blob: 25f871cd5e8c3f1afc990fb54772044ad5010099 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
package org.apache.abdera2.common.protocol;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.text.CharUtils.Profile;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.http.CacheControl;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.http.EntityTag;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.http.Preference;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.http.WebLink;
* The ResponseContext encapsulates a server response
public interface ResponseContext extends Response {
* True if the response contains a binary entity as opposed to a character based entity. Default is false. If true,
* the AbderaServlet will pass in the OutputStream for writing out, if false, the AbderaServlet will pass in the
* Writer.
boolean isBinary();
* True if the response contains a binary entity as opposed to a character based entity. Default is false. If true,
* the AbderaServlet will pass in the OutputStream for writing out, if false, the AbderaServlet will pass in the
* Writer.
<B extends ResponseContext>B setBinary(boolean binary);
* True if the response contains an entity
boolean hasEntity();
* Write the response out to the specified OutputStream
void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException;
* Write the response out to the specified Writer
void writeTo( javaWriter) throws IOException;
* Remove the specified header from the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B removeHeader(String name);
* Set an RFC 2047 encoded header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B setEncodedHeader(String name, String charset, String value);
* Set an RFC 2047 encoded header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B setEncodedHeader(String name, String charset, String... vals);
* Set a pct-encoded header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B setEscapedHeader(String name, Profile profile, String value);
* Set the value of a header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B setHeader(String name, Object value);
* Set the value of a header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B setHeader(String name, Object... vals);
* Add an RFC 2047 encoded header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B addEncodedHeader(String name, String charset, String value);
* Add an RFC 2047 encoded header in the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B addEncodedHeaders(String name, String charset, String... vals);
* Add a header to the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B addHeader(String name, Object value);
* Add a header to the response
<B extends ResponseContext>B addHeaders(String name, Object... vals);
* Set the value of the Age header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setAge(long age);
* Set the value of the Content-Language header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setContentLanguage(String language);
* Set the value of the Content-Length header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setContentLength(long length);
* Set the value of the Content-Location header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setContentLocation(String uri);
* Set the value of the Slug header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setSlug(String slug);
* Set the value of the Content-Type header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setContentType(String type);
* Set the value of the Content-Type header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setContentType(String type, String charset);
* Set the value of the ETag header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setEntityTag(String etag);
* Set the value of the ETag header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setEntityTag(EntityTag etag);
* Set the value of the Expires header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setExpires(Date date);
* Set the value of the Last-Modified header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setLastModified(Date date);
* Set the value of the Location header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setLocation(String uri);
* Set the response status code
<B extends ResponseContext>B setStatus(int status);
* Set the response status text
<B extends ResponseContext>B setStatusText(String text);
* Specify the HTTP methods allowed
<B extends ResponseContext>B setAllow(String method);
* Specify the HTTP methods allowed
<B extends ResponseContext>B setAllow(String... methods);
* Specify the CacheControl header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setCacheControl(CacheControl cc);
* Specify the CacheControl header
<B extends ResponseContext>B setCacheControl(String cc);
<B extends ResponseContext>B setWebLinks(WebLink link, WebLink... links);
<B extends ResponseContext>B setPrefer(Preference pref, Preference... prefs);
<B extends ResponseContext>B setPreferApplied(Preference pref, Preference... prefs);