Zeppelin documentation

This readme will walk you through building the Zeppelin documentation, which is included here with the Zeppelin source code.

Build documentation

See https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages#installing-jekyll

tl;dr version:

    ruby --version >= 1.9.3
    gem install bundler
    # go to /docs under your Zeppelin source
    bundle install

On OS X 10.9 you may need to do “xcode-select --install”

Run website

bundle exec jekyll serve --watch

Adding a new page

rake page name="new-page.md"

Bumping up version in a new release

  • ZEPPELIN_VERSION and BASE_PATH property in _config.yml

Deploy to ASF svnpubsub infra (for committers only)

  1. generate static website in ./_site

    # go to /docs under Zeppelin source
    bundle exec jekyll build --safe
  2. checkout ASF repo

    svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/zeppelin asf-zeppelin
  3. copy zeppelin/docs/_site to asf-zeppelin/site/docs/[VERSION]

  4. svn commit