blob: f512db1e3f1bb3755b6d8f268d62aed6b777a896 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
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<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- 3D demo -->
<!-- -->
<!-- @author -->
<!-- @version $Id$ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<svg xmlns=""
id="body" width="640" height="480" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
<script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
// constants
var OBJECT_COME = 1;
var OBJECT_GO = 2;
var OBJECT_PLAY = 3;
var _xOrigin = 320;
var _yOrigin = 240;
var svgNS = "";
// 3D object collection
var _objects;
var _currentObject;
// starting time for _animationState='OBJECT_PLAY'
var _time;
// object definition
var _points3d;
var _faces;
// svg shapes that represent the object
var _shapes;
// transformation matrix
var _matrix = new Array(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
var _gElt;
var _minFocalDistance;
var _focalDistance;
var _incFocalDistance = (MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE - MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE) / 75;
var _currentPoints3d;
var _alpha = 0;
var _incAlpha = Math.PI*2 / 100;
var _beta = 33;
var _incBeta = Math.PI*2 / 117;
var _gamma = 33;
var _incGamma = Math.PI*2 / 117;
var _animationState;
// Animates the object
function animate() {
if (_animationState == OBJECT_COME) {
} else if (_animationState == OBJECT_GO) {
} else if (_animationState == OBJECT_PLAY) {
// Makes the current object to come
function comeObject() {
if (_focalDistance+_incFocalDistance > MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE) {
_minFocalDistance = MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE;
_animationState = OBJECT_PLAY;
_time = new Date();
// Makes the current object to disapear
function goObject() {
if (_focalDistance+_incFocalDistance <= _minFocalDistance) {
_animationState = OBJECT_COME;
// Makes the current object moving for a time
function playObject() {
var newTime = new Date();
if (newTime - _time > 8000) {
_animationState = OBJECT_GO;
// Animates the object
function animateObject() {
setToRotate(_matrix, _alpha, _beta, _gamma);
transformObject(_matrix, _points3d, _currentPoints3d);
_alpha = (_alpha + _incAlpha) % (Math.PI*2);
_beta = (_beta + _incBeta) % (Math.PI*2);
_gamma = (_gamma + _incGamma) % (Math.PI*2);
for (var i = 0; i < _faces.length; ++i) {
_focalDistance += _incFocalDistance;
if (_focalDistance > MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE) {
_incFocalDistance = -_incFocalDistance;
} else if (_focalDistance < _minFocalDistance) {
_incFocalDistance = -_incFocalDistance;
// Global initialization
function startAnimation(evt) {
var i = 0;
_objects = new Array();
var object;
object = new Array(3);
object[0] = buildCubePoints();
object[1] = buildCubeFaces();
object[2] = buildCubeColors();
object[3] = buildCubeAnimationDefinition();
_objects[i++] = object;
object = new Array(3);
object[0] = buildTriPoints();
object[1] = buildTriFaces();
object[2] = buildTriColors();
object[3] = buildTriAnimationDefinition();
_objects[i++] = object;
object = new Array(3);
object[0] = buildRectPoints();
object[1] = buildRectFaces();
object[2] = buildRectColors();
object[3] = buildRectAnimationDefinition();
_objects[i++] = object;
_gElt =;
_animationState = OBJECT_COME;
_currentObject = -1;
// launch animation
setInterval('animate()', 20);
// switch object
function switchToObject() {
if (_currentObject == _objects.length) {
_currentObject = 0;
var object = _objects[_currentObject];
_points3d = object[0];
_faces = object[1];
// updates the animation definition
var defs = object[3];
_incFocalDistance = defs[0];
_incAlpha = defs[1];
_incBeta = defs[2];
_incGamma = defs[3];
// copy current object's coordinates to currentPoints3d
