| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <catalogue xml:lang="en"> |
| <message key="nonFullyResolvedLinkTargets">{count} link target{count,equals,1,,s} could not be fully resolved and now point{count,equals,1,,s} to the top of the page or {count,equals,1,is,are} dysfunctional.</message> |
| <message key="nonStandardStructureType">‘{type}’ is not a standard structure type defined by the PDF Reference. Falling back to ‘{fallback}’.</message> |
| <message key="incorrectEncryptionLength">Encryption length must be a multiple of 8 between 40 and 128. Setting encryption length to {correctedValue} instead of {originalValue}.</message> |
| <message key="unknownLanguage">A piece of text or an image’s alternate text is missing language information [(See position {location})|(No context info available)]</message> |
| <message key="unpairedSurrogate">A unicode char map was found to end with an unpaired surrogate.</message> |
| </catalogue> |