ZooKeeper Snapshot and Restore Guide

Zookeeper is designed to withstand machine failures. A Zookeeper cluster can automatically recover from temporary failures such as machine reboot. It can also tolerate up to (N-1)/2 permanent failures for a cluster of N members due to hardware failures or disk corruption, etc. When a member permanently fails, it loses access to the cluster. If the cluster permanently loses more than (N-1)/2 members, it disastrously fails and loses quorum. Once the quorum is lost, the cluster cannot reach consensus and therefore cannot continue to accept updates.

To recover from such disastrous failures, Zookeeper provides snapshot and restore functionalities to restore a cluster from a snapshot.

  1. Snapshot and restore operate on the connected server via Admin Server APIs
  2. Snapshot and restore are rate limited to protect the server from being overloaded
  3. Snapshot and restore require authentication and authorization on the root path with ALL permission. The supported auth schemas are digest, x509 and IP.


Recovering a cluster needs a snapshot from a ZooKeeper cluster. Users can periodically take snapshots from a live server which has the highest zxid and stream out data to a local or external storage/file system (e.g., S3).

# The snapshot command takes snapshot from the server it connects to and rate limited to once every 5 mins by default
curl -H 'Authorization: digest root:root_passwd' http://hostname:adminPort/commands/snapshot?streaming=true --output snapshotFileName


Restoring a cluster needs a single snapshot as input stream. Restore can be used for recovering a cluster for quorum lost or building a brand-new cluster with seed data.

All members should restore using the same snapshot. The following are the recommended steps:

  • Blocking traffic on the client port or client secure port before restore starts
  • Take a snapshot of the latest database state using the snapshot admin server command if applicable
  • For each server
    • Moving the files in dataDir and dataLogDir to different location to prevent the restored database from being overwritten when server restarts after restore
    • Restore the server using restore admin server command
  • Unblocking traffic on the client port or client secure port after restore completes
# The restore command takes a snapshot as input stream and restore the db of the server it connects. It is rate limited to once every 5 mins by default
curl -H 'Content-Type:application/octet-stream' -H 'Authorization: digest root:root_passwd' -POST http://hostname:adminPort/commands/restore --data-binary "@snapshotFileName"