_currentPoints3d = new Array(_points3d.length);
for (var i = 0; i < _points3d.length; ++i) {
var pt3d = _points3d[i];
var cPt3d = new Array(3);
cPt3d[0] = pt3d[0];
cPt3d[1] = pt3d[1];
cPt3d[2] = pt3d[2];
_currentPoints3d[i] = cPt3d;
// clean container
while (_gElt.firstChild != null) {
// build svg shapes
_shapes = new Array(_faces.length);
var colors = object[2];
for (var i = 0; i < _faces.length; ++i) {
var e = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "polygon");
e.setAttribute("style", "fill:"+colors[i]);
_shapes[i] = e;
// Builds the shapes according to the current points 3D
function buildShape(index) {
var e = _shapes[index];
var face = _faces[index];
var pointsData = "";
if (!isFaceVisible(index)) {
pointsData = "-10 -10"; // hide the shape
} else {
var pt2d = new Array(2);
for (var i = 0; i < face.length; ++i) {
projectPoint3d(_currentPoints3d[face[i]], pt2d);
pointsData += pt2d[0]+" "+pt2d[1]+" ";
e.setAttribute("points", pointsData);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2D functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Projects a 3D point on the screen
function projectPoint3d(srcPt3d, destPt2d) {
var x = srcPt3d[0];
var y = srcPt3d[1];
var z = srcPt3d[2];
if (z == 0) {
z = 1;
destPt2d[0] = _focalDistance * x / (800-z) + _xOrigin;
destPt2d[1] = _focalDistance * y / (800-z) + _yOrigin;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3D functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if the face at the specified index is visible
function isFaceVisible(index) {
var face = _faces[index];
var p1 = _currentPoints3d[face[0]];
var p2 = _currentPoints3d[face[1]];
var p3 = _currentPoints3d[face[2]];
return ((p3[0]-p1[0])*(p3[1]-p2[1])-(p3[0]-p2[0])*(p3[1]-p1[1]) > 0);
// Transforms according to the specified matrix, the specified 3D points
function transformObject(matrix, points3d, currentPoints3d) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentPoints3d.length; ++i) {
transformPoint3d(matrix, points3d[i], currentPoints3d[i]);
// Transforms according to the specified matrix, the specified point
function transformPoint3d(matrix, srcPt3d, destPt3d) {
var x = srcPt3d[0];
var y = srcPt3d[1];
var z = srcPt3d[2];
destPt3d[0] = x*matrix[0]+y*matrix[1]+z*matrix[2] + matrix[3];
destPt3d[1] = x*matrix[4]+y*matrix[5]+z*matrix[6] + matrix[7];
destPt3d[2] = x*matrix[8]+y*matrix[9]+z*matrix[10] + matrix[11];
// Sets the specified matrix to a rotation matrix
function setToRotate(matrix, alpha, beta, gamma) {
// Assuming the angles are in radians
var c1 = Math.cos(alpha);
var s1 = Math.sin(alpha);
var c2 = Math.cos(beta);
var s2 = Math.sin(beta);
var c3 = Math.cos(gamma);
var s3 = Math.sin(gamma);
matrix[0] = c1 * c2;
matrix[1] = s1 * c2;
matrix[2] = -s2;
matrix[3] = 0;
matrix[4] = -(s1 * c3)+(c1 * s2 * s3);
matrix[5] = (c1*c3) + (s1 * s2 * s3);
matrix[6] = c2 * s3;
matrix[7] = 0;
matrix[8] = (s1 * s3) + (c1 * s2 * c3);
matrix[9] = -(c1 * s3) + (s1 * s2 * c3);
matrix[10] = c2*c3;
matrix[11] = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object collection
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Cube ---
// Constructs the animation definition
function buildCubeAnimationDefinition() {
var defs = new Array();
defs[0] = (MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE - MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE) / 75; // incFocalDistance
defs[1] = Math.PI*2 / 100; // _incAlpha
defs[2] = Math.PI*2 / 117; // _incBeta
defs[3] = 0; // _incGamma
return defs;
// Constructs the color palette for the object
function buildCubeColors() {
return new Array("#04a", "#025", // front
"#4a4", "#252", // back
"#a44", "#522", // top
"#aa4", "#552", // bottom
"#a4a", "#525", // left
"#aaa", "#555"); // right
// Constructs the points array, anti-clockwise
function buildCubeFaces() {
var faces = new Array(12);
faces[0] = new Array(0, 2, 3); // front
