layout: page title: “R Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin” description: “R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.” group: interpreter

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R Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin


R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

To run R code and visualize plots in Apache Zeppelin, you will need R on your zeppelin server node (or your dev laptop).

  • For Centos: yum install R R-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel
  • For Ubuntu: apt-get install r-base

Validate your installation with a simple R command:

R -e "print(1+1)"

To enjoy plots, install additional libraries with:

  • devtools with

    R -e "install.packages('devtools', repos = '')"
  • knitr with

    R -e "install.packages('knitr', repos = '')"
  • ggplot2 with

    R -e "install.packages('ggplot2', repos = '')"
  • Other visualization libraries:

    R -e "install.packages(c('devtools','mplot', 'googleVis'), repos = ''); 
    require(devtools); install_github('ramnathv/rCharts')"

We recommend you to also install the following optional R libraries for happy data analytics:

  • glmnet
  • pROC
  • data.table
  • caret
  • sqldf
  • wordcloud

Supported Interpreters

Zeppelin supports R language in 3 interpreters

If you want to use R with Spark, it is almost the same via %spark.r, & %spark.shiny . You can refer Spark interpreter docs for more details.


Play R in Zeppelin docker

For beginner, we would suggest you to play R in Zeppelin docker first. In the Zeppelin docker image, we have already installed R and lots of useful R libraries including IRKernel's prerequisites, so is available.

Without any extra configuration, you can run most of tutorial notes under folder R Tutorial directly.

docker run -u $(id -u) -p 8080:8080 -p:6789:6789 --rm --name zeppelin apache/zeppelin:0.10.0

After running the above command, you can open http://localhost:8080 to play R in Zeppelin. The port 6789 exposed in the above command is for R shiny app. You need to make the following 2 interpreter properties to enable shiny app accessible as iframe in Zeppelin docker container.

  • zeppelin.R.shiny.portRange to be 6789:6789

Interpreter binding mode

The default interpreter binding mode is globally shared. That means all notes share the same R interpreter. So we would recommend you to ues isolated per note which means each note has own R interpreter without affecting each other. But it may run out of your machine resource if too many R interpreters are created. You can run R in yarn mode to avoid this problem.

How to use R Interpreter

There are two different implementations of R interpreters: %r.r and

  • Vanilla R Interpreter(%r.r) behaves like an ordinary REPL and use SparkR to communicate between R process and JVM process. It requires knitr to be installed.
  • IRKernel R Interpreter( behaves like using IRKernel in Jupyter notebook. It is based on jupyter interpreter. Besides jupyter interpreter's prerequisites, IRkernel needs to be installed as well.

Take a look at the tutorial note R Tutorial/1. R Basics for how to write R code in Zeppelin.

R basic expressions

R basic expressions are supported in both %r.r and

R base plotting

R base plotting is supported in both %r.r and

Other plotting

Besides R base plotting, you can use other visualization libraries in both %r.r and, e.g. ggplot and googleVis is only available in to visualize R dataframe, e.g.

By default, would only display 1000 rows, you can specify the maxRows via, maxRows=2000)

Make Shiny App in Zeppelin

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications (apps) straight from R. %r.shiny is used for developing R shiny app in Zeppelin notebook. It only works when IRKernel Interpreter( is enabled. For developing one Shiny App in Zeppelin, you need to write at least 3 paragraphs (server type paragraph, ui type paragraph and run type paragraph)

  • Server type R shiny paragraph

%r.shiny(type=server) # Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ---- server <- function(input, output) { # Return the requested dataset ---- datasetInput <- reactive({ switch(input$dataset, "rock" = rock, "pressure" = pressure, "cars" = cars) }) # Generate a summary of the dataset ---- output$summary <- renderPrint({ dataset <- datasetInput() summary(dataset) }) # Show the first "n" observations ---- output$view <- renderTable({ head(datasetInput(), n = input$obs) }) }
  • UI type R shiny paragraph

# Define UI for dataset viewer app ----
ui <- fluidPage(

    # App title ----
    titlePanel("Shiny Text"),
    # Sidebar layout with a input and output definitions ----

        # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
        # Input: Selector for choosing dataset ----
        selectInput(inputId = "dataset",
        label = "Choose a dataset:",
        choices = c("rock", "pressure", "cars")),
        # Input: Numeric entry for number of obs to view ----
        numericInput(inputId = "obs",
        label = "Number of observations to view:",
        value = 10)

        # Main panel for displaying outputs ----
        # Output: Verbatim text for data summary ----
        # Output: HTML table with requested number of observations ----
  • Run type R shiny paragraph


After executing the run type R shiny paragraph, the shiny app will be launched and embedded as iframe in paragraph. Take a look at the tutorial note R Tutorial/2. Shiny App for how to develop R shiny app.

Run multiple shiny apps

If you want to run multiple shiny apps, you can specify app in paragraph local property to differentiate different shiny apps.


%r.shiny(type=ui, app=app_1)
%r.shiny(type=server, app=app_1)
%r.shiny(type=run, app=app_1)

Run R in yarn cluster

Zeppelin support to run interpreter in yarn cluster. But there's one critical problem to run R in yarn cluster: how to manage the R environment in yarn container. Because yarn cluster is a distributed cluster which is composed of many nodes, and your R interpreter can start in any node. It is not practical to manage R environment in each node.

So in order to run R in yarn cluster, we would suggest you to use conda to manage your R environment, and Zeppelin can ship your R conda environment to yarn container, so that each R interpreter can have its own R environment without affecting each other.

To be noticed, you can only run IRKernel interpreter( in yarn cluster. So make sure you include at least the following prerequisites in the below conda env:

  • python
  • jupyter
  • grpcio
  • protobuf
  • r-base
  • r-essentials
  • r-irkernel

python, jupyter, grpcio and protobuf are required for jupyter interpreter, because IRKernel interpreter is based on jupyter interpreter. Others are for R runtime.

Following are instructions of how to run R in yarn cluster. You can find all the code in the tutorial note R Tutorial/3. R Conda Env in Yarn Mode.

Step 1

We would suggest you to use conda pack to create archive of conda environment.

Here's one example of yaml file which is used to generate a conda environment with R and some useful R libraries.

  • Create a yaml file for conda environment, write the following content into file r_env.yml
name: r_env
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.7 
  - jupyter
  - grpcio
  - protobuf
  - r-base=3
  - r-essentials
  - r-evaluate
  - r-base64enc
  - r-knitr
  - r-ggplot2
  - r-irkernel
  - r-shiny
  - r-googlevis
  • Create conda environment via this yaml file using either conda or mamba

conda env create -f r_env.yml

mamba env create -f r_env.yml
  • Pack the conda environment using conda

conda pack -n r_env

Step 2

Specify the following properties to enable yarn mode for R interpreter via inline configuration


zeppelin.interpreter.launcher yarn
zeppelin.yarn.dist.archives hdfs:///tmp/r_env.tar.gz#environment environment

zeppelin.yarn.dist.archives is the R conda environment tar file which is created in step 1. This tar will be shipped to yarn container and untar in the working directory of yarn container. hdfs:///tmp/r_env.tar.gz is the R conda archive file you created in step 2. environment in hdfs:///tmp/r_env.tar.gz#environment is the folder name after untar. This folder name should be the same as

Step 3

Now you can use run R interpreter in yarn container and also use any R libraries you specify in step 1.