blob: 6ef4626cafe561fc6401f3f2fc7623f5f430a666 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""The application's Globals object"""
import logging
import cgi
import hashlib
import json
import datetime
from urllib import urlencode
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
import time
import traceback
import activitystream
import pkg_resources
import markdown
import pygments
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.formatters
import pygments.util
from tg import config
from tg import request
from tg import tmpl_context as c
from paste.deploy.converters import asbool, asint, aslist
from pypeline.markup import markup as pypeline_markup
from ming.odm import session
import ew as ew_core
import ew.jinja2_ew as ew
from ming.utils import LazyProperty
from jinja2 import Markup
import allura.tasks.event_tasks
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib.markdown_extensions import (
from allura.eventslistener import PostEvent
from allura.lib import gravatar, plugin, utils
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.lib.widgets import analytics
from import Credentials
from allura.lib.solr import MockSOLR, make_solr_from_config
from allura.model.session import artifact_orm_session
__all__ = ['Globals']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ForgeMarkdown(markdown.Markdown):
def convert(self, source, render_limit=True):
if render_limit and len(source) > asint(config.get('markdown_render_max_length', 40000)):
# if text is too big, markdown can take a long time to process it,
# so we return it as a plain text'Text is too big. Skipping markdown processing')
escaped = cgi.escape(h.really_unicode(source))
return h.html.literal(u'<pre>%s</pre>' % escaped)
return markdown.Markdown.convert(self, source)
except Exception:'Invalid markdown: %s Upwards trace is %s', source,
''.join(traceback.format_stack()), exc_info=True)
escaped = h.really_unicode(source)
escaped = cgi.escape(escaped)
return h.html.literal(u"""<p><strong>ERROR!</strong> The markdown supplied could not be parsed correctly.
Did you forget to surround a code snippet with "~~~~"?</p><pre>%s</pre>""" % escaped)
def cached_convert(self, artifact, field_name):
"""Convert ``artifact.field_name`` markdown source to html, caching
the result if the render time is greater than the defined threshold.
source_text = getattr(artifact, field_name)
# Check if contents macro and never cache
if "[[" in source_text:
return self.convert(source_text)
cache_field_name = field_name + '_cache'
cache = getattr(artifact, cache_field_name, None)
if not cache:
'Skipping Markdown caching - Missing cache field "%s" on class %s',
field_name, artifact.__class__.__name__)
return self.convert(source_text)
bugfix_rev = 4 # increment this if we need all caches to invalidated (e.g. xss in markdown rendering fixed)
md5 = None
# If a cached version exists and it is valid, return it.
if cache.md5 is not None:
md5 = hashlib.md5(source_text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if cache.md5 == md5 and getattr(cache, 'fix7528', False) == bugfix_rev:
return h.html.literal(cache.html)
# Convert the markdown and time the result.
start = time.time()
html = self.convert(source_text, render_limit=False)
render_time = time.time() - start
threshold = config.get('markdown_cache_threshold')
threshold = float(threshold) if threshold else None
except ValueError:
threshold = None
log.warn('Skipping Markdown caching - The value for config param '
'"markdown_cache_threshold" must be a float.')
if threshold is not None and render_time > threshold:
# Save the cache
if md5 is None:
md5 = hashlib.md5(source_text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
cache.md5, cache.html, cache.render_time = md5, html, render_time
cache.fix7528 = bugfix_rev # flag to indicate good caches created after [#7528] and other critical bugs were fixed.
sess = session(artifact)
except AttributeError:
# this can happen if a non-artifact object is used
log.exception('Could not get session for %s', artifact)
with utils.skip_mod_date(artifact.__class__), \
return html
class Globals(object):
"""Container for objects available throughout the life of the application.
One instance of Globals is created during application initialization and
is available during requests via the 'app_globals' variable.
