[ZEPPELIN-5022]. InterpreterSetting's status is not saved after downloading dependencies

### What is this PR for?

Straightforward PR which just save interpreter setting file when dependencies downloading are completed.

### What type of PR is it?
[Bug Fix ]

### Todos
* [ ] - Task

### What is the Jira issue?
* https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-5022

### How should this be tested?
* Manually tested

### Screenshots (if appropriate)

### Questions:
* Does the licenses files need update? No
* Is there breaking changes for older versions? No
* Does this needs documentation? No

Author: Jeff Zhang <zjffdu@apache.org>

Closes #3893 from zjffdu/ZEPPELIN-5022 and squashes the following commits:

cb4761d5c [Jeff Zhang] [ZEPPELIN-5022]. InterpreterSetting's status is not saved after downloading dependencies
1 file changed
tree: 70e5fb156c85f806c17c0fd88e9e9a9e448455cf
  1. .github/
  2. _tools/
  3. alluxio/
  4. angular/
  5. beam/
  6. bigquery/
  7. bin/
  8. cassandra/
  9. conf/
  10. dev/
  11. docs/
  12. elasticsearch/
  13. file/
  14. flink/
  15. geode/
  16. groovy/
  17. hazelcastjet/
  18. hbase/
  19. helium-dev/
  20. ignite/
  21. influxdb/
  22. java/
  23. jdbc/
  24. k8s/
  25. kotlin/
  26. ksql/
  27. kylin/
  28. lens/
  29. licenses/
  30. livy/
  31. markdown/
  32. mongodb/
  33. neo4j/
  34. notebook/
  35. pig/
  36. python/
  37. r/
  38. rlang/
  39. sap/
  40. scalding/
  41. scio/
  42. scripts/
  43. shell/
  44. spark/
  45. sparql/
  46. submarine/
  47. testing/
  48. zeppelin-display/
  49. zeppelin-distribution/
  50. zeppelin-examples/
  51. zeppelin-integration/
  52. zeppelin-interpreter/
  53. zeppelin-interpreter-integration/
  54. zeppelin-interpreter-parent/
  55. zeppelin-interpreter-shaded/
  56. zeppelin-jupyter/
  57. zeppelin-jupyter-interpreter/
  58. zeppelin-jupyter-interpreter-shaded/
  59. zeppelin-plugins/
  60. zeppelin-server/
  61. zeppelin-web/
  62. zeppelin-web-angular/
  63. zeppelin-zengine/
  64. .appveyor.yml
  65. .asf.yaml
  66. .gitignore
  67. .travis.yml
  68. Dockerfile
  70. NOTICE
  71. pom.xml
  72. README.md
  73. Roadmap.md
  75. STYLE.md
  76. travis_check.py

Apache Zeppelin

Documentation: User Guide
Mailing Lists: User and Dev mailing list
Continuous Integration: Build Status
Contributing: Contribution Guide
Issue Tracker: Jira
License: Apache 2.0

Zeppelin, a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. You can make beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more.

Core feature:

  • Web based notebook style editor.
  • Built-in Apache Spark support

To know more about Zeppelin, visit our web site https://zeppelin.apache.org

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