blob: 03f2726604e9cfc3b0af5f6aa43665dffbb63870 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* $Id$ */
package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.inline;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.fop.area.Trait;
import org.apache.fop.area.inline.TextArea;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.Font;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontSelector;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.InlineKnuthSequence;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthBox;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthPenalty;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthSequence;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LayoutContext;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LeafPosition;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.Position;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.PositionIterator;
import org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.TraitSetter;
import org.apache.fop.text.linebreak.LineBreakStatus;
import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax;
import org.apache.fop.traits.SpaceVal;
import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities;
import org.apache.fop.util.ListUtil;
* LayoutManager for text (a sequence of characters) which generates one
* or more inline areas.
public class TextLayoutManager extends LeafNodeLayoutManager {
//TODO: remove all final modifiers at local variables
* Store information about each potential text area.
* Index of character which ends the area, IPD of area, including
* any word-space and letter-space.
* Number of word-spaces?
private class AreaInfo {
private final int startIndex;
private final int breakIndex;
private final int wordSpaceCount;
private int letterSpaceCount;
private final MinOptMax areaIPD;
private final boolean isHyphenated;
private final boolean isSpace;
private boolean breakOppAfter;
private final Font font;
AreaInfo(final int startIndex,
final int breakIndex,
final int wordSpaceCount,
final int letterSpaceCount,
final MinOptMax areaIPD,
final boolean isHyphenated,
final boolean isSpace,
final boolean breakOppAfter,
final Font font) {
this.startIndex = startIndex;
this.breakIndex = breakIndex;
this.wordSpaceCount = wordSpaceCount;
this.letterSpaceCount = letterSpaceCount;
this.areaIPD = areaIPD;
this.isHyphenated = isHyphenated;
this.isSpace = isSpace;
this.breakOppAfter = breakOppAfter;
this.font = font;
public String toString() {
return "[ lscnt=" + this.letterSpaceCount
+ ", wscnt=" + this.wordSpaceCount
+ ", ipd=" + this.areaIPD.toString()
+ ", sidx=" + this.startIndex
+ ", bidx=" + this.breakIndex
+ ", hyph=" + this.isHyphenated
+ ", space=" + this.isSpace
+ ", font=" + this.font
+ "]";
// this class stores information about changes in vecAreaInfo
// which are not yet applied
private final class PendingChange {
private final AreaInfo ai;
private final int index;
private PendingChange(final AreaInfo ai, final int index) { = ai;
this.index = index;
* logging instance
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TextLayoutManager.class);
// Hold all possible breaks for the text in this LM's FO.
private final List vecAreaInfo;
/** Non-space characters on which we can end a line. */
private static final String BREAK_CHARS = "-/";
/** Used to reduce instantiation of MinOptMax with zero length. Do not modify! */
private static final MinOptMax ZERO_MINOPTMAX = new MinOptMax(0);
private final FOText foText;
* Contains an array of widths to adjust for kerning. The first entry can
* be used to influence the start position of the first letter. The entry i+1 defines the
* cursor advancement after the character i. A null entry means no special advancement.
private final MinOptMax[] letterAdjustArray; //size = textArray.length + 1
/** Font used for the space between words. */
private Font spaceFont = null;
/** Start index of next TextArea */
private int nextStart = 0;
/** size of a space character (U+0020) glyph in current font */
private int spaceCharIPD;
private MinOptMax wordSpaceIPD;
private MinOptMax letterSpaceIPD;
/** size of the hyphen character glyph in current font */
private int hyphIPD;
/** 1/1 of word-spacing value */
private SpaceVal ws;
private boolean hasChanged = false;
private int returnedIndex = 0;
private int thisStart = 0;
private int tempStart = 0;
private List changeList = null;
private AlignmentContext alignmentContext = null;
private int lineStartBAP = 0;
private int lineEndBAP = 0;
private boolean keepTogether;
private final Position auxiliaryPosition = new LeafPosition(this, -1);
* Create a Text layout manager.
