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<h1 id="apache-yetus--0120-release-notes">Apache Yetus 0.12.0 Release Notes</h1>
<p>These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements.</p>
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<td><a href="">YETUS-915</a></td>
<td><strong>Update GitHub vote emojis for usability by color blind folks</strong></td>
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<p>When configured to use emoji for plugin votes when posting feedback to GitHub, Yetus now ensures that those emojis have different shapes to designate meaning instead of just color differences.</p>
<p>This change should allow users who have color-blindness to differentiate between meanings while scanning the result column.</p>
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<td><a href="">YETUS-919</a></td>
<td><strong>Support extra Docker build-args</strong></td>
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<p>Adds a function <code>add_docker_build_arg</code> taking a key or key and value to export to the Docker build via <code>--build-arg</code></p>
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<td><a href="">YETUS-936</a></td>
<td><strong> does not do gradle</strong></td>
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<p>Gradle support has been modified to support modern gradle layouts. As such, this is an incompatible change for gradle. Bootstrapping gradle is no longer supported; gradlew is expected to be there. Patches that wish to upgrade gradle are now expected to just be a patch against the gradle components in the repo.</p>
<li>checkstyle should now work</li>
<li>$HOME/.gradle is no longer imported into docker containers to prevent cache corruption</li>
<li>a new <plugin>_postcleanup has been added. In the case of gradle, this now shuts down the gradle daemon</plugin></li>
<li>two new core routines have been added (escape_html/unescape_html) to cover some basic HTML entity resolution. These are not exhaustive but cover the most common ones seen.</li>
<li>GRADLE_ARGS is now GRADLEW_ARGS to match the functionality change.</li>
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<td><a href="">YETUS-943</a></td>
<td><strong>Test patch fails to extract version information from a JDK11 jvm</strong></td>
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<p>This patch alters <code>report_jvm_version</code> to extract JVM vendor and version information from Java system properties. It now returns a string that is the concatenation of verdor and runtime versions.</p>
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<td><a href="">YETUS-955</a></td>
<td><strong>Update many of the binaries in Dockerfile</strong></td>
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<p>Many of the versions of tools in the bundled Dockerfile have been upgraded. Note that the configuration for those binaries may or may not be backward compatible.</p>
<p>Also, the default the 'pylint' binary in the bundled Dockerfile has been switched to pylint3 to reflect that cpython version 2 is no longer supported upstream. Setting <code>--pylint=pylint2</code> on the test-patch command line will use the older version of pylint, similar to previous releases.</p>