__shared_state = {}
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
if self.__shared_state:
self.allura_templates = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
'allura', 'templates')
# Setup SOLR
self.solr_server = aslist(config.get('solr.server'), ',')
# skip empty strings in case of extra commas
self.solr_server = [s for s in self.solr_server if s]
self.solr_query_server = config.get('solr.query_server')
if self.solr_server:
self.solr = make_solr_from_config(
self.solr_server, self.solr_query_server)
self.solr_short_timeout = make_solr_from_config(
self.solr_server, self.solr_query_server,
timeout=int(config.get('solr.short_timeout', 10)))
else: # pragma no cover
log.warning('Solr config not set; using in-memory MockSOLR')
self.solr = self.solr_short_timeout = MockSOLR()
# Load login/logout urls; only used for customized logins
self.login_url = config.get('auth.login_url', '/auth/')
self.logout_url = config.get('auth.logout_url', '/auth/logout')
self.login_fragment_url = config.get(
'auth.login_fragment_url', '/auth/login_fragment/')
# Setup Gravatar
self.gravatar = gravatar.url
# Setup pygments
self.pygments_formatter = utils.LineAnchorCodeHtmlFormatter(
# Setup Pypeline
self.pypeline_markup = pypeline_markup
# Setup analytics
accounts = config.get('ga.account', 'UA-XXXXX-X')
accounts = accounts.split(' ') = analytics.GoogleAnalytics(accounts=accounts)
self.icons = dict(
move=Icon('fa fa-arrows', 'Move'),
edit=Icon('fa fa-edit', 'Edit'),
admin=Icon('fa fa-gear', 'Admin'),
send=Icon('fa fa-send-o', 'Send'),
add=Icon('fa fa-plus-circle', 'Add'),
moderate=Icon('fa fa-hand-stop-o', 'Moderate'),
pencil=Icon('fa fa-pencil', 'Edit'),
help=Icon('fa fa-question-circle', 'Help'),
eye=Icon('fa fa-eye', 'View'),
search=Icon('fa fa-search', 'Search'),
history=Icon('fa fa-calendar', 'History'),
feed=Icon('fa fa-rss', 'Feed'),
mail=Icon('fa fa-envelope-o', 'Subscribe'),
reply=Icon('fa fa-reply', 'Reply'),
tag=Icon('fa fa-tag', 'Tag'),
flag=Icon('fa fa-flag-o', 'Flag'),
undelete=Icon('fa fa-undo', 'Undelete'),
delete=Icon('fa fa-trash-o', 'Delete'),
close=Icon('fa fa-close', 'Close'),
table=Icon('fa fa-table', 'Table'),
stats=Icon('fa fa-line-chart', 'Stats'),
pin=Icon('fa fa-mail-pin', 'Pin'),
folder=Icon('fa fa-folder', 'Folder'),
fork=Icon('fa fa-code-fork', 'Fork'),
merge=Icon('fa fa-code-fork upside-down', 'Merge'),
conversation=Icon('fa fa-comments', 'Conversation'),
group=Icon('fa fa-group', 'Group'),
user=Icon('fa fa-user', 'User'),
secure=Icon('fa fa-lock', 'Lock'),
unsecure=Icon('fa fa-unlock', 'Unlock'),
star=Icon('fa fa-star', 'Star'),
expand=Icon('fa fa-expand', 'Maximize'),
restore=Icon('fa fa-compress', 'Restore'),
check=Icon('fa fa-check-circle', 'Check'),
caution=Icon('fa fa-ban', 'Caution'),
vote_up=Icon('fa fa-plus', 'Vote Up'),
vote_down=Icon('fa fa-minus', 'Vote Down'),
download=Icon('fa fa-download', 'Download'),
revert=Icon('fa fa-history', 'Revert'),
browse_commits=Icon('fa fa-list', 'Browse Commits'),
file=Icon('fa fa-file-o', 'File'),
# Permissions
perm_read=Icon('fa fa-eye', 'Read'),
perm_update=Icon('fa fa-rotate-left', 'Update'),
perm_create=Icon('fa fa-flash', 'Create'),
perm_register=Icon('fa fa-gear', 'Config'),
perm_delete=Icon('fa fa-minus-circle', 'Remove'),
perm_tool=Icon('fa fa-gear', 'Tool'),
perm_admin=Icon('fa fa-gear', 'Admin'),
perm_has_yes=Icon('fa fa-check', 'Check'),
perm_has_no=Icon('fa fa-ban', 'No entry'),
perm_has_inherit=Icon('fa fa-check-circle', 'Has inherit'),
# Cache some loaded entry points
def _cache_eps(section_name, dict_cls=dict):
d = dict_cls()
for ep in h.iter_entry_points(section_name):
value = ep.load()
except Exception:
log.exception('Could not load entry point [%s] %s', section_name, ep)
d[] = value
return d
class entry_point_loading_dict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
self[key] = _cache_eps(key)
return self[key]
self.entry_points = entry_point_loading_dict(
tool=_cache_eps('allura', dict_cls=utils.CaseInsensitiveDict),
# macro eps are used solely for ensuring that external macros are
# imported (after load, the ep itself is not used)
# Set listeners to update stats
statslisteners = []
for name, ep in self.entry_points['stats'].iteritems():
self.statsUpdater = PostEvent(statslisteners)
self.tmpdir = os.getenv('TMPDIR', '/tmp')
def spam_checker(self):
"""Return a SpamFilter implementation.