* @param node The FOText object to be rendered
public TextLayoutManager(final FOText node) {
this.foText = node;
this.letterAdjustArray = new MinOptMax[node.length() + 1];
this.vecAreaInfo = new java.util.ArrayList();
private KnuthPenalty makeZeroWidthPenalty(final int penaltyValue) {
return new KnuthPenalty(
private KnuthBox makeAuxiliaryZeroWidthBox() {
return new KnuthInlineBox(
this.notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)),
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize() {
this.spaceFont = FontSelector.selectFontForCharacterInText(' ', this.foText, this);
// With CID fonts, space isn't neccesary currentFontState.width(32)
this.spaceCharIPD = this.spaceFont.getCharWidth(' ');
// Use hyphenationChar property
// TODO: Use hyphen based on actual font used!
this.hyphIPD = this.foText.getCommonHyphenation().getHyphIPD(this.spaceFont);
final SpaceVal ls = SpaceVal.makeLetterSpacing(this.foText.getLetterSpacing()); = SpaceVal.makeWordSpacing(this.foText.getWordSpacing(), ls, this.spaceFont);
// letter space applies only to consecutive non-space characters,
// while word space applies to space characters;
// i.e. the spaces in the string "A SIMPLE TEST" are:
// A<<ws>>S<ls>I<ls>M<ls>P<ls>L<ls>E<<ws>>T<ls>E<ls>S<ls>T
// there is no letter space after the last character of a word,
// nor after a space character
// NOTE: The above is not quite correct. Read on in XSL 1.0, 7.16.2, letter-spacing
// set letter space and word space dimension;
// the default value "normal" was converted into a MinOptMax value
// in the SpaceVal.makeWordSpacing() method
this.letterSpaceIPD = ls.getSpace();
this.wordSpaceIPD = MinOptMax.add(new MinOptMax(this.spaceCharIPD),;
this.keepTogether = this.foText.getKeepTogether().getWithinLine()
.getEnum() == Constants.EN_ALWAYS;
* Generate and add areas to parent area.
* This can either generate an area for each TextArea and each space, or
* an area containing all text with a parameter controlling the size of
* the word space. The latter is most efficient for PDF generation.
* Set size of each area.
* @param posIter Iterator over Position information returned
* by this LayoutManager.
* @param context LayoutContext for adjustments
public void addAreas(final PositionIterator posIter, final LayoutContext context) {
// Add word areas
AreaInfo ai;
int wordSpaceCount = 0;
int letterSpaceCount = 0;
int firstAreaInfoIndex = -1;
int lastAreaInfoIndex = 0;
MinOptMax realWidth = new MinOptMax(0);
/* On first area created, add any leading space.
* Calculate word-space stretch value.
AreaInfo lastAi = null;
while (posIter.hasNext()) {
final LeafPosition tbpNext = (LeafPosition);
if (tbpNext == null) {
continue; //Ignore elements without Positions
if (tbpNext.getLeafPos() != -1) {
ai = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(tbpNext.getLeafPos());
if (lastAi == null || ai.font != lastAi.font) {
if (lastAi != null) {
this.addAreaInfoAreas(lastAi, wordSpaceCount,
letterSpaceCount, firstAreaInfoIndex,
lastAreaInfoIndex, realWidth, context);
firstAreaInfoIndex = tbpNext.getLeafPos();
wordSpaceCount = 0;
letterSpaceCount = 0;
realWidth = new MinOptMax(0);
wordSpaceCount += ai.wordSpaceCount;
letterSpaceCount += ai.letterSpaceCount;
lastAreaInfoIndex = tbpNext.getLeafPos();
lastAi = ai;
if (lastAi != null) {
this.addAreaInfoAreas(lastAi, wordSpaceCount, letterSpaceCount,
firstAreaInfoIndex, lastAreaInfoIndex, realWidth, context);
private void addAreaInfoAreas(final AreaInfo ai, final int wordSpaceCount,
int letterSpaceCount, final int firstAreaInfoIndex,
final int lastAreaInfoIndex, final MinOptMax realWidth, final LayoutContext context) {
// TODO: These two statements (if, for) were like this before my recent
// changes. However, it seems as if they should use the AreaInfo from
// firstAreaInfoIndex.. lastAreaInfoIndex rather than just the last ai.
// This needs to be checked.
