Update wordCount.md

Corrected misspelling within the documentation.
diff --git a/docs/wordcount.md b/docs/wordcount.md
index 601f1de..3f9cb4b 100644
--- a/docs/wordcount.md
+++ b/docs/wordcount.md
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 When the WordCount MapReduce job was run above, the client properties were serialized
 into the MapReduce configuration.  This is insecure if the properties contain sensitive 
 information like passwords. A more secure option is store accumulo-client.properties
-in HDFS and run th job with the `-D` options.  This will configure the MapReduce job
+in HDFS and run the job with the `-D` options.  This will configure the MapReduce job
 to obtain the client properties from HDFS:
     $ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ./conf/accumulo-client.properties /user/myuser/