(
+                allHostMetricsData(target)
+            );
+          };
           // Time Ranges
           var from = Math.floor(options.range.from.valueOf() / 1000);
           var to = Math.floor( / 1000);
@@ -366,6 +387,37 @@
+            //Templatized Dashboard for Storm Topologies
+            if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" && !templateSrv.variables[1]) {
+              var allTopologies = templateSrv.variables.filter(function(variable) { return variable.query === "topologies";});
+              var selectedTopologies = (_.isEmpty(allTopologies)) ? "" : allTopologies[0].options.filter(function(topo)
+              { return topo.selected; }).map(function(topoName) { return topoName.value; });
+              selectedTopologies = templateSrv._values.topologies.lastIndexOf('}') > 0 ? templateSrv._values.topologies.slice(1,-1) :
+                  templateSrv._values.topologies;
+              var selectedTopology= selectedTopologies.split(',');
+              _.forEach(selectedTopology, function(processTopology) {
+                metricsPromises.push(, function(target) {
+                  target.sTopology = processTopology;
+                  target.sTopoMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sTopology);
+                  return getStormData(target);
+                }));
+              });
+            }
+            //Templatized Dashboards for Storm Components
+            if (templateSrv.variables[0].query === "topologies" && templateSrv.variables[1] &&
+                templateSrv.variables[1].name === "component") {
+              var selectedTopology = templateSrv._values.topologies;
+              var selectedComponent = templateSrv._values.component;
+              metricsPromises.push(, function(target) {
+                target.sTopology = selectedTopology;
+                target.sComponent = selectedComponent;
+                target.sTopoMetric = target.metric.replace('*', target.sTopology).replace('*', target.sComponent);
+                debugger;
+                  return getStormData(target);
+              }));
+            }
             // To speed up querying on templatized dashboards.
             if (templateSrv.variables[1] && templateSrv.variables[1].name === "hosts") {
               var allHosts = templateSrv._values.hosts.lastIndexOf('}') > 0 ? templateSrv._values.hosts.slice(1,-1) :
@@ -512,6 +564,58 @@
+          var topologies = {};
+          //Templated Variables for Storm Topologies
+          if(interpolated === "topologies") {
+            return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
+                .then(function () {
+                  var storm = allMetrics["nimbus"];
+                  var extractTopologies = storm.filter(/./.test.bind(new
+                      RegExp("^topology.", 'g')));
+        , function(topology){
+                    // Topology naming convention is topology.<topology-name>.component.
+                    topology = topology.split('.').slice(0,3);
+                    if (topologies[topology[1]]){
+                      topologies[topology[1]].push(topology[2]);
+                    } else {
+                      topologies[topology[1]] = [topology[2]];
+                    }
+                  });
+                  return, function(topologyNames){
+                    return {
+                      text: topologyNames
+                    };
+                  });
+                });
+          }
+          //Templated Variables for Storm Components per Topology
+          if (interpolated.includes("stormComponent")) {
+            var componentName = interpolated.substring(0,interpolated.indexOf('.'));
+            return this.initMetricAppidMapping()
+                .then(function () {
+                  var storm = allMetrics["nimbus"];
+                  var extractTopologies = storm.filter(/./.test.bind(new
+                      RegExp("^topology.", 'g')));
+        , function(topology){
+                    topology = topology.split('.').slice(0,3);
+                    if (topologies[topology[1]]){
+                      topologies[topology[1]].push(topology[2]);
+                    } else {
+                      topologies[topology[1]] = [topology[2]];
+                    }
+                  });
+                  // Retrieve unique component names from the list.
+                  var compName = _.uniq(topologies[componentName]);
+                  // Remove "kafka-topic" from the list of components.
+                  var remove = compName.indexOf('kafka-topic');
+                  if (remove > -1) { compName.splice(remove, 1);}
+                  return, function(components){
+                    return {
+                      text: components
+                    };
+                  });
+                });
+          }
           // Templated Variable for YARN Queues.
           // It will search the cluster and populate the queues.
