Deployment examples


Deploys scheduler-core + scheduler-web

  • Scheduler pod runs 2 containers, 1 for scheduler-core, 1 for scheduler-web
  • Configuration loaded from config map
  • UI port is 9889

Deployment: scheduler.yaml

Scheduler configuration

This deployment contains a minimal queue configuration for YuniKorn.

Deployment: yunikorn-configs.yaml

RBAC (Scheduler)

A new deployment file was added with this version. The deployment documentation was updated to create RBAC for the scheduler. The RBAC requirement is not linked to a specific version of YuniKorn but depends on the kubernetes version used.

Deployment: yunikorn-rbac.yaml

Load Balancer

Deploys scheduler-core + scheduler-web

  • Scheduler pod runs 2 containers, 1 for scheduler-core, 1 for scheduler-web
  • Configuration loaded from config map
  • UI port is 9889
  • A load balancer that helps to expose web UI link directly on K8s

Deployment: scheduler-load.yaml

Admission Controller

Deploys an admission controller which will modify newly created pods to force them to be scheduled by YuniKorn. This allows YuniKorn to take over the scheduling duties of the cluster without replacing the default scheduler explicitly.