Update combiner.md documentation

Update documentation for combiner accumulo example to display correct output for "setiter" command.
diff --git a/docs/combiner.md b/docs/combiner.md
index 944ccf6..48dc7e3 100644
--- a/docs/combiner.md
+++ b/docs/combiner.md
@@ -38,13 +38,15 @@
     username@instance> createtable runners
     username@instance runners> setiter -t runners -p 10 -scan -minc -majc -n decStats -class org.apache.accumulo.examples.combiner.StatsCombiner
     Combiner that keeps track of min, max, sum, and count
-    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter all, set to true to apply Combiner to every column, otherwise leave blank. if true, columns option will be ignored.:
+    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter all, set to true to apply Combiner to every column, otherwise leave blank. if true, columns option will be ignored.: 
     ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter columns, <col fam>[:<col qual>]{,<col fam>[:<col qual>]} escape non aplhanum chars using %<hex>.: stat
+    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter reduceOnFullCompactionOnly, If true, only reduce on full major compactions.  Defaults to false. : 
     ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter radix, radix/base of the numbers: 10
     username@instance runners> setiter -t runners -p 11 -scan -minc -majc -n hexStats -class org.apache.accumulo.examples.combiner.StatsCombiner
     Combiner that keeps track of min, max, sum, and count
-    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter all, set to true to apply Combiner to every column, otherwise leave blank. if true, columns option will be ignored.:
-    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter columns, <col fam>[:<col qual>]{,<col fam>[:<col qual>]} escape non aplhanum chars using %<hex>.: hstat
+    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter all, set to true to apply Combiner to every column, otherwise leave blank. if true, columns option will be ignored.: 
+    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter columns, <col fam>[:<col qual>]{,<col fam>[:<col qual>]} escape non-alphanum chars using %<hex>.: hstat
+    ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter reduceOnFullCompactionOnly, If true, only reduce on full major compactions.  Defaults to false. : 
     ----------> set StatsCombiner parameter radix, radix/base of the numbers: 16
     username@instance runners> insert 123456 name first Joe
     username@instance runners> insert 123456 stat marathon 240