blob: 2e2dd70eb3d9e6abb6ca1257c008ecd9c55646f6 [file] [log] [blame]
use Airavata\API\Error\AiravataClientException;
use Airavata\API\Error\AiravataSystemException;
use Airavata\API\Error\InvalidRequestException;
use Airavata\Facades\Airavata;
use Airavata\Model\Workspace\Project;
class ProjectUtilities
* Get all projects owned by the given user
* @param $username
* @return null
public static function get_all_user_projects($gatewayId, $username)
$userProjects = null;
try {
$userProjects = Airavata::getUserProjects(Session::get('authz-token'), $gatewayId, $username, -1, 0);
//var_dump( $userProjects); exit;
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the user\'s projects.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>InvalidRequestException: ' . $ire->getMessage() . '</p>');
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the user\'s projects.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>Airavata Client Exception: ' . $ace->getMessage() . '</p>');
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
if ($ase->airavataErrorType == 2) // 2 = INTERNAL_ERROR
CommonUtilities::print_warning_message('<p>You must create a project before you can create an experiment.
Click <a href="' . URL::to('/') . '/project/create">here</a> to create a project.</p>');
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the user\'s projects.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>AiravataSystemException: ' . $ase->getMessage() . '</p>');
return $userProjects;
* Get the project with the given ID
* @param $projectId
* @return null
public static function get_project($projectId)
try {
return Airavata::getProject(Session::get('authz-token'), $projectId);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the project.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>InvalidRequestException: ' . $ire->getMessage() . '</p>');
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the project.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>AiravataClientException: ' . $ace->getMessage() . '</p>');
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('<p>There was a problem getting the project.
Please try again later or submit a bug report using the link in the Help menu.</p>' .
'<p>AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->getMessage() . '</p>');
* Create a select input and populate it with project options from the database
public static function create_project_select($projectId = null, $editable = true)
$editable ? $disabled = '' : $disabled = 'disabled';
$userProjects = ProjectUtilities::get_all_user_projects(Session::get("gateway_id"), Session::get('username'));
echo '<select class="form-control" name="project" id="project" required ' . $disabled . '>';
if (sizeof($userProjects) > 0) {
foreach ($userProjects as $project) {
if ($project->projectID == $projectId) {
$selected = 'selected';
} else {
$selected = '';
echo '<option value="' . $project->projectID . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $project->name . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
//moved from create project view.
public static function create_project()
$project = new Project();
$project->owner = Session::get('username');
$project->name = $_POST['project-name'];
$project->description = $_POST['project-description'];
$projectId = null;
try {
$projectId = Airavata::createProject(Session::get('authz-token'), Config::get('pga_config.airavata')['gateway-id'], $project);
if ($projectId) {
CommonUtilities::print_success_message("<p>Project {$_POST['project-name']} created!</p>" .
'<p>You will be redirected to the summary page shortly, or you can
<a href="project/summary?projId=' . $projectId . '">go directly</a> to the project summary page.</p>');
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message("Error creating project {$_POST['project-name']}!");
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->getMessage());
return $projectId;
public static function create_default_project($username)
$project = new Project();
$project->owner = $username;
$project->name = "Default Project";
$project->description = "This is the default project for user " . $project->owner;
$projectId = null;
try {
$projectId = Airavata::createProject(Session::get('authz-token'), Config::get('pga_config.airavata')['gateway-id'], $project);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->getMessage());
return $projectId;
* Get experiments in project
* @param $projectId
* @return array|null
public static function get_experiments_in_project($projectId)
$experiments = array();
try {
$experiments = Airavata::getExperimentsInProject(Session::get('authz-token'), $projectId, -1, 0);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->getMessage());
} catch (TTransportException $tte) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('TTransportException!<br><br>' . $tte->getMessage());
return $experiments;
public static function update_project($projectId, $projectDetails)
$updatedProject = new Project();
$updatedProject->owner = $projectDetails["owner"];
$updatedProject->name = $projectDetails["name"];
$updatedProject->description = $projectDetails["description"];
try {
Airavata::updateProject(Session::get('authz-token'), $projectId, $updatedProject);
//Utilities::print_success_message('Project updated! Click <a href="project_summary.php?projId=' . $projectId . '">here</a> to view the project summary.');
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (ProjectNotFoundException $pnfe) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('ProjectNotFoundException!<br><br>' . $pnfe->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->getMessage());
public static function get_all_user_projects_with_pagination($limit, $offset)
$projects = array();
try {
$projects = Airavata::getUserProjects(Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"),
Session::get("username"), $limit, $offset);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
if ($ase->airavataErrorType == 2) // 2 = INTERNAL_ERROR
CommonUtilities::print_info_message('<p>You have not created any projects yet, so no results will be returned!</p>
<p>Click <a href="create_project.php">here</a> to create a new project.</p>');
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('There was a problem with Airavata. Please try again later, or report a bug using the link in the Help menu.');
//print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->airavataErrorType . ': ' . $ase->getMessage());
} catch (TTransportException $tte) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('TTransportException!<br><br>' . $tte->getMessage());
return $projects;
public static function get_projsearch_results_with_pagination($searchKey, $searchValue, $limit, $offset)
$projects = array();
try {
switch ($searchKey) {
case 'project-name':
$projects = Airavata::searchProjectsByProjectName(Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"),
Session::get("username"), $searchValue, $limit, $offset);
case 'project-description':
$projects = Airavata::searchProjectsByProjectDesc(Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"),
Session::get("username"), $searchValue, $limit, $offset);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
if ($ase->airavataErrorType == 2) // 2 = INTERNAL_ERROR
CommonUtilities::print_info_message('<p>You have not created any projects yet, so no results will be returned!</p>
<p>Click <a href="create_project.php">here</a> to create a new project.</p>');
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('There was a problem with Airavata. Please try again later, or report a bug using the link in the Help menu.');
//print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->airavataErrorType . ': ' . $ase->getMessage());
} catch (TTransportException $tte) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('TTransportException!<br><br>' . $tte->getMessage());
return $projects;
public static function get_projsearch_results($searchKey, $searchValue)
$projects = array();
try {
switch ($searchKey) {
case 'project-name':
$projects = Airavata::searchProjectsByProjectName(Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"), Session::get("username"), $searchValue);
case 'project-description':
$projects = Airavata::searchProjectsByProjectDesc(Session::get('authz-token'), Session::get("gateway_id"), Session::get("username"), $searchValue);
} catch (InvalidRequestException $ire) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('InvalidRequestException!<br><br>' . $ire->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataClientException $ace) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('AiravataClientException!<br><br>' . $ace->getMessage());
} catch (AiravataSystemException $ase) {
if ($ase->airavataErrorType == 2) // 2 = INTERNAL_ERROR
CommonUtilities::print_info_message('<p>You have not created any projects yet, so no results will be returned!</p>
<p>Click <a href="create_project.php">here</a> to create a new project.</p>');
} else {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('There was a problem with Airavata. Please try again later, or report a bug using the link in the Help menu.');
//print_error_message('AiravataSystemException!<br><br>' . $ase->airavataErrorType . ': ' . $ase->getMessage());
} catch (TTransportException $tte) {
CommonUtilities::print_error_message('TTransportException!<br><br>' . $tte->getMessage());
return $projects;