final int textLength = ai.breakIndex - ai.startIndex;
if (ai.letterSpaceCount == textLength && !ai.isHyphenated
&& context.isLastArea()) {
// the line ends at a character like "/" or "-";
// remove the letter space after the last character
realWidth.add(MinOptMax.multiply(this.letterSpaceIPD, -1));
for (int i = ai.startIndex; i < ai.breakIndex; i++) {
final MinOptMax ladj = this.letterAdjustArray[i + 1];
if (ladj != null && ladj.isElastic()) {
// add hyphenation character if the last word is hyphenated
if (context.isLastArea() && ai.isHyphenated) {
realWidth.add(new MinOptMax(this.hyphIPD));
// Calculate adjustments
int difference = 0;
int totalAdjust = 0;
int wordSpaceDim = this.wordSpaceIPD.opt;
int letterSpaceDim = this.letterSpaceIPD.opt;
final double ipdAdjust = context.getIPDAdjust();
// calculate total difference between real and available width
if (ipdAdjust > 0.0) {
difference = (int) ((realWidth.max - realWidth.opt)
* ipdAdjust);
} else {
difference = (int) ((realWidth.opt - realWidth.min)
* ipdAdjust);
// set letter space adjustment
if (ipdAdjust > 0.0) {
+= (int) ((this.letterSpaceIPD.max - this.letterSpaceIPD.opt)
* ipdAdjust);
} else {
+= (int) ((this.letterSpaceIPD.opt - this.letterSpaceIPD.min)
* ipdAdjust);
totalAdjust += (letterSpaceDim - this.letterSpaceIPD.opt) * letterSpaceCount;
// set word space adjustment
if (wordSpaceCount > 0) {
wordSpaceDim += (difference - totalAdjust) / wordSpaceCount;
totalAdjust += (wordSpaceDim - this.wordSpaceIPD.opt) * wordSpaceCount;
if (totalAdjust != difference) {
// the applied adjustment is greater or smaller than the needed one
.trace("TextLM.addAreas: error in word / letter space adjustment = "
+ (totalAdjust - difference));
// set totalAdjust = difference, so that the width of the TextArea
// will counterbalance the error and the other inline areas will be
// placed correctly
totalAdjust = difference;
final TextArea t = this.createTextArea(realWidth, totalAdjust, context,
this.wordSpaceIPD.opt - this.spaceCharIPD, firstAreaInfoIndex,
lastAreaInfoIndex, context.isLastArea(), ai.font);
// wordSpaceDim is computed in relation to wordSpaceIPD.opt
// but the renderer needs to know the adjustment in relation
// to the size of the space character in the current font;
// moreover, the pdf renderer adds the character spacing even to
// the last character of a word and to space characters: in order
// to avoid this, we must subtract the letter space width twice;
// the renderer will compute the space width as:
// space width =
// = "normal" space width + letterSpaceAdjust + wordSpaceAdjust
// = spaceCharIPD + letterSpaceAdjust +
// + (wordSpaceDim - spaceCharIPD - 2 * letterSpaceAdjust)
// = wordSpaceDim - letterSpaceAdjust
t.setTextWordSpaceAdjust(wordSpaceDim - this.spaceCharIPD
- 2 * t.getTextLetterSpaceAdjust());
if (context.getIPDAdjust() != 0) {
// add information about space width
t.setSpaceDifference(this.wordSpaceIPD.opt - this.spaceCharIPD
- 2 * t.getTextLetterSpaceAdjust());
* Create an inline word area.
* This creates a TextArea and sets up the various attributes.
* @param width the MinOptMax width of the content
* @param adjust the total ipd adjustment with respect to the optimal width
* @param context the layout context
* @param spaceDiff unused
* @param firstIndex the index of the first AreaInfo used for the TextArea
* @param lastIndex the index of the last AreaInfo used for the TextArea
* @param isLastArea is this TextArea the last in a line?