from allura.lib import spam
return spam.SpamFilter.get(config, self.entry_points['spam'])
def phone_service(self):
"""Return a :class:`` implementation"""
from allura.lib import phone
return phone.PhoneService.get(config, self.entry_points['phone'])
def director(self):
"""Return activitystream director"""
if asbool(config.get('activitystream.recording.enabled', False)):
return activitystream.director()
class NullActivityStreamDirector(object):
def connect(self, *a, **kw):
def disconnect(self, *a, **kw):
def is_connected(self, *a, **kw):
return False
def create_activity(self, *a, **kw):
def create_timeline(self, *a, **kw):
def create_timelines(self, *a, **kw):
def get_timeline(self, *a, **kw):
return []
return NullActivityStreamDirector()
def post_event(self, topic, *args, **kwargs):
if 'flush_immediately' not in kwargs:
env = request.environ
except AttributeError:
script_without_ming_middleware = True
script_without_ming_middleware = env['PATH_INFO'] == '--script--'
if script_without_ming_middleware:
kwargs['flush_immediately'] = True
# within tasks and web requests, ming middleware will flush everything to mongo
# so best to *not* flush immediately and let all db writes happen in order
# so there's no chance of an event being created and started while the initiating code is still running
kwargs['flush_immediately'] = False, *args, **kwargs)
def theme(self):
return plugin.ThemeProvider.get()
def antispam(self):
a = request.environ.get('allura.antispam')
if a is None:
a = request.environ['allura.antispam'] = utils.AntiSpam()
return a
def credentials(self):
return Credentials.get()
def handle_paging(self, limit, page, default=25):
limit = self.manage_paging_preference(limit, default)
limit = max(int(limit), 1)
limit = min(limit, asint(config.get('limit_param_max', 500)))
page = max(int(page), 0)
start = page * int(limit)
return (limit, page, start)
def manage_paging_preference(self, limit, default=25):
if not limit:
if c.user in (None, M.User.anonymous()):
limit = default
limit = c.user.get_pref('results_per_page') or default
limit = int(limit)
except ValueError:
limit = default
return limit
def document_class(self, neighborhood):
classes = ''
if neighborhood:
classes += ' neighborhood-%s' %
if not neighborhood and c.project:
classes += ' neighborhood-%s' %
if c.project:
classes += ' project-%s' % c.project.shortname
classes += ' mountpoint-%s' %
return classes
def highlight(self, text, lexer=None, filename=None):
if not text:
if lexer == 'diff':
return h.html.literal('<em>File contents unchanged</em>')
return h.html.literal('<em>Empty file</em>')
# Don't use line numbers for diff highlight's, as per [#1484]
if lexer == 'diff':
formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(cssclass='codehilite', linenos=False)
formatter = self.pygments_formatter
text = h.really_unicode(text)
if lexer is None:
if len(text) < asint(config.get('scm.view.max_syntax_highlight_bytes', 500000)):
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(filename, encoding='chardet')
except pygments.util.ClassNotFound:
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexer, encoding='chardet')
if lexer is None or len(text) >= asint(config.get('scm.view.max_syntax_highlight_bytes', 500000)):
# no highlighting, but we should escape, encode, and wrap it in
# a <pre>
text = cgi.escape(text)
return h.html.literal(u'<pre>' + text + u'</pre>')
return h.html.literal(pygments.highlight(text, lexer, formatter))
def forge_markdown(self, **kwargs):
'''return a markdown.Markdown object on which you can call convert'''
return ForgeMarkdown(
extensions=['markdown.extensions.fenced_code', 'markdown.extensions.codehilite',
'markdown.extensions.extra', # to allow markdown inside HTML tags
ForgeExtension(**kwargs), EmojiExtension(), UserMentionExtension(),
'markdown.extensions.tables', 'markdown.extensions.toc', 'markdown.extensions.nl2br',
def markdown(self):
return self.forge_markdown()
def markdown_wiki(self):
if c.project and c.project.is_nbhd_project:
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True, macro_context='neighborhood-wiki')
elif c.project and c.project.is_user_project:
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True, macro_context='userproject-wiki')
return self.forge_markdown(wiki=True)
def markdown_commit(self):
"""Return a Markdown parser configured for rendering commit messages.
app = getattr(c, 'app', None)
return ForgeMarkdown(extensions=[CommitMessageExtension(app), EmojiExtension(), 'markdown.extensions.nl2br'],
def production_mode(self):
return asbool(config.get('debug')) == False
def user_message_time_interval(self):
"""The rolling window of time (in seconds) during which no more than
:meth:`user_message_max_messages` may be sent by any one user.
