YuniKorn Release Procedure

This project provides the instructions and tools needed to generate Apache YuniKorn (Incubating) release artefacts. This obeys ASF release policy, and Podling Release Policy.

Create a Release

  1. Create a release branch for the target release in all git repos, such as branch-0.8
  2. Stabilize the release branch
  3. Create a tag and prepare to generate release candidate, e.g v0.8.0
  4. Configure tools/release-configs.json
  5. Run script tools/ to generate source code tarball

Tag and update release for version

A release needs to be tagged in git before proceeding. This triggers required updates in the go mod files for the branch. As an example check YUNIKORN-358.

The tagging is multi step process, all actions are done on the branch that will be released, like branch-0.8:

  1. Tag the web and scheduler interface with the release tag.
  2. Update the go.mod file in the core using go get
    Add the tag and commit the changes.
  3. Update the go.mod file in the shim using go get and
    go get Add the tag and commit the changes.

Sign a release

If you haven't signed any releases before, read the documentation to generate signing key Follow the steps below to add the key.

Generate a Key

Generate a new PGP key (skip this step if you already have a key):

gpg --gen-key

And fill out the requested information using your full name and Apache email address.

Upload the exported key to a public key server like

gpg --export --armor <email address>

Upload the fingerprint to apache server:

gpg --fingerprint <email address>

Add the signature to the project KEYS file

Only needed if this is the first release signed with the specific key. More detail can be found in the document: Signing a Release

(gpg --list-sigs <email address> && gpg --armor --export <email address>) >> MY_KEY

Add the content of the generated file to the existing KEYS list at Never remove a key from this list!

NOTE: you will need to install subversion to access this repo (use your apache ID). You can use any SVN client, e.g svnX, for convenience.

Create Signature and Checksum

# gpg signature
gpg --local-user <email address> --armor --output apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz

# checksum
shasum -a 512 apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512

This will create the signature in the file: apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc And the checksum in the file: apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512

Verify a Signature

gpg --verify apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc apache-yunikorn-0.8.0-incubating-src.tar.gz

Upload Release Artefacts

The release artefacts consist of three parts:

  • source tarball
  • signature file
  • checksum file The three artefacts need to be uploaded to:

Create a release directory based on the version, i.e. 0.8.0, add the three files to directory. Commit the changes.

If you have not done so already make sure to add your signature to the KEYS file.

NOTE: you will need to install subversion to access this repo (use your apache ID). You can use any SVN client, e.g svnX, for convenience.

Start Voting Thread

According to podling release doc and release approval doc. Steps are:

  • start a voting thread on (72 hours)
  • send a summary of that vote to the Incubator’s general list and request IPMC to vote. (72 hours) Both voting need to acquire at least three +1 votes are required and more +1 votes than -1 votes.

Publish the Release

Once the voting is passed, move the release artefacts to Once moved to this space, the content will be automatically synced to which can be used as the final location for release files. Read more for location of files on main server.

Publish an announcement blog to, update the web-site with corresponding release notes, download links.

Release Helm Charts

After the voting passed and the RC is accepted, release the helm chart

  • Create a release branch for the target release in this release repo
  • Package the charts:
helm package --sign --key ${your_key_name} --keyring ${path/to/keyring.secret} helm-charts/yunikorn --destination .

Fore more information please check Helm documentation

  • upload the packaged chart to the release in this repository
  • update the index.yaml file in the gh-pages branch with the new release