* @param font Font to be used in this particular TextArea
* @return the new text area
protected TextArea createTextArea(final MinOptMax width, final int adjust,
final LayoutContext context, final int spaceDiff, final int firstIndex,
final int lastIndex, final boolean isLastArea, final Font font) {
TextArea textArea;
if (context.getIPDAdjust() == 0.0) {
// create just a TextArea
textArea = new TextArea();
} else {
// justified area: create a TextArea with extra info
// about potential adjustments
textArea = new TextArea(width.max - width.opt,
width.opt - width.min,
textArea.setIPD(width.opt + adjust);
textArea.setBPD(font.getAscender() - font.getDescender());
if (textArea.getBPD() == this.alignmentContext.getHeight()) {
} else {
// set the text of the TextArea, split into words and spaces
int wordStartIndex = -1;
AreaInfo areaInfo;
int len = 0;
for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
areaInfo = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(i);
if (areaInfo.isSpace) {
// areaInfo stores information about spaces
// add the spaces - except zero-width spaces - to the TextArea
for (int j = areaInfo.startIndex; j < areaInfo.breakIndex; j++) {
final char spaceChar = this.foText.charAt(j);
if (!CharUtilities.isZeroWidthSpace(spaceChar)) {
textArea.addSpace(spaceChar, 0,
} else {
// areaInfo stores information about a word fragment
if (wordStartIndex == -1) {
// here starts a new word
wordStartIndex = i;
len = 0;
len += areaInfo.breakIndex - areaInfo.startIndex;
if (i == lastIndex || ((AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(i + 1)).isSpace) {
// here ends a new word
// add a word to the TextArea
if (isLastArea
&& i == lastIndex
&& areaInfo.isHyphenated) {
final StringBuffer wordChars = new StringBuffer(len);
final int[] letterAdjust = new int[len];
int letter = 0;
for (int j = wordStartIndex; j <= i; j++) {
final AreaInfo ai = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(j);
int lsCount = ai.letterSpaceCount;
/* TODO: in Java 5, StringBuffer has an append() variant
* for CharSequence, so the below iteration can be replaced
* by:
* wordChars.append(this.foText, ai.startIndex,
* ai.breakIndex - ai.startIndex);
for (int ci = ai.startIndex; ci < ai.breakIndex; ci++) {
for (int k = 0; k < ai.breakIndex - ai.startIndex; k++) {
final MinOptMax adj = this.letterAdjustArray[ai.startIndex + k];
if (letter > 0) {
letterAdjust[letter] = adj == null ? 0
: adj.opt;
if (lsCount > 0) {
letterAdjust[letter] += textArea.getTextLetterSpaceAdjust();
// String wordChars = new String(textArray, wordStartIndex, len);
if (isLastArea
&& i == lastIndex
&& areaInfo.isHyphenated) {
// add the hyphenation character
textArea.addWord(wordChars.toString(), 0, letterAdjust);
wordStartIndex = -1;
TraitSetter.addFontTraits(textArea, font);
textArea.addTrait(Trait.COLOR, this.foText.getColor());
TraitSetter.addTextDecoration(textArea, this.foText.getTextDecoration());
return textArea;
private void addToLetterAdjust(final int index, final int width) {
if (this.letterAdjustArray[index] == null) {
this.letterAdjustArray[index] = new MinOptMax(width);
} else {
* Indicates whether a character is a space in terms of this layout manager.
* @param ch the character
* @return true if it's a space
private static boolean isSpace(final char ch) {
return ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
|| CharUtilities.isNonBreakableSpace(ch)
|| CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getNextKnuthElements(final LayoutContext context, final int alignment) {
this.lineStartBAP = context.getLineStartBorderAndPaddingWidth();
this.lineEndBAP = context.getLineEndBorderAndPaddingWidth();
this.alignmentContext = context.getAlignmentContext();
final List returnList = new LinkedList();
KnuthSequence sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
AreaInfo ai = null;
AreaInfo prevAi = null;
final LineBreakStatus lbs = new LineBreakStatus();
this.thisStart = this.nextStart;
boolean inWord = false;
boolean inWhitespace = false;
char ch = 0;
while (this.nextStart < this.foText.length()) {
ch = this.foText.charAt(this.nextStart);
boolean breakOpportunity = false;
final byte breakAction = this.keepTogether ? LineBreakStatus.PROHIBITED_BREAK
: lbs.nextChar(ch);
switch (breakAction) {
case LineBreakStatus.PROHIBITED_BREAK:
case LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK:
case LineBreakStatus.DIRECT_BREAK:
case LineBreakStatus.INDIRECT_BREAK:
breakOpportunity = true;
TextLayoutManager.LOG.error("Unexpected breakAction: " + breakAction);
if (inWord) {
if (breakOpportunity
|| TextLayoutManager.isSpace(ch)
|| CharUtilities.isExplicitBreak(ch)) {
// this.foText.charAt(lastIndex) == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN
prevAi = this.processWord(alignment, sequence, prevAi, ch,
breakOpportunity, true);
} else if (inWhitespace) {
if (ch != CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity) {
