layout: page title: “Quick Start” description: “This page will help you get started and will guide you through installing Apache Zeppelin and running it in the command line.” group: install

{% include JB/setup %}

Quick Start

Welcome to Apache Zeppelin! On this page are instructions to help you get started.


Apache Zeppelin officially supports and is tested on the following environments:

Downloading Binary Package

Two binary packages are available on the Apache Zeppelin Download Page. Only difference between these two binaries is interpreters are included in the package file.

  • Package with all interpreters.

    Just unpack it in a directory of your choice and you're ready to go.

  • Package with net-install interpreters.

    Unpack and follow install additional interpreters to install interpreters. If you're unsure, just run ./bin/ --all and install all interpreters.

Starting Apache Zeppelin

Starting Apache Zeppelin from the Command Line

On all unix like platforms:

bin/ start

If you are on Windows:


After Zeppelin has started successfully, go to http://localhost:8080 with your web browser.

Stopping Zeppelin

bin/ stop

Start Apache Zeppelin with a service manager

Note : The below description was written based on Ubuntu Linux.

Apache Zeppelin can be auto-started as a service with an init script, using a service manager like upstart.

This is an example upstart script saved as /etc/init/zeppelin.conf This allows the service to be managed with commands such as

sudo service zeppelin start  
sudo service zeppelin stop  
sudo service zeppelin restart

Other service managers could use a similar approach with the upstart argument passed to the script.

bin/ upstart


description "zeppelin"

start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)
stop on shutdown

# Respawn the process on unexpected termination

# respawn the job up to 7 times within a 5 second period.
# If the job exceeds these values, it will be stopped and marked as failed.
respawn limit 7 5

# zeppelin was installed in /usr/share/zeppelin in this example
chdir /usr/share/zeppelin
exec bin/ upstart

Next Steps

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Apache Zeppelin! Here are few steps you might find useful:

New to Apache Zeppelin...

Zeppelin with Apache Spark ...

Zeppelin with JDBC data sources ...

  • Check JDBC Interpreter to know more about configure and uses multiple JDBC data sources.

Zeppelin with Python ...

  • Check Python interpreter to know more about Matplotlib, Pandas, Conda/Docker environment integration.

Multi-user environment ...

Other useful informations ...

Building Apache Zeppelin from Source

If you want to build from source instead of using binary package, follow the instructions here.