layout: page title: “Publish your Paragraph” description: "" group: manual

{% include JB/setup %}

How can you publish your paragraph ?

Apache Zeppelin provides a feature for publishing your notebook paragraph results. Using this feature, you can show Zeppelin notebook paragraph results in your own website. It's very straightforward. Just use <iframe> tag in your page.

Copy a Paragraph Link

A first step to publish your paragraph result is Copy a Paragraph Link.

  • After running a paragraph in your Zeppelin notebook, click a gear button located on the right side. Then, click Link this Paragraph menu like below image.
  • Just copy the provided link.

Embed the Paragraph to Your Website

For publishing the copied paragraph, you may use <iframe> tag in your website page. For example,

<iframe src="http://< ip-address >:< port >/#/notebook/2B3QSZTKR/paragraph/...?asIframe" height="" width="" ></iframe>

Finally, you can show off your beautiful visualization results in your website.

Note: To embed the paragraph in a website, Apache Zeppelin needs to be reachable by that website. And please use this feature with caution and in a trusted environment only, as Zeppelin entire Webapp could be accessible by whoever visits your website.