prevAi = this.processWhitespace(alignment, sequence,
} else {
if (ai != null) {
prevAi = ai;
ai = this.processLeftoverAi(alignment, sequence, ai, ch,
ch == CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity);
if (breakAction == LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK) {
sequence = this.processLinebreak(returnList, sequence);
if (ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
&& this.foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE
|| ch == CharUtilities.NBSPACE) {
// preserved space or non-breaking space:
// create the AreaInfo object
ai = new AreaInfo(this.nextStart, this.nextStart + 1,
1, 0, this.wordSpaceIPD, false, true,
breakOpportunity, this.spaceFont);
this.thisStart = this.nextStart + 1;
} else if (CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch) || CharUtilities.isZeroWidthSpace(ch)) {
// create the AreaInfo object
final Font font = FontSelector.selectFontForCharacterInText(ch,
this.foText, this);
final MinOptMax ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(ch));
ai = new AreaInfo(this.nextStart, this.nextStart + 1,
0, 0, ipd, false, true,
breakOpportunity, font);
this.thisStart = this.nextStart + 1;
} else if (CharUtilities.isExplicitBreak(ch)) {
//mandatory break-character: only advance index
this.thisStart = this.nextStart + 1;
inWord = !TextLayoutManager.isSpace(ch)
&& !CharUtilities.isExplicitBreak(ch);
inWhitespace = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
&& this.foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() != Constants.EN_PRESERVE;
} // end of while
// Process any last elements
if (inWord) {
this.processWord(alignment, sequence, prevAi, ch, false, false);
} else if (inWhitespace) {
this.processWhitespace(alignment, sequence, true);
} else if (ai != null) {
this.processLeftoverAi(alignment, sequence, ai, ch,
ch == CharUtilities.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE);
} else if (CharUtilities.isExplicitBreak(ch)) {
this.processLinebreak(returnList, sequence);
if (((List) ListUtil.getLast(returnList)).isEmpty()) {
//Remove an empty sequence because of a trailing newline
if (returnList.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return returnList;
private KnuthSequence processLinebreak(final List returnList,
KnuthSequence sequence) {
if (this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, true));
sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
return sequence;
private AreaInfo processLeftoverAi(final int alignment,
final KnuthSequence sequence, AreaInfo ai, final char ch,
final boolean breakOpportunityAfter) {
ai.breakOppAfter = breakOpportunityAfter;
this.addElementsForASpace(sequence, alignment, ai, this.vecAreaInfo.size() - 1);
ai = null;
return ai;
private AreaInfo processWhitespace(final int alignment,
final KnuthSequence sequence, final boolean breakOpportunity) {
// End of whitespace
// create the AreaInfo object
AreaInfo ai = new AreaInfo(this.thisStart, this.nextStart,
this.nextStart - this.thisStart, 0,
MinOptMax.multiply(this.wordSpaceIPD, this.nextStart
- this.thisStart), false, true,
breakOpportunity, this.spaceFont);
// create the elements
this.addElementsForASpace(sequence, alignment, ai, this.vecAreaInfo.size() - 1);
this.thisStart = this.nextStart;
return ai;
private AreaInfo processWord(final int alignment, final KnuthSequence sequence,
AreaInfo prevAreaInfo, final char ch, final boolean breakOpportunity,
final boolean checkEndsWithHyphen) {
//Word boundary found, process widths and kerning
int lastIndex = this.nextStart;
while (lastIndex > 0
&& foText.charAt(lastIndex - 1) == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
final boolean endsWithHyphen = checkEndsWithHyphen
&& foText.charAt(lastIndex) == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN;
final Font font = FontSelector
this.thisStart, lastIndex, foText, this);
final int wordLength = lastIndex - this.thisStart;
final boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
final MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
for (int i = this.thisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
final char currentChar = foText.charAt(i);
//character width
final int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(currentChar);
if (kerning) {
int kern = 0;
if (i > this.thisStart) {
final char previousChar = foText.charAt(i - 1);
kern = font.getKernValue(previousChar, currentChar);
} else if (prevAreaInfo != null && !prevAreaInfo.isSpace && prevAreaInfo.breakIndex > 0) {
final char previousChar = foText.charAt(prevAreaInfo.breakIndex - 1);
kern = font.getKernValue(previousChar, currentChar);
if (kern != 0) {
this.addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
if (kerning
&& breakOpportunity
&& !TextLayoutManager.isSpace(ch)
&& lastIndex > 0
&& endsWithHyphen) {
final int kern = font.getKernValue(foText.charAt(lastIndex - 1), ch);
if (kern != 0) {
this.addToLetterAdjust(lastIndex, kern);
//TODO: add kern to wordIPD?
