Update apidocs publishing information

Update wording to reflect that accumulo-website is in a different repo
than the main accumulo source.
diff --git a/contributor/releasing.md b/contributor/releasing.md
index 6e308de..7488df8 100644
--- a/contributor/releasing.md
+++ b/contributor/releasing.md
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
 1. Unpack the source release tarball and change to its root directory, or checkout the SCM tag for the release
 2. Build the javadocs with `mvn clean package javadoc:aggregate -DskipTests -Paggregate-javadocs`
 3. Take note that the javadocs you will need to copy are the entire contents of `./target/site/apidocs/`
-4. Checkout the `master` branch of the accumulo-website repo (you may need to move the contents of `./target/site/apidocs` outside your git workspace to switch branches)
+4. In a different directory, checkout the `master` branch of the accumulo-website repo
 5. Remove any existing apidocs from the appropriate version folder (e.g. 1.6/apidocs for a 1.6.x release)
-6. Copy the entire contents of the new apidocs directory (identified in step 3) to the destination (e.g. to 1.6/apidocs)
+6. Copy the entire contents of the new apidocs directory (identified in step 3) to the destination in the website branch (e.g. to 1.6/apidocs)
 7. Continue updating the site content, as needed
 8. Commit the changes
 9. Update the site using jekyll with `./_devtools/git-hooks/post-commit` (if you don't have the commit hook already configured)