Maintaing the Yetus Website

We use Middleman to generate the website content from markdown and other dynamic templates. The following steps assume you have a working ruby 2.x environment setup:

gem install bundler
bundle install

If you're interested in digging into how our site makes use of Middleman, or if you run into a problem, you should start by reading Middleman's excellent documentation.

Make changes in asf-site-src/source

Make any changes in the source directory:

cd asf-site-src/source

Make changes to API Docs

Optionally, you can update the generated API docs from other parts of the project. If they have been updated then the middleman build will pick up the changes.

e.g. Precommit changes will be picked up by the Middleman build.

cd ../precommit/core.d

e.g. Audience Annotations requires running Maven.

cd ../audience-annotations-component
mvn -DskipTests -Pinclude-jdiff-module javadoc:aggregate
cd -

Generating the website

To generate the static wesbite for Apache Yetus run the following commands at the root asf-site-src directory:

bundle exec middleman build

This command will create a static website in the publish sub directory. You can load it in a web browser, e.g. assuming you are still in the asf-site-src directory on OS X:

open publish/index.html

Live Development

Live development of the site enables automatic reload when changes are saved. To enable run the following command and then open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:4567

bundle exec middleman

Publishing the Site

Commit the publish directory to the asf-site branch. Presuming we start in a directory that holds your normal Yetus check out:

$ git clone --single-branch --branch asf-site yetus-site
$ # Now build in the normal yetus check out
$ cd yetus
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout master
$ git reset --hard origin/master
$ git clean -xdf
$ cd asf-site-src
$ bundle exec middleman build
$ rsync --quiet --checksum --inplace --recursive publish/ ../../yetus-site/
$ cd ../../yetus-site
$ # check the set of differences
$ git add -p
$ # Verify any new files are also added
$ git status
$ # Try to reference the commit hash on master that this publication assures we include
$ git commit -m "git hash 6c6f6f6b696e6720746f6f20686172642c20796f"
$ # Finally publish
$ git push origin asf-site

Publishing the website should be possible from the HEAD of the master branch under most circumstances. (See the Guide for Release Managing for a notable time period where this won't be true.) Documentation changes will be reviewed as they make their way into the master branch; updates to the asf-site branch are handled without further review.