Yetus Maven Plug-in


Apache Yetus a plug-in built for Apache Maven and compatible build tools. This plug-in offers an easy way to integrate some of Apache Yetus' functionality in addition to offering a way to get some additional functionality that is missing from the base Maven environment.

NOTE: This functionality should be considered experimental. Defaults, in particular, are likely to change in future revisions.

File Utility Goals

As part of building Apache Yetus, we needed some portable functionality that we couldn‘t find elsewhere. Just so others don’t have to re-invent the wheel, we offer these goals as part of the plug-in:


Apache Yetus builds wrappers in bin/ that point to executables in lib/. This goal provides a way to do this generically, including providing the capability to put a license file in the wrapper.


This example will take all the files located in ${}/dist/lib/shelldocs/ and create wrappers in ${}/dist/bin with any extensions stripped off. If the ${}/dist/lib/shelldocs/ contains the file, then the bin/shelldocs wrapper will look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE-0}")/../lib/shelldocs/" "$@"

The wrapper as written above makes sure that nearly all forms of referencing (relative, absolute, bash -x, etc.) locates the real executable, passing along any options.

basedirparent dir of bindir and lib to create relative paths${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}
bindirwhere to create wrapperbin
encodingencoding to use when reading license files${}
goalthe goal to use when creating the wrapperspackage
libwhere the actual executable is locatedlib
licensethe license to put into the wrapper. See below.ASL20
wrapperthe bash wrapper to actually useexec "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE-0}")/../"


The license field translates to licenses/NAME.txt as the name of the file to load from the CLASSPATH. The ASL20 license is the Apache Software License v2.0.

If no license is wanted, then set license to the string none.


Since Java 7, there has been a portable way to build symlinks. Unfortunately, standard plug-ins like the maven-antrun-plugin have not been updated to include the symlink task. The yetus-maven-plugin now exposes this functionality via the symlink goal:


Available configuration options:

basedirwhere to create the symlink, if newLink is not absolute${}
goalthe goal to use when to create the symlinkpackage
ignoreExista boolean that determines whether the goal should fail if the newLink already exists.true.
targetthe file or directory to link tonone
newLinkthe symlink to createnone


Maven surefire (as of at least 2.x and earlier versions) has calculations to determine the number of tests to run in parallel. However, the result is not shared in a way that allows creating directory structures before execution. For specific build flows, this is problematic.


Available configuration options:

buildDirwhere to create the directories${}/test-dir
forkCountthe number of directories to createsee blow
goalthe goal to use to create the directoriesgenerate-test-resources

By default, forkCount is inherited from surefire and therefore follows the same rules as described in its documentation. Of special note is that ‘C’ (aka core) values are honored.


This goal runs releasedocmaker without the need to download or build an Apache Yetus tarball. Instead, yetus-maven-plugin contains all the necessary components in a native maven way!


The configuration options generally map 1:1 to the releasedocmaker executable's options. Unless otherwise specified, defaults are set by the actual executable.

dirversionsboolean; same as --dirversionsfalse
fileversionsboolean; same as --fileversionsfalse
indexboolean; --indexfalse
licenseboolean; --licensefalse
lintFiltersArrayList; --lint
projectsArrayList; --projects${}
rangeboolean; --rangefalse
retriesinteger; --retries
skipcreditsboolean; --skipcreditsfalse
versionsArrayList; --versions${project.version}


Similar to the releasedocmaker goal, the shelldocs goal runs the Apache Yetus shelldocs utility against a given set of input files or directories and generates a single output MultiMarkdown file:


The configuration options generally map 1:1 to the shelldocs executable's options. Unless otherwise specified, defaults are set by the actual executable.

lintboolean; --lintfalse
inputsArrayList; --input ...*sh files located in${project.basedir}/src/main/shell