int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
// if there is a break opportunity and the next one
// is not a space, it could be used as a line end;
// add one more letter space, in case other text follows
if (breakOpportunity && !TextLayoutManager.isSpace(ch)) {
wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(this.letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));
// create the AreaInfo object
AreaInfo areaInfo = new AreaInfo(this.thisStart, lastIndex, 0,
iLetterSpaces, wordIPD,
false, breakOpportunity, font);
prevAreaInfo = areaInfo;
this.tempStart = this.nextStart;
//add the elements
this.addElementsForAWordFragment(sequence, alignment, areaInfo,
this.vecAreaInfo.size() - 1, this.letterSpaceIPD);
this.thisStart = this.nextStart;
return prevAreaInfo;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List addALetterSpaceTo(final List oldList) {
// old list contains only a box, or the sequence: box penalty glue box;
// look at the Position stored in the first element in oldList
// which is always a box
ListIterator oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
final KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement);
final LeafPosition pos = (LeafPosition) ((KnuthBox) el).getPosition();
final int idx = pos.getLeafPos();
//element could refer to '-1' position, for non-collapsed spaces (?)
if (idx > -1) {
final AreaInfo ai = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(idx);
if (TextLayoutManager.BREAK_CHARS.indexOf(this.foText.charAt(this.tempStart - 1)) >= 0) {
// the last character could be used as a line break
// append new elements to oldList
oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator(oldList.size());
oldListIterator.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
oldListIterator.add(new KnuthGlue(this.letterSpaceIPD.opt,
this.letterSpaceIPD.max - this.letterSpaceIPD.opt,
this.letterSpaceIPD.opt - this.letterSpaceIPD.min,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
} else if (this.letterSpaceIPD.min == this.letterSpaceIPD.max) {
// constant letter space: replace the box
oldListIterator.set(new KnuthInlineBox(ai.areaIPD.opt,
this.alignmentContext, pos, false));
} else {
// adjustable letter space: replace the glue; // this would return the penalty element; // this would return the glue element
.set(new KnuthGlue(
ai.letterSpaceCount * this.letterSpaceIPD.opt,
* (this.letterSpaceIPD.max - this.letterSpaceIPD.opt),
* (this.letterSpaceIPD.opt - this.letterSpaceIPD.min),
this.auxiliaryPosition, true));
return oldList;
* remove the AreaInfo object represented by the given elements,
* so that it won't generate any element when getChangedKnuthElements
* will be called
* @param oldList the elements representing the word space
public void removeWordSpace(final List oldList) {
// find the element storing the Position whose value
// points to the AreaInfo object
final ListIterator oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator();
if (((KnuthElement) ((LinkedList) oldList).getFirst()).isPenalty()) {
// non breaking space: oldList starts with a penalty;
if (oldList.size() > 2) {
// alignment is either center, start or end:
// the first two elements does not store the needed Position;;
final int leafValue = ((LeafPosition) ((KnuthElement) oldListIterator
// only the last word space can be a trailing space!
if (leafValue == this.vecAreaInfo.size() - 1) {
} else {
TextLayoutManager.LOG.error("trying to remove a non-trailing word space");
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void hyphenate(final Position pos, final HyphContext hc) {
final AreaInfo ai
= (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(((LeafPosition) pos).getLeafPos());
int startIndex = ai.startIndex;
int stopIndex;
boolean nothingChanged = true;
final Font font = ai.font;
while (startIndex < ai.breakIndex) {
final MinOptMax newIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
boolean hyphenFollows;
stopIndex = startIndex + hc.getNextHyphPoint();
if (hc.hasMoreHyphPoints() && stopIndex <= ai.breakIndex) {
// stopIndex is the index of the first character
// after a hyphenation point
hyphenFollows = true;
} else {
// there are no more hyphenation points,
// or the next one is after ai.breakIndex
hyphenFollows = false;
stopIndex = ai.breakIndex;
hc.updateOffset(stopIndex - startIndex);
//"Word: " + new String(textArray, startIndex, stopIndex - startIndex));
for (int i = startIndex; i < stopIndex; i++) {
final char c = this.foText.charAt(i);
newIPD.add(new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(c)));
//if (i > startIndex) {
if (i < stopIndex) {
MinOptMax la = this.letterAdjustArray[i + 1];
if (i == stopIndex - 1 && hyphenFollows) {
//the letter adjust here needs to be handled further down during
//element generation because it depends on hyph/no-hyph condition
la = null;
if (la != null) {
// add letter spaces
final boolean isWordEnd
= stopIndex == ai.breakIndex
&& ai.letterSpaceCount < ai.breakIndex - ai.startIndex;
? stopIndex - startIndex - 1
: stopIndex - startIndex)));
if (!(nothingChanged
&& stopIndex == ai.breakIndex
&& !hyphenFollows)) {
// the new AreaInfo object is not equal to the old one
if (this.changeList == null) {
this.changeList = new LinkedList();
this.changeList.add(new PendingChange(new AreaInfo(
startIndex, stopIndex, 0,
(isWordEnd ? stopIndex - startIndex - 1
: stopIndex - startIndex), newIPD,
hyphenFollows, false, false, font),
