blob: c68055d5c8a76a6f439c3d7a2138b05f28351afd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
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package org.apache.abdera2.common.templates;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.iri.IRI;
* Constructs a mutable Template Context based on an existing IRI/URI
* Query String. This can be used to construct new IRI's based on an
* existing IRI -- for instance, when needing to construct an IRI that
* contains all of the same querystring parameters as the original
* IRI or when modifying querystring parameter values.
public class QueryContext extends MapContext {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3083469437683051678L;
public QueryContext(IRI iri) {
public QueryContext(String iri) {
super(parse(new IRI(iri)));
public Template getTemplate(boolean fragment, Context additionalParams) {
Context context = this;
if (additionalParams != null)
context = new DefaultingContext(context,additionalParams);
return QueryContext.templateFromContext(context, fragment);
public Template getTemplate(boolean fragment) {
return QueryContext.templateFromContext(this, fragment);
public Template getTemplate() {
return QueryContext.templateFromContext(this, false);
public String expand(boolean fragment) {
return getTemplate(fragment).expand(this);
public String expand() {
return getTemplate(false).expand(this);
public String expand(boolean fragment, Context additionalParams) {
Context context = this;
if (additionalParams != null)
context = new DefaultingContext(context,additionalParams);
return getTemplate(fragment,additionalParams).expand(context);
public String expand(Context additionalParams) {
return expand(false,additionalParams);
private static Map<String,Object> parse(IRI iri) {
Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
if (iri != null) {
String query = iri.getQuery();
if (query != null) {
String[] params = query.split("\\s*&\\s*");
for (String param : params) {
String[] pair = param.split("\\s*=\\s*",2);
return map;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static void setval(Map<String,Object> map, String key, String val) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
Object value = map.get(key);
if (value instanceof Collection) {
} else {
List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>();
map.put(key, l);
} else map.put(key,val);
public static Template templateFromContext(Context context, boolean fragment) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String name : context) {
if (!first) buf.append(',');
else first = false;
Object val = context.resolve(name);
if (val == null)
else if (val instanceof List)
return new Template(buf.toString());
public static Template templateFromQuery(String query, boolean fragment, Context additionalParams) {
Context context = new QueryContext(query);
if (additionalParams != null)
context = new DefaultingContext(context,additionalParams);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(baseFromQuery(query));
return new Template(buf.toString());
public static String baseFromQuery(String query) {
IRI iri = new IRI(query);
String s = iri.resolve(iri.getPath()).toString();
return s.equals(query) ? "" : s;
public static String expandQuery(String query, Context context) {
return expandQuery(query,context,(Template)null);
public static String expandQuery(String query, Context context, String extender) {
return expandQuery(query,context,new Template(extender));
public static String expandQuery(String query, Context context, Template extender) {
QueryContext qc = new QueryContext(query);
DefaultingContext dc = new DefaultingContext(context,qc);
Template temp = QueryContext.templateFromQuery(query, false, qc);
if (extender != null)
temp = temp.extend(extender);
return temp.expand(dc);