blob: 68fc183634a061c8702ea09a8a50461ba1f116a4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
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<!-- ========================================================================= -->
<!-- Tests support for the cursor property. -->
<!-- This test shows that JPEG, PNG and TIF formats are supported. It also -->
<!-- shows that SVG images are not supported for cursors and that BMP images -->
<!-- are not either. Unsupported image formats result in the same bahavior as -->
<!-- 'broken images'. The cursor falls back to the built in cursor specified -->
<!-- at the end of the cursor list values. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- @author -->
<!-- @version $Id$ -->
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="../../resources/style/test.css" ?>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
id="body" width="450" height="500" viewBox="0 0 450 500" >
<text class="title" x="50%" y="50">Custom Cursor Image Test (cntd)</text>
<script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
var hitCount = document.getElementById("hitCount");
var hitCountText = hitCount.firstChild;
var curHitCount = 0;
function targetHit() {
curHitCount++; = "" + curHitCount;
var hitTargetArea = document.getElementById("hitTargetArea");
function hotTarget() {
hitTargetArea.setAttribute("fill", "gold");
function coldTarget() {
hitTargetArea.setAttribute("fill", "#eeeeee");
var cursorRef = document.getElementById("refbrokenImage");
function changeCursor(evt) {
var target =;
var id = target.getAttribute("id");
var cursorId = "cursor" + id;
hitTargetArea.setAttribute("cursor", "url(#" + cursorId + "),crosshair");
cursorRef.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden");
cursorRef = document.getElementById("ref" + id);
if (cursorRef == null) {
alert("Cannot find " + "ref" + id);
cursorRef.setAttribute("visibility", "visible");
<text class="label" x="50%" y="125" text-anchor="middle">Try and hit the small black dot
<tspan x="50%" dy="+1.4em">after selecting your cursor</tspan></text>
<g id="hitTargetArea" fill="#eeeeee" transform="translate(175, 150)" shape-rendering="crispEdges" cursor="url(#cursorbrokenImage),crosshair" >
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" stroke="black"/>
<rect x="44" y="44" width="12" height="12" fill="black"/>
<rect x="45" y="45" width="10" height="10" fill="#eeeeee" />
<rect x="49" y="30" width="2" height="40" fill="black" />
<rect y="49" x="30" height="2" width="40" fill="black" />
<!-- <line x1="40" y1="50" x2="60" y2="50" stroke="black" />
<line y1="40" x1="50" y2="60" x2="50" stroke="black" /> -->
<rect x="49" y="49" width="2" height="2" fill="black"
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" x="50%" y="270" fill="crimson">Hit Count : <tspan id="hitCount">0</tspan></text>
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" x="25%" y="340" >Cursor Selection</text>
<g onclick="changeCursor(evt)" transform="translate(80, 390)" cursor="pointer">
<use xlink:href="#brokenImage" />
<use xlink:href="#tiffImage" x="34"/>
<use xlink:href="#pngImage" x="68"/>
<use xlink:href="#jpegImage" x="0" y="34"/>
<use xlink:href="#unsupportedImage" x="34" y="34"/>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage" x="68" y="34"/>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage2" x="0" y="68"/>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage3" x="34" y="68"/>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage4" x="68" y="68"/>
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" x="75%" y="340" >Current Target Area Cursor</text>
<g transform="translate(337.5, 394)" visibility="hidden" >
<g id="refbrokenImage" visibility="visible">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">Broken Image<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">defaults to crosshair</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#brokenImage" />
<g id="reftiffImage">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">Tiff Image</text>
<use xlink:href="#tiffImage" />
<g id="refpngImage">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">PNG Image</text>
<use xlink:href="#pngImage" />
<g id="refjpegImage">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">JPEG Image</text>
<use xlink:href="#jpegImage" />
<g id="refunsupportedImage">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">Unsupported Image (BMP)<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">defaults to crosshair</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#unsupportedImage" />
<g id="refsvgImage">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">SVG Image<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">defaults to crosshair</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage" />
<g id="refsvgImage2">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">SVG Image<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">No viewBox/width/height</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage2" />
<g id="refsvgImage3">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">SVG Image<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">ViewBox, no width/height</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage3" />
y <g id="refsvgImage4">
<text class="label" text-anchor="middle" y="40">SVG Image<tspan dy="1.5em" x="0">ViewBox, different aspect ratio</tspan></text>
<use xlink:href="#svgImage4" />
<image id="brokenImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/iDontExist.png" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="tiffImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/tiffCursor.tif" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="pngImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/pngCursor.png" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="jpegImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/jpegCursor.jpg" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="unsupportedImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/bmpCursor.bmp" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="svgImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor.svg" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="svgImage2" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor2.svg" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="svgImage3" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor3.svg" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<image id="svgImage4" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor4.svg" width="32" height="32" x="-16" y="-16"/>
<cursor id="cursorbrokenImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/iDontExist.png" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursortiffImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/tiffCursor.tif" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorpngImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/pngCursor.png" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorjpegImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/jpegCursor.jpg" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorunsupportedImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/bmpCursor.bmp" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorsvgImage" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor.svg" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorsvgImage2" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor2.svg" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorsvgImage3" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor3.svg" x="16" y="16"/>
<cursor id="cursorsvgImage4" xlink:href="../../resources/images/svgCursor4.svg" x="16" y="8"/>