Yetus Precommit

The Yetus Precommit Patch Tester allows projects to codify their patch acceptance criteria and then evaluate incoming contributions prior to review by a committer.

  • Take a quick look at our glossary of terms to ensure you are familiar with the ASF and Maven jargon we'll use as terminology specific to this project.
  • For an overview of Yetus' philosophy on testing contributions and how evaluation is performed, see our overview.
  • To get started on your project, including an explanation of what we‘ll expect in a runtime environment and what optional utilities we’ll leverage, read through the basic usage guide.
  • Customize how precommit interacts with your project by choosing amongst build systems, bug systems and test formats.
  • Empower the test environment using Docker.
  • If your project has advanced requirements such as module relationships not expressed in Maven, special profiles, or a need on os-specific prerequisites not managed by Maven then you'll need to use our advanced usage guide.

For a complete guide to the Precommit API, see the generated API documentation.

For help with CI tools and automation, see our documentation about robots.

Yetus Release Doc Maker

The Release Documentation Maker allows projects to generate nicely formated Markdown Changelogs and Release Notes based upon JIRA. You can view that documenation here. See also the yetus-maven-plugin for Apache Maven-specific information.

Yetus Shelldocs

Shelldocs provides generation of html formatted api documentation based on comments on Bash functions. Currently supports documenting API status (public / private) as well as parameters and return values.

See the shelldocs cli help for more information on usage.

$ ./shelldocs/ --help
Usage: --skipprnorep --output OUTFILE --input INFILE [--input INFILE ...]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE
                        file to create
  -i INFILE, --input=INFILE
                        file to read
  --skipprnorep         Skip Private & Not Replaceable

You can mark a file to be ignored by shelldocs by adding “SHELLDOC-IGNORE” as a comment in its own line.


Many Apache Yetus functions are available directly from Apache Maven and compatible build systems, without the need to use annoying wrappers! The yetus-maven-plugin documentation provides all the key details.

Javadocs: Yetus Audience Annotations and more

Audience Annotations allows you to use Java Annotations to denote which parts of your Java library is publicly consumable and which parts are reserved for a more restricted use. It also provides doclets and examples for generating javadocs limited by audience. You can refer the user documentation here.

All javadocs (including audience annotations) are located here.