ZooKeeper Monitor Guide

New Metrics System

The feature:New Metrics System has been available since 3.6.0 which provides the abundant metrics to help users monitor the ZooKeeper on the topic: znode, network, disk, quorum, leader election, client, security, failures, watch/session, requestProcessor, and so forth.


All the metrics are included in the ServerMetrics.java.


  • Running a Prometheus monitoring service is the easiest way to ingest and record ZooKeeper's metrics.

  • Pre-requisites:

    • enable the Prometheus MetricsProvider by setting metricsProvider.className=org.apache.zookeeper.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsProvider in the zoo.cfg.
    • the Port is also configurable by setting metricsProvider.httpPort(the default value:7000)
  • Install Prometheus: Go to the official website download page, download the latest release.

  • Set Prometheus's scraper to target the ZooKeeper cluster endpoints:

    cat > /tmp/test-zk.yaml <<EOF
      scrape_interval: 10s
      - job_name: test-zk
        - targets: ['','','']
    cat /tmp/test-zk.yaml
  • Set up the Prometheus handler:

    nohup /tmp/prometheus \
        --config.file /tmp/test-zk.yaml \
        --web.listen-address ":9090" \
        --storage.tsdb.path "/tmp/test-zk.data" >> /tmp/test-zk.log  2>&1 &
  • Now Prometheus will scrape zk metrics every 10 seconds.


  • Grafana has built-in Prometheus support; just add a Prometheus data source:

    Name:   test-zk
    Type:   Prometheus
    Url:    http://localhost:9090
    Access: proxy
  • Then download and import the default ZooKeeper dashboard template and customize.

  • Users can ask for Grafana dashboard account if having any good improvements by writing a email to dev@zookeeper.apache.org.


InfluxDB is an open source time series data that is often used to store metrics from Zookeeper. You can download the open source version or create a free account on InfluxDB Cloud. In either case, configure the Apache Zookeeper Telegraf plugin to start collecting and storing metrics from your Zookeeper clusters into your InfluxDB instance. There is also an Apache Zookeeper InfluxDB template that includes the Telegraf configurations and a dashboard to get you set up right away.


More details can be found in here

Four letter words

More details can be found in here