((LeafPosition) pos).getLeafPos()));
nothingChanged = false;
startIndex = stopIndex;
this.hasChanged = (this.hasChanged || !nothingChanged);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean applyChanges(final List oldList) {
if (this.changeList != null && !this.changeList.isEmpty()) {
int areaInfosAdded = 0;
int areaInfosRemoved = 0;
int oldIndex = -1, changeIndex;
PendingChange currChange;
final ListIterator changeListIterator = this.changeList.listIterator();
while (changeListIterator.hasNext()) {
currChange = (PendingChange);
if (currChange.index == oldIndex) {
changeIndex = currChange.index + areaInfosAdded - areaInfosRemoved;
} else {
oldIndex = currChange.index;
changeIndex = currChange.index + areaInfosAdded - areaInfosRemoved;
this.returnedIndex = 0;
return this.hasChanged;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getChangedKnuthElements(final List oldList,
final int alignment) {
if (this.isFinished()) {
return null;
final LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
while (this.returnedIndex < this.vecAreaInfo.size()) {
final AreaInfo ai = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(this.returnedIndex);
if (ai.wordSpaceCount == 0) {
// ai refers either to a word or a word fragment
this.addElementsForAWordFragment(returnList, alignment, ai,
this.returnedIndex, this.letterSpaceIPD);
} else {
// ai refers to a space
this.addElementsForASpace(returnList, alignment, ai, this.returnedIndex);
} // end of while
//ElementListObserver.observe(returnList, "text-changed", null);
return returnList;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void getWordChars(final StringBuffer sbChars, final Position pos) {
final int leafValue = ((LeafPosition) pos).getLeafPos();
if (leafValue != -1) {
final AreaInfo ai = (AreaInfo) this.vecAreaInfo.get(leafValue);
for (int i = ai.startIndex; i < ai.breakIndex; ++i) {
private void addElementsForASpace(final List baseList,
final int alignment,
final AreaInfo ai,
final int leafValue) {
final LeafPosition mainPosition = new LeafPosition(this, leafValue);
if (!ai.breakOppAfter) {
// a non-breaking space
if (alignment == Constants.EN_JUSTIFY) {
// the space can stretch and shrink, and must be preserved
// when starting a line
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.areaIPD.opt, ai.areaIPD.max - ai.areaIPD.opt,
ai.areaIPD.opt - ai.areaIPD.min, mainPosition, false));
} else {
// the space does not need to stretch or shrink, and must be
// preserved when starting a line
baseList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(ai.areaIPD.opt, null,
mainPosition, true));
} else {
if (this.foText.charAt(ai.startIndex) != CharUtilities.SPACE
|| this.foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE) {
// a breaking space that needs to be preserved
this.addElementsForBreakingSpace(baseList, alignment, ai,
this.auxiliaryPosition, 0, mainPosition,
ai.areaIPD.opt, true);
} else {
// a (possible block) of breaking spaces
this.addElementsForBreakingSpace(baseList, alignment, ai,
mainPosition, ai.areaIPD.opt,
this.auxiliaryPosition, 0, false);
private void addElementsForBreakingSpace(final List baseList,
final int alignment, final AreaInfo ai, final Position pos2,
final int p2WidthOffset, final Position pos3,
final int p3WidthOffset, final boolean skipZeroCheck) {
switch (alignment) {
// centered text:
// if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
// add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line and at the
// beginning of the next one, otherwise they don't add any stretch
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(p2WidthOffset
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), -6
* LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0, pos2, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP + p3WidthOffset,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0, pos3, false));
case EN_START: // fall through
case EN_END:
// left- or right-aligned text:
// if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
// add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line, otherwise
// they don't add any stretch
if (skipZeroCheck || this.lineStartBAP != 0 || this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(p2WidthOffset
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), -3
* LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
pos2, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP + p3WidthOffset,
0, 0, pos3, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.areaIPD.opt, -3
* LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
pos2, false));
// justified text:
// the stretch and shrink depends on the space width
if (skipZeroCheck || this.lineStartBAP != 0 || this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(p2WidthOffset
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), ai.areaIPD.max
- ai.areaIPD.opt, ai.areaIPD.opt - ai.areaIPD.min,
pos2, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP + p3WidthOffset,
0, 0, pos3, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.areaIPD.opt, ai.areaIPD.max
- ai.areaIPD.opt, ai.areaIPD.opt - ai.areaIPD.min,
pos2, false));
// last line justified, the other lines unjustified:
// use only the space stretch
if (skipZeroCheck || this.lineStartBAP != 0 || this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(p2WidthOffset
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), ai.areaIPD.max
