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package org.apache.abdera2.common.templates;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.iri.IRI;
public class TemplateManager<T>
implements Iterable<T> {
private final Map<T,Template> templates =
new HashMap<T,Template>();
private final boolean isiri;
private final IRI base;
private final Context contextDefaults;
public TemplateManager(String base) {
this(new IRI(base));
public TemplateManager(IRI base) {
this.isiri = true;
this.base = base;
this.contextDefaults = null;
public TemplateManager() {
this.isiri = true;
this.base = null;
this.contextDefaults = null;
public TemplateManager(String base, boolean iri) {
this(new IRI(base),iri);
public TemplateManager(IRI base, boolean iri) {
this.isiri = iri;
this.base = base;
this.contextDefaults = null;
public TemplateManager(boolean iri) {
this.isiri = iri;
this.base = null;
this.contextDefaults = null;
public TemplateManager(String base, Context defaults) {
this(new IRI(base),defaults);
public TemplateManager(IRI base, Context defaults) {
if (defaults == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.isiri = defaults.isIri();
this.contextDefaults = defaults;
this.base = base;
public TemplateManager(Context defaults) {
public TemplateManager(String base, Object defaults) {
this(new IRI(base),defaults);
public TemplateManager(IRI base, Object defaults) {
public TemplateManager(Object defaults) {
public TemplateManager(Object defaults, boolean isiri) {
public TemplateManager(String base, Object defaults, boolean isiri) {
this(new IRI(base),defaults,isiri);
public TemplateManager(IRI base, Object defaults, boolean isiri) {
public Context getDefaultContext() {
return this.contextDefaults;
public void add(T key, Template template) {
public void add(T key, String template) {
add(key, new Template(template));
public void add(T key, Object template) {
add(key, new Template(template));
public void add(Map<T,Object> templates) {
TemplateManager<T> tm = fromMap(templates);
public String expandAndResolve(T key, Object object, String base) {
IRI iri = expandAndResolve(key,object,new IRI(base));
return iri != null ? iri.toString() : null;
public IRI expandAndResolve(T key, Object object, IRI base) {
String ex = expand(key,object);
return ex != null ?
base == null ?
new IRI(ex) :
base.resolve(ex) :
public IRI expandAndResolve(T key, Object object) {
return expandAndResolve(key,object,base);
public String expandAndResolve(T key, Context context, String base) {
IRI iri = expandAndResolve(key,context,new IRI(base));
return iri != null ? iri.normalize().toString() : null;
public IRI expandAndResolve(T key, Context context, IRI base) {
String ex = expand(key,context);
return ex != null ?
base == null ?
new IRI(ex) :
base.resolve(ex) :
public IRI expandAndResolve(T key, Context context) {
return expandAndResolve(key,context,base);
public String expand(T key, Object object) {
if (!templates.containsKey(key))
return null;
Template template = templates.get(key);
return template.expand(_wrap(_innerContext(object,isiri),contextDefaults));
public String expand(T key) {
if (contextDefaults == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return expand(key,contextDefaults);
public String expand(T key, Context context) {
if (!templates.containsKey(key))
return null;
Template template = templates.get(key);
return template.expand(_wrap(context,contextDefaults));
private static Context _innerContext(Object object, boolean isiri) {
return object instanceof Context ? (Context)object : object instanceof Map
? new MapContext((Map<String,Object>)object, isiri) : new ObjectContext(object, isiri);
private static Context _wrap(Context context, Context contextDefaults) {
return contextDefaults != null ?
new DefaultingContext(context,contextDefaults) : context;
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return templates.keySet().iterator();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result
+ ((contextDefaults == null) ? 0 : contextDefaults.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (isiri ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + ((templates == null) ? 0 : templates.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
TemplateManager other = (TemplateManager) obj;
if (contextDefaults == null) {
if (other.contextDefaults != null)
return false;
} else if (!contextDefaults.equals(other.contextDefaults))
return false;
if (isiri != other.isiri)
return false;
if (templates == null) {
if (other.templates != null)
return false;
} else if (!templates.equals(other.templates))
return false;
return true;
public static <T>TemplateManager<T> fromMap(Map<T,Object> map) {
TemplateManager<T> tm = new TemplateManager<T>();
for (Map.Entry<T, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
return tm;