tree: b08b59e388b92650e966731bb69f6aa6244407c3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. admission-controller-tests/
  2. gang/
  3. namespace/
  4. nginx/
  5. predicates/
  6. sleep/
  7. spark/
  8. tfjob/
  9. volume/


Explore sample yaml files under this package to submit applications and get them scheduled by yunikorn.


A simple one pod deployment of a nginx image.


Several examples for affinity and anti affinity:


Two sample deployments using sleep jobs:

  • simple sleep launches 3 pods, each pod sleeps 30 seconds.
  • batch sleep launch a job with 50 pods, each pod sleeps 300 seconds.


A sample application using Apache Spark.

Submit a spark job with the script, for full details see the user guide in the yunikorn-core.

Deployment files for the driver and executor:

Tensorflow job

A simple example that runs a kubeflow/tensorflow job. In this example it will run a distributed mnist model for e2e test, for full more detail see the dist-mnist section.


A sample application which implement gang in application level. Start via the script, for full more detail see the gang section.

Deployment file for gang-coordinator and gang-job:


The volumes directory contains three examples:

  1. local volumes
  2. NFS volume
  3. EBS volumes

All examples will generate an unending stream of data in a file called dates.txt on the mounted volume. Run times should be limited or the disk usage must be monitored for longer runs.

local volume

NFS volume

  1. start a NFS server which exports a local directory from the server instance nfs-server.yaml.
  2. get the IP address of the NFS server pod via
    kubectl get services | grep nfs-server | awk '{print $3}'
    Use the cluster IP address returned to update the client pod yaml for the next step.
  3. replace nfs server the IP address in the pod-nfs.yaml with the one retrieved above.
  4. create the client pod that uses the exported nfs volume.

NOTE: The NFS server will not work on a Docker Desktop in a Mac OS-X environment. Even with kubernetes turned on. The image used by Docker Desktop does not support the kernel NFS driver used by the server. Use minikube as a workaround and follow the environment setup to add it to Docker Desktop.

EBS volume

EBS volumes cannot be used outside of AWS. Therefor you must have an EKS cluster on AWS. Pre-requisites and installation that is not described in this document:

Three example cases:

  • bind an existing volume into the pod directly using the volume ID: pod-ebs-direct.yaml. pre-requisite: create an EBS volume and retrieve the ID.
  • bind an existing volume into the pod using a PV and PVC: pod-ebs-exist.yaml. pre-requisite: add the PV on top of an existing EBS volume ebs-pv.yaml.
  • create a new volume using dynamic provisioning via the storage class: pod-ebs-dynamic.yaml. pre-requisite: add the storage class: storage-class.yaml. the cluster must also have --enable-admission-plugins DefaultStorageClass set. see Dynamic Volume Provisioning in the kubernetes docs.

NOTE: dynamic provisioning can interfere with the existing volume examples given.


The namespace example uses a placement rule and special queue configuration. The pods are a simple sleep pod which will be scheduled based on the namespace it runs in. The pod specification does not have a queue set.

  • create the configmap as explained in the user guide using the local queues.yaml file not the standard one.
  • add the namespaces development and production using namespaces.yaml file: kubectl create -f namespaces.yaml
  • run the sleep pod in the development namespace which gets added to the development queue using the local sleeppod_dev.yaml: kubectl create -f sleeppod_dev.yaml. The pod spec does not specify a queue just a namespace but the application will be run in the root.development queue.
  • run the sleep pod in the production namespace which creates a new production queue using the local sleeppod_prod.yaml: kubectl create -f namespaces.yaml. The pod spec does not specify a queue just a namespace but the application will be run in the newly created root.production queue. This queue does not exist in the queue configuration.