- ai.areaIPD.opt, 0, pos2, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP + p3WidthOffset,
0, 0, pos3, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.areaIPD.opt, ai.areaIPD.max
- ai.areaIPD.opt, 0, pos2, false));
private void addElementsForAWordFragment(final List baseList,
final int alignment,
final AreaInfo ai,
final int leafValue,
final MinOptMax letterSpaceWidth) {
final LeafPosition mainPosition = new LeafPosition(this, leafValue);
// if the last character of the word fragment is '-' or '/',
// the fragment could end a line; in this case, it loses one
// of its letter spaces;
final boolean suppressibleLetterSpace = ai.breakOppAfter && !ai.isHyphenated;
if (letterSpaceWidth.min == letterSpaceWidth.max) {
// constant letter spacing
baseList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(
? ai.areaIPD.opt - letterSpaceWidth.opt
: ai.areaIPD.opt,
this.notifyPos(mainPosition), false));
} else {
// adjustable letter spacing
final int unsuppressibleLetterSpaces
= suppressibleLetterSpace ? ai.letterSpaceCount - 1 : ai.letterSpaceCount;
(new KnuthInlineBox(ai.areaIPD.opt
- ai.letterSpaceCount * letterSpaceWidth.opt,
this.notifyPos(mainPosition), false));
(new KnuthGlue(unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * letterSpaceWidth.opt,
unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * (letterSpaceWidth.max - letterSpaceWidth.opt),
unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * (letterSpaceWidth.opt - letterSpaceWidth.min),
this.auxiliaryPosition, true));
// extra-elements if the word fragment is the end of a syllable,
// or it ends with a character that can be used as a line break
if (ai.isHyphenated) {
MinOptMax widthIfNoBreakOccurs = null;
if (ai.breakIndex < this.foText.length()) {
//Add in kerning in no-break condition
widthIfNoBreakOccurs = this.letterAdjustArray[ai.breakIndex];
//if (ai.breakIndex)
// the word fragment ends at the end of a syllable:
// if a break occurs the content width increases,
// otherwise nothing happens
this.addElementsForAHyphen(baseList, alignment, this.hyphIPD,
widthIfNoBreakOccurs, ai.breakOppAfter && ai.isHyphenated);
} else if (suppressibleLetterSpace) {
// the word fragment ends with a character that acts as a hyphen
// if a break occurs the width does not increase,
// otherwise there is one more letter space
this.addElementsForAHyphen(baseList, alignment, 0, letterSpaceWidth, true);
// static final int SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY = KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY / 10;
private static final int SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY = 1;
private void addElementsForAHyphen(final List baseList,
final int alignment,
final int widthIfBreakOccurs,
MinOptMax widthIfNoBreakOccurs,
final boolean unflagged) {
if (widthIfNoBreakOccurs == null) {
widthIfNoBreakOccurs = TextLayoutManager.ZERO_MINOPTMAX;
switch (alignment) {
case EN_CENTER :
// centered text:
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, true));
baseList.add(new KnuthPenalty(this.hyphIPD,
unflagged ? TextLayoutManager.SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY
: KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(-(this.lineEndBAP + this.lineStartBAP),
-6 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, true));
case EN_START : // fall through
case EN_END :
// left- or right-aligned text:
if (this.lineStartBAP != 0 || this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP,
3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
unflagged ? TextLayoutManager.SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY
: KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), -3
* LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
unflagged ? TextLayoutManager.SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY
: KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
-3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
// justified text, or last line justified:
// just a flagged penalty
if (this.lineStartBAP != 0 || this.lineEndBAP != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
unflagged ? TextLayoutManager.SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY
: KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
// extra elements representing a letter space that is suppressed
// if a break occurs
if (widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min != 0
|| widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max != 0) {
.add(new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt
- (this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP),
- widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
- widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(-(this.lineStartBAP + this.lineEndBAP), 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(this.lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
} else {
baseList.add(new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
unflagged ? TextLayoutManager.SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY
: KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));
// extra elements representing a letter space that is suppressed
// if a break occurs
if (widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min != 0
|| widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max != 0) {
baseList.add(new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min,
this.auxiliaryPosition, false));