[#4539] add script to get an environment up to date with the latest upstream code
diff --git a/update.sh b/update.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa3016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/update.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
+	echo "You need to activate your virtualenv first!";
+	exit;
+echo 'Getting latest code with `git pull` ...'
+git pull
+echo 'Updating python packages with `pip install -r requirements.txt` ...'
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+if [ "$?" -gt 0 ]; then
+	echo
+	echo
+	echo 'Command `pip install -r requirements.txt` failed.  Sometimes this is a random download error.  If so, just try again.'
+	exit;
+echo 'If you have taskd or the web server running, you should restart them now.'
\ No newline at end of file