layout: page title: “Writing a new Helium Spell” description: "Spell is a kind of interpreter that runs on browser not on backend. So, technically it's the frontend interpreter. " group: development/helium

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Writing a new Spell

What is Apache Zeppelin Spell

Spell is a kind of interpreter that runs on browser not on backend. So, technically it's the frontend interpreter. It can provide many benefits.

  • Spell is pluggable frontend interpreter. So it can be installed and removed easily using helium registry.
  • Every spell is written in javascript. It means you can use existing javascript libraries whatever you want.
  • Spell runs on browser like display system (%html, %table). In other words, every spell can be used as display system as well.

How it works

Helium Spell works like Helium Visualization.

  • Every helium packages are loaded from central (online) registry or local registry
  • You can see loaded packages in /helium page.
  • When you enable a spell, it's built from server and sent to client
  • Finally it will be loaded into browser.

How to use spell

1. Enabling

Find a spell what you want to use in /helium package and click Enable button.

2. Using

Spell works like an interpreter. Use the MAGIC value to execute spell in a note. (you might need to refresh after enabling) For example, Use %echo for the Echo Spell.

Write a new Spell

Making a new spell is similar to Helium Visualization#write-new-visualization.

  • Add framework dependency called zeppelin-spell into package.json
  • Write code using framework
  • Publish your spell to npm

1. Create a npm package

Create a package.json in new directory for spell.

  • You have to add a framework called zeppelin-spell as a dependency to create spell (zeppelin-spell)
  • Also, you can add any dependencies you want to utilise.

Here's an example

  "name": "zeppelin-echo-spell",
  "description": "Zeppelin Echo Spell (example)",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "index",
  "author": "",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "zeppelin-spell": "*"
  "helium": {
    "icon" : "<i class='fa fa-repeat'></i>",
    "spell": {
      "magic": "%echo",
      "usage": "%echo <TEXT>"

2. Write spell using framework

Here are some examples you can refer

Now, you need to write code to create spell which processing text.

import {
} from 'zeppelin-spell';

export default class EchoSpell extends SpellBase {
    constructor() {
        /** pass magic to super class's constructor parameter */

    interpret(paragraphText) {
        const processed = paragraphText + '!';

         * should return `SpellResult` which including `data` and `type`
         * default type is `TEXT` if you don't specify.  
        return new SpellResult(processed);

Here is another example. Let's say we want to create markdown spell. First of all, we should add a dependency for markdown in package.json

// package.json
 "dependencies": {
    "markdown": "0.5.0",
    "zeppelin-spell": "*"

And here is spell code.

import {
} from 'zeppelin-spell';

import md from 'markdown';

const markdown = md.markdown;

export default class MarkdownSpell extends SpellBase {
    constructor() {

    interpret(paragraphText) {
        const parsed = markdown.toHTML(paragraphText);

         * specify `DefaultDisplayType.HTML` since `parsed` will contain DOM
         * otherwise it will be rendered as `DefaultDisplayType.TEXT` (default)
        return new SpellResult(parsed, DefaultDisplayType.HTML);

3. Create Helium package file for local deployment

You don‘t want to publish your package every time you make a change in your spell. Zeppelin provides local deploy. The only thing you need to do is creating a Helium Package file (JSON) for local deploy. It’s automatically created when you publish to npm repository but in local case, you should make it by yourself.

  "type" : "SPELL",
  "name" : "zeppelin-echo-spell",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description" : "Return just what receive (example)",
  "artifact" : "./zeppelin-examples/zeppelin-example-spell-echo",
  "license" : "Apache-2.0",
  "spell": {
    "magic": "%echo",
    "usage": "%echo <TEXT>"

4. Run in dev mode

cd zeppelin-web
yarn run dev:helium

You can browse localhost:9000. Every time refresh your browser, Zeppelin will rebuild your spell and reload changes.

5. Publish your spell to the npm repository

See Publishing npm packages