return int(config.get('user_message.time_interval', 3600))
def user_message_max_messages(self):
"""The number of user messages that can be sent within
meth:`user_message_time_interval` before rate-limiting is enforced.
return int(config.get('user_message.max_messages', 20))
def server_name(self):
p1 = Popen(['hostname', '-s'], stdout=PIPE)
server_name = p1.communicate()[0].strip()
return server_name
def tool_icon_css(self):
"""Return a (css, md5) tuple, where ``css`` is a string of CSS
containing class names and icon urls for every installed tool, and
``md5`` is the md5 hexdigest of ``css``.
css = ''
for tool_name in self.entry_points['tool']:
for size in (24, 32, 48):
url = self.theme.app_icon_url(tool_name.lower(), size)
css += '.ui-icon-tool-%s-%i {background: url(%s) no-repeat;}\n' % (
tool_name, size, url)
return css, hashlib.md5(css).hexdigest()
def resource_manager(self):
return ew_core.widget_context.resource_manager
def register_css(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.CSSLink(href, **kw))
def register_js(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSLink(href, **kw))
def register_forge_css(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.CSSLink('allura/' + href, **kw))
def register_forge_js(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSLink('allura/' + href, **kw))
def register_app_css(self, href, **kw):
app = kw.pop('app',
ew.CSSLink('tool/%s/%s' % (app.config.tool_name.lower(), href), **kw))
def register_app_js(self, href, **kw):
app = kw.pop('app',
ew.JSLink('tool/%s/%s' % (app.config.tool_name.lower(), href), **kw))
def register_theme_css(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.CSSLink(self.theme_href(href), **kw))
def register_theme_js(self, href, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSLink(self.theme_href(href), **kw))
def register_js_snippet(self, text, **kw):
self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSScript(text, **kw))
def theme_href(self, href):
return self.theme.href(href)
def forge_static(self, resource):
base = config['static.url_base']
if base.startswith(':'):
base = request.scheme + base
return base + resource
def app_static(self, resource, app=None):
base = config['static.url_base']
app = app or
if base.startswith(':'):
base = request.scheme + base
return (base + app.config.tool_name.lower() + '/' + resource)
def set_project(self, pid_or_project):
'h.set_context() is preferred over this method'
if isinstance(pid_or_project, M.Project):
c.project = pid_or_project
elif isinstance(pid_or_project, basestring):
raise TypeError('need a Project instance, got %r' % pid_or_project)
elif pid_or_project is None:
c.project = None
c.project = None
log.error('Trying g.set_project(%r)', pid_or_project)
def set_app(self, name):
'h.set_context() is preferred over this method' = c.project.app_instance(name)
def year(self):
return datetime.datetime.utcnow().year
def noreply(self):
return unicode(config.get('noreply', 'noreply@%s' % config['domain']))
def build_key(self):
return config.get('build_key', '')
def global_nav(self):
if not config.get('global_nav', False):
return []
return json.loads(config.get('global_nav'))
def nav_logo(self):
logo = dict(
redirect_link=config.get('', False),
image_path=config.get('logo.path', False),
image_width=config.get('logo.width', False),
image_height=config.get('logo.height', False)
if not logo['redirect_link']:
logo['redirect_link'] = '/'
if not logo['image_path']:
log.warning('Image path not set for nav_logo')
return False
allura_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
image_full_path = '%s/public/nf/images/%s' % (
allura_path, logo['image_path'])
if not os.path.isfile(image_full_path):
log.warning('Could not find logo at: %s' % image_full_path)
return False
path = 'images/%s' % logo['image_path']
return {
"image_path": self.forge_static(path),
"redirect_link": logo['redirect_link'],
"image_width": logo['image_width'],
"image_height": logo['image_height']
class Icon(object):
def __init__(self, css, title=None):
self.css = css
self.title = title or u''
def render(self, show_title=False, extra_css=None, closing_tag=True, tag='a', **kw):
title = kw.get('title') or self.title
attrs = {
'title': title,
'class': ' '.join(['icon', extra_css or '']).strip(),
if tag == 'a':
attrs['href'] = '#'
attrs = ew._Jinja2Widget().j2_attrs(attrs)
visible_title = u''
if show_title:
visible_title = u'&nbsp;{}'.format(Markup.escape(title))
closing_tag = u'</{}>'.format(tag) if closing_tag else u''
icon = u'<{} {}><i class="{}"></i>{}{}'.format(tag, attrs, self.css, visible_title, closing_tag)
return Markup(icon)