blob: 9d36db0e73adfffc36171cdb053d4d92d93963bd [file] [log] [blame]
Installing Apache Airavata Client 0.7
Java 1.5 or later
Maven (tested on v 3.0.2)
Build Apache Airavata from Source
* Unzip/untar the source file or check out from svn.
* cd to project folder and type
$ mvn clean install
Note: in order to skip tests use the command
$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
* The compressed binary distribution is created at <PROJECT DIR>/modules/distribution/airavata-client/target
Installing the Airavata Client Libraries
* Add all the libraries (jar files) in the <AIRAVATA_CLIENT_HOME>/lib directory to the classpath
* Add the <AIRAVATA_CLIENT_HOME>/conf directory to the classpath
Running Tests
Once the binary is unzipped, instructions to run the tests should be follow from README
The airavata website has instructions for basic tutorials:
* For basic understanding on how to use Airavata API please look at the samples shipped with the distribution
* Follow Airavata Wiki for more examples on how to use the Airavata API -