

Some projects have complex shell functions that act as APIs. shelldocs provides an annotation system similar to JavaDoc. It allows a developer to autogenerate MultiMarkdown documentation files as input to other processing systems.


  • Python 2.7

Function Annotations

shelldocs works by doing simple parsing of shell scripts. As such, it looks for code that matches this pattern:

## @annotation
function functioname() {

This is Korn shell syntax that other shell languages (such as bash) will correctly interpret as a function.

Note that the comment has two hash (‘#’) marks. The content of the comment is key. This is what shelldocs will turn into documentation. The following annotations are supported:

AnnotationRequiredDescriptionAcceptable ValuesDefault
@descriptionNoWhat this function does, intended purpose, etc.textNone
@audienceYesWho should use this function?public, private,None
@stabilityYesIs this function going to change?stable, evolvingNone
@replaceableNoIs this function safely ‘monkeypatched’?yes or noNo
@paramNoA single parameterA single keyword. e.g., ‘seconds’ to specify that this function requires a time in secondsNone
@returnNoWhat does this function return?textNothing

Audience / Stability

This values are the shell equivalents to the Java versions present in Apache Yetus Audience Annotations.

Multiple Parameters

Each parameter requires it's own @param line and they must be listed in order.

Return Values

It is recommended that multiple @return entries should be used when multiple values are possible. For example:

## @return 0 - success
## @return 1 - failure

Code Example

## @description This is an example
## @description of what one can do.
## @audience public
## @stability stable
## @param integer
## @param integer
## @return sum
function add_two_numbers() {
  return (($1 + $2))

Basic Usage

The shelldocs executable requires at least one input file and either an output file or to run in lint mode. Lint mode is covered below.

$ shelldocs --output --input myshelldirectory

This will process all of the files in myshelldirectory that end in sh and generate an output file called This file will contain a table of contents of all of the functions arranged by audience, stability, and replace-ability.

Skipping Files

When processing directories, it may be desirable to avoid certain files. This may be done by including a comment in the file:


This comment tells shelldocs that this file should not be processed.

Avoiding Private or Non-Replaceable Functions

Some functions are not meant to be used by 3rd parties or cannot be easily replaced. These functions may be omitted from the documentation by using the --skipprnorep flag:

$ shelldocs --skipprnorep --input directory --output

Lint Mode

In order to ensure minimal documentation, shelldocs has a --lint mode that will point out functions that are missing required annotations:

$ shelldocs --input directory --lint

This will process directory and inform the user of any such problems.