           if(interpolated === "yarnqueues") {
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/AMBARI_METRICS/0.1.0/package/files/grafana-dashboards/HDF/grafana-storm-components.json b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/AMBARI_METRICS/0.1.0/package/files/grafana-dashboards/HDF/grafana-storm-components.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9920320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/common-services/AMBARI_METRICS/0.1.0/package/files/grafana-dashboards/HDF/grafana-storm-components.json
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+  "id": null,
+  "title": "Storm - Components",
+  "originalTitle": "Storm - Components",
+  "tags": [
+    "storm"
+  ],
+  "style": "dark",
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+  "editable": true,
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+        {
+          "content": "<h4 align=\"center\">Metrics to see the status for the Storm topologies on a per component level. Click on each row title to expand on demand to look at various metrics. </h4>\n<h6 style=\"color:red;\" align=\"center\">This dashboard is managed by Ambari.  You may lose any changes made to this dashboard.  If you want to customize, make your own copy.</h6>\n<h5 align=\"center\">Note: Period ('.') contained topology names are not supported.</h5>",
+          "editable": true,
+          "error": false,
+          "id": 14,
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+          "links": [],
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+          "steppedLine": false,
+          "targets": [
+            {
+              "aggregator": "sum",
+              "alias": "Input Records",
+              "app": "nimbus",
+              "downsampleAggregator": "avg",
+              "errors": {},
+              "hosts": "",
+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--execute-count.%",
+              "precision": "default",
+              "refId": "A",
+              "sComponent": "log",
+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--execute-count.%",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
+              "seriesAggregator": "sum",
+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            },
+            {
+              "aggregator": "sum",
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+              "app": "nimbus",
+              "downsampleAggregator": "avg",
+              "errors": {},
+              "hosts": "",
+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--emit-count.%",
+              "precision": "default",
+              "refId": "B",
+              "sComponent": "log",
+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--emit-count.%",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
+              "seriesAggregator": "sum",
+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            }
+          ],
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+              "app": "nimbus",
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+              "hosts": "",
+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--ack-count.%",
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+              "refId": "A",
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+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--ack-count.%",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
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+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            }
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+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--fail-count.%",
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+              "transform": "none"
+            }
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+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--process-latency.%",
+              "precision": "default",
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+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--process-latency.%",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
+              "seriesAggregator": "avg",
+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            }
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+            {
+              "aggregator": "sum",
+              "alias": "Receive Queue Population",
+              "app": "nimbus",
+              "downsampleAggregator": "avg",
+              "errors": {},
+              "hosts": "",
+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--receive.population",
+              "precision": "default",
+              "refId": "A",
+              "sComponent": "log",
+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--receive.population",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
+              "seriesAggregator": "sum",
+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            },
+            {
+              "aggregator": "sum",
+              "alias": "Send Queue Population",
+              "app": "nimbus",
+              "downsampleAggregator": "avg",
+              "errors": {},
+              "hosts": "",
+              "metric": "topology.*.*.%.--sendqueue.population",
+              "precision": "default",
+              "refId": "B",
+              "sComponent": "log",
+              "sTopoMetric": "topology.kafka-topology.log.%.--sendqueue.population",
+              "sTopology": "kafka-topology",
+              "seriesAggregator": "sum",
+              "shouldAggregateSeries": true,
+              "transform": "none"
+            }
+          ],
+          "timeFrom": null,
+          "timeShift": null,
+          "title": "Queue",
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+            "shared": false,
+            "value_type": "cumulative"
+          },
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+          "x-axis": true,
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+          "y_formats": [
+            "short",
+            "short"
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "showTitle": true,
+      "title": "Latency / Queue"
+    }
+  ],
+  "time": {
+    "from": "now-6h",
+    "to": "now"
+  },
+  "timepicker": {
+    "now": true,
+    "refresh_intervals": [
+      "5s",
+      "10s",
+      "30s",
+      "1m",
+      "5m",
+      "15m",
+      "30m",
+      "1h",
+      "2h",
+      "1d"
+    ],
+    "time_options": [
+      "5m",
+      "15m",
+      "1h",
+      "6h",
+      "12h",
+      "24h",
+      "2d",
+      "7d",
+      "30d"
+    ]
+  },
+  "templating": {
+    "list": [
+      {
+        "allFormat": "glob",
+        "current": {
+          "text": "kafka-topology",
+          "value": "kafka-topology"
+        },
+        "datasource": null,
+        "includeAll": false,
+        "multi": false,
+        "multiFormat": "glob",
+        "name": "topologies",
+        "options": [
+        ],
+        "query": "topologies",
+        "refresh": true,
+        "regex": "",
+        "type": "query"
+      },
+      {
+        "allFormat": "glob",
+        "current": {
+          "text": "",
+          "value": ""
+        },
+        "datasource": null,
+        "includeAll": false,
+        "multi": false,
+        "multiFormat": "glob",
+        "name": "component",
+        "options": [
+        ],
+        "query": "$topologies.stormComponent",
+        "refresh": true,
+        "regex": "",
+        "type": "query"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "annotations": {
+    "list": []
+  },
+  "refresh": false,
+  "schemaVersion": 8,
+  "version": 10,
+  "links": [
+    {
+      "asDropdown": true,
+      "icon": "external link",
+      "tags": [
+        "storm"
+      ],
+      "title": "Storm Dashboards",
+      "type": "dashboards"
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
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