Bug System Support

test-patch has the ability to support multiple bug systems. Bug tools have some extra hooks to fetch patches, line-level reporting, and posting a final report. Every bug system plug-in must have one line in order to be recognized:

add_bugsystem <pluginname>
  • pluginname_locate_patch

    • Given input from the user, download the patch if possible.
  • pluginname_determine_branch

    • Using any heuristics available, return the branch to process, if possible.
  • pluginname_determine_issue

    • Using any heuristics available, set the issue, bug number, etc, for this bug system, if possible. This is typically used to fill in supplementary information in the final output table.
  • pluginname_write_comment

    • Given text input, write this output to the bug system as a comment. NOTE: It is the bug system's responsibility to format appropriately.
  • pluginname_linecomments

    • This function allows for the system to write specific comments on specific lines if the bug system supports code review comments.
  • pluginname_finalreport

    • Write the final result table to the bug system.

Bugzilla Specific

Currently, Bugzilla support is read-only. To use it, the Bug ID must be preferenced with ‘BZ:’. For example:

$ test-patch (other options) BZ:4

... will pull down Bugzilla ID #4.

Using the --bugzilla-base-url on the command line or BUGZILLA_BASE_URL in a project's personality will define the location of the Bugzilla instance. By default, it is https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla .

GitHub Specific

GitHub supports the full range of functionality, including putting comments on individual lines. Be aware, however, that test-patch will (generally) require that GitHub PRs be fully squashed and rebased (i.e., a single commit) in many circumstances.

By default, the GitHub plug-in assumes that https://github.com is the base URL for GitHub. Enterprise users may override this with the --github-base-url for the normal web user interface and --github-api-url for the API URL. Personalities may use GITHUB_API_URL and GITHUB_BASE_URL.

The specific repository on GitHub is defined with either --github-repo on the command line or GITHUB_REPO in a personality. It should take the form of “user/repo”.

In order to comment on issues or, depending upon the security setup of the repo, authentication credentials. The GitHub plug-in supports authentication via user name/passphrase or token.

The user name is provided via the --github-user option or the GITHUB_USER environment variable. The default value for GITHUB_USER is the value of --project suffixed with QA. For example, --project=yetus will set GITHUB_USER=yetusqa.

The password or OAuth token is provided via the --github-password or GITHUB_PASSWD environment variable.

Both username and password options must be provided.

GitHub pull requests may be directly processed on the command line in two ways:

  • GH:(PR number)
  • GHSHA:(PR SHA1 number)

The GitHub bugsystem plugin will attempt to download the unified diff that the pull request references. Pull requests that are made off of a specific branch will switch the test repo to that branch, if permitted. If the pull request references a JIRA issue that matches the given JIRA issue regexp in the Subject, the JIRA plug-in will also be invoked as needed.

GitLab Specific

GitLab supports the full range of functionality, including putting comments on individual lines. Be aware, however, that test-patch will (generally) require that GitLab MRs be fully squashed and rebased (i.e., a single commit) in many circumstances.

By default, the GitLab plug-in assumes that https://gitlab.com is the base URL for GitHub. Enterprise users may override this with the --gitlab-base-url for the normal web user interface and --gitlab-api-url for the API URL. Personalities may use GITLAB_API_URL and GITLAB_BASE_URL.

The specific repository on GitLab is defined with either --gitlab-repo on the command line or GITLAB_REPO in a personality. It should take the form of “user/repo”.

In order to comment on issues or, depending upon the security setup of the repo, authentication credentials. The GitLab plug-in supports tokens via the --gitlab-token option or GITLAB_TOKEN environment variable.

GitLab merge requests may be directly processed on the command line in two ways:

  • GL:(MR number)
  • GLSHA:(MR SHA1 number)

The GitLab bugsystem plugin will attempt to download the unified diff that the merge request references. Merge requests that are made off of a specific branch will switch the test repo to that branch, if permitted. If the merge request references a JIRA issue that matches the given JIRA issue regexp in the Subject, the JIRA plug-in will also be invoked as needed.

JIRA Specific

JIRA support allows both patch downloads and summary writes. It also supports branch detection-based upon the name of the attached patch file.

JIRA issues are invoked by matching the command line option to a specific regular expression as given by the --jira-issue-re option or via the JIRA_ISSUE_RE personality variable. By default, the plug-in uses https://issues.apache.org/jira as the JIRA instance to use. However that may be overwritten via the --jira-base-url option or personalities may define via JIRA_URL.

In order to write information on the issue, JIRA requires username and password authentication using the --jira-user/--jira-password options or the JIRA_USER and JIRA_PASSWORD variables in a personality.

The default value for JIRA_USER is the value of --project suffixed with QA. For example, --project=yetus will set JIRA_USER=yetusqa.