blob: 4649bf409a01d986f72e3deddcc322929c270f93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.ace.log;
import static org.apache.ace.test.utils.TestUtils.UNIT;
import org.apache.ace.range.SortedRangeSet;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class LogDescriptorTest {
@Test(groups = { UNIT })
public void serializeDescriptor() {
Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor("gwid", 1, new SortedRangeSet("2-3"));
assert descriptor.toRepresentation().equals("gwid,1,2-3") : "The representation of our descriptor is incorrect:" + descriptor.toRepresentation();
@Test(groups = { UNIT })
public void deserializeDescriptor() {
Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor("gwid,1,2-3");
assert descriptor.getTargetID().equals("gwid") : "Target ID not correctly parsed.";
assert descriptor.getStoreID() == 1 : "Log ID not correctly parsed.";
assert descriptor.getRangeSet().toRepresentation().equals("2-3") : "There should be nothing in the diff between the set in the descriptor and the check-set.";
@Test(groups = { UNIT })
public void deserializeMultiRangeDescriptor() {
Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor("gwid,1,1-4$k6$k8$k10-20");
assert descriptor.getTargetID().equals("gwid") : "Target ID not correctly parsed.";
assert descriptor.getStoreID() == 1 : "Log ID not correctly parsed.";
String representation = descriptor.getRangeSet().toRepresentation();
assert representation.equals("1-4,6,8,10-20") : "There should be nothing in the diff between the set in the descriptor and the check-set, but we parsed: " + representation;
@Test(groups = { UNIT })
public void deserializeMultiRangeDescriptorWithFunnyGWID() {
String line = "gw$$id,1,1-4$k6$k8$k10-20";
Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor(line);
assert descriptor.getTargetID().equals("gw$id") : "Target ID not correctly parsed.";
assert descriptor.getStoreID() == 1 : "Log ID not correctly parsed.";
assert line.equals(descriptor.toRepresentation()) : "Converting the line back to the representation failed.";
String representation = descriptor.getRangeSet().toRepresentation();
assert representation.equals("1-4,6,8,10-20") : "There should be nothing in the diff between the set in the descriptor and the check-set, but we parsed: " + representation;
@Test(groups = { UNIT }, expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void deserializeInvalidDescriptor() throws Exception {
new Descriptor("invalidStringRepresentation");