ZEPPELIN-4138 Zeppelin Notebooks in vue.js framework

### What is this PR for?
This is the first PR which lays down the framework for Zeppelin Web Implementation using vue.js framework with basic functionality in place.

### What type of PR is it?

### Task Added
* Splitter Layout: Header, Sidebar, Top Menu, Content, Status Bar, Tabbed Layout
* I18n, Event Bus / Command Manager for cross components communication, Keyboard Shortcuts
* Ant Design for UI Components - https://vue.ant.design/
* Basic Notebook List (without foldering and Recycle Bin)
* Notebook Tabbed Layout (per notebook Web Socket connection)
* New Notebook, Clone Notebook, Import Notebook (file upload and drag and drop), Move to Recycle Bin, Clear all outputs, Export JSON
* Paragraph Listing, Remove paragraph

Design Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FCAVgODwYtpXUxtTdB3JVGrVNEqEzpUA6Dcyi6xvpB4/edit

Full Task List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cPI4t0Wqm0JVxjkLPNpah1I9vW-XmEcd9eDYISTV0iw/edit#gid=0

### What is the Jira issue?
* https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN/ZEPPELIN-4138

### How should this be tested?
* Start the zeppelin server
* Go to the zeppelin-web-vue folder
* Run npm install (first time)
* Run npm run serve to run Zeppelin web using vue.js on localhost:8081

### Screenshots (if appropriate)

### Questions:
* Does the licenses files need update? - No
* Is there breaking changes for older versions? - No
* Does this needs documentation? - Not yet

Author: Malay Majithia <malay.majithia@gmail.com>

Closes #3462 from malayhm/ZEPPELIN-4138 and squashes the following commits:

178f821b7 [Malay Majithia] Removed offline test code
f95bee529 [Malay Majithia] Fixed lint error in Editor.vue
233ba18bd [Malay Majithia] removed s
9754567c1 [Malay Majithia] Fixed Studio -> Notebooks
8b022e26e [Malay Majithia] CSS Cleanup
e84789d7c [Malay Majithia] Port numbers through env variables
63319f6cf [Malay Majithia] port changes, added a comment for custom port
59ab0149f [Malay Majithia] Commented Theme selection code
a462c9bf5 [Malay Majithia] Removed Preferences
7561e5961 [Malay Majithia] Code cleanup
43c093a8a [Malay Majithia] Removed mounted
11c79bdf3 [Malay Majithia] Recycle Bin with Flat Tree
426c7a3e4 [Malay Majithia] Renamed Notebook to Note wherever application as per review comment.
b729f4db6 [Malay Majithia] Renamed Zeppelin Studio to Zeppelin Notebook
2d6054453 [Malay Majithia] Removed Note Tree Code and Renamed Notebook to Note in NotebookList.vue
24c2d51be [Malay Majithia] Fixed the typo in Import.vue
78e513fe2 [Malay Majithia] Removed the old code
f40b9a550 [Malay Majithia] Remove paragraph id fix
2e230d130 [Malay Majithia] Clear all output typo fix
d38c65cf7 [Malay Majithia] ZEPPELIN-4138 Zeppelin Notebooks in vue.js framework
72 files changed
tree: 262598869c79cc0070643915142ac293e7abcadf
  1. .github/
  2. _tools/
  3. alluxio/
  4. angular/
  5. beam/
  6. bigquery/
  7. bin/
  8. cassandra/
  9. conf/
  10. dev/
  11. docs/
  12. elasticsearch/
  13. file/
  14. flink/
  15. geode/
  16. groovy/
  17. hazelcastjet/
  18. hbase/
  19. helium-dev/
  20. ignite/
  21. java/
  22. jdbc/
  23. k8s/
  24. kylin/
  25. lens/
  26. licenses/
  27. livy/
  28. markdown/
  29. neo4j/
  30. notebook/
  31. pig/
  32. python/
  33. r/
  34. sap/
  35. scalding/
  36. scio/
  37. scripts/
  38. shell/
  39. spark/
  40. submarine/
  41. testing/
  42. zeppelin-display/
  43. zeppelin-distribution/
  44. zeppelin-examples/
  45. zeppelin-integration/
  46. zeppelin-interpreter/
  47. zeppelin-interpreter-api/
  48. zeppelin-interpreter-integration/
  49. zeppelin-interpreter-parent/
  50. zeppelin-jupyter/
  51. zeppelin-plugins/
  52. zeppelin-server/
  53. zeppelin-web/
  54. zeppelin-web-vue/
  55. zeppelin-zengine/
  56. .appveyor.yml
  57. .gitignore
  58. .travis.yml
  60. NOTICE
  61. pom.xml
  62. README.md
  63. Roadmap.md
  65. STYLE.md
  66. travis_check.py

Apache Zeppelin

Documentation: User Guide
Mailing Lists: User and Dev mailing list
Continuous Integration: Build Status
Contributing: Contribution Guide
Issue Tracker: Jira
License: Apache 2.0

Zeppelin, a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. You can make beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.

Core feature:

  • Web based notebook style editor.
  • Built-in Apache Spark support

To know more about Zeppelin, visit our web site https://zeppelin.apache.org

Getting Started

Install binary package

Please go to install to install Apache Zeppelin from binary package.

Build from source

Please check Build from source to build Zeppelin from source.