| ## This is a template for settings which are useful to be |
| ## overridden in a developer specific property files. |
| ## Copy this to build-local.properties, uncomment and change |
| ## properties which should be overridden. |
| ## The file buil-local.properties is not stored in the code |
| ## repository and ignored for file adds. |
| |
| ## =================================================================== |
| ## 1. Path settings |
| |
| ## Path to your IKVM installation. Set this if you want to compile |
| ## XML Graphics Commons to a .NET DLL. |
| ## NOTE: If you want to compile the .NET DLL you'll have to |
| ## disable the internal codecs. See below. |
| #ikvm.dir=C:\\javalib\\ikvm-12-07-2004\\ikvm |
| |
| ## =================================================================== |
| ## 2. Switches for common tasks |
| |
| ## Javac switches |
| # javac.debug = on |
| # javac.optimize = off |
| # javac.deprecation = on |
| # javac.source = 1.4 |
| # javac.target = 1.4 |
| # javac.fork = on |
| |
| ## JUnit task switches |
| # junit.fork = on |
| |
| ## Packages to produce javadoc. |
| # javadoc.packages = org.apache.xmlgraphics.* |
| |
| ## =================================================================== |
| ## 3. Project specific properties |
| |
| version = 2.3 |
| |
| ## Allows you to switch off the compilation of the internal image |
| ## codecs which depend on Sun-private classes. Setting this to true |
| ## enabled compatibility with non-Sun Java implementations such as |
| ## Kaffe, IKVM, GCC/GCJ or even Apache Harmony (i.e. system which |
| ## are based on GNU Classpath, for example). |
| # internal-codecs.disabled = false |