faces[1] = new Array(0, 3, 1);
faces[2] = new Array(6, 4, 5); // back
faces[3] = new Array(6, 5, 7);
faces[4] = new Array(4, 0, 1); // top
faces[5] = new Array(4, 1, 5);
faces[6] = new Array(2, 6, 7); // bottom
faces[7] = new Array(2, 7, 3);
faces[8] = new Array(4, 6, 2); // left
faces[9] = new Array(4, 2, 0);
faces[10] = new Array(1, 3, 7); // right
faces[11] = new Array(1, 7, 5);
return faces;
// Constructs the points array
function buildCubePoints() {
var points3d = new Array(8);
// front coordinates
points3d[0] = new Array(-50, -50, -50); // x,y,z coordinates
points3d[1] = new Array(50, -50, -50);
points3d[2] = new Array(-50, 50, -50);
points3d[3] = new Array(50, 50, -50);
// back coordinates
points3d[4] = new Array(-50, -50, 50);
points3d[5] = new Array(50, -50, 50);
points3d[6] = new Array(-50, 50, 50);
points3d[7] = new Array(50, 50, 50);
return points3d;
// --- Rect ---
// Constructs the animation definition
function buildRectAnimationDefinition() {
var defs = new Array();
defs[0] = (MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE - MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE) / 100; // incFocalDistance
defs[1] = Math.PI*2 / 200; // _incAlpha
defs[2] = Math.PI*2 / 217; // _incBeta
defs[3] = Math.PI*2 / 128; // _incGamma
return defs;
// Constructs the color palette for the object
function buildRectColors() {
return new Array("#04a", "#025", // front
"#4a4", "#252", // back
"#a44", "#522", // top
"#aa4", "#552", // bottom
"#a4a", "#525", // left
"#aaa", "#555"); // right
// Constructs the points array, anti-clockwise
function buildRectFaces() {
var faces = new Array(12);
faces[0] = new Array(0, 2, 3); // front
faces[1] = new Array(0, 3, 1);
faces[2] = new Array(6, 4, 5); // back
faces[3] = new Array(6, 5, 7);
faces[4] = new Array(4, 0, 1); // top
faces[5] = new Array(4, 1, 5);
faces[6] = new Array(2, 6, 7); // bottom
faces[7] = new Array(2, 7, 3);
faces[8] = new Array(4, 6, 2); // left
faces[9] = new Array(4, 2, 0);
faces[10] = new Array(1, 3, 7); // right
faces[11] = new Array(1, 7, 5);
return faces;
// Constructs the points array
function buildRectPoints() {
var points3d = new Array(8);
// front coordinates
points3d[0] = new Array(-60, -20, -50); // x,y,z coordinates
points3d[1] = new Array(60, -20, -50);
points3d[2] = new Array(-60, 20, -50);
points3d[3] = new Array(60, 20, -50);
// back coordinates
points3d[4] = new Array(-60, -20, 50);
points3d[5] = new Array(60, -20, 50);
points3d[6] = new Array(-60, 20, 50);
points3d[7] = new Array(60, 20, 50);
return points3d;
// --- Triangle ---
// Constructs the animation definition
function buildTriAnimationDefinition() {
var defs = new Array();
defs[0] = (MAX_FOCAL_DISTANCE - MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE) / 100; // incFocalDistance
defs[1] = 0; // _incAlpha
defs[2] = Math.PI*2 / 217; // _incBeta
defs[3] = Math.PI*2 / 128; // _incGamma
return defs;
// Constructs the color palette for the object
function buildTriColors() {
return new Array("#0a0", "#a00", "#00a", "#a0a");
// Constructs the points array, anti-clockwise
function buildTriFaces() {
var faces = new Array(4);
faces[0] = new Array(0, 3, 1);
faces[1] = new Array(1, 3, 2);
faces[2] = new Array(1, 2, 0);
faces[3] = new Array(3, 0, 2);
return faces;
// Constructs the points array
function buildTriPoints() {
var points3d = new Array(4);
points3d[0] = new Array(20, 20, 20); // x,y,z coordinates
points3d[1] = new Array(50, 50, 100);
points3d[2] = new Array(100, 20, 20);
points3d[3] = new Array(50, 100, 20);
return points3d;
<linearGradient id="grad1">
<stop offset="0" style="stop-color:blue" />
<stop offset=".2" style="stop-color:red" />
<stop offset=".4" style="stop-color:yellow" />
<stop offset=".6" style="stop-color:green" />
<stop offset=".8" style="stop-color:cyan" />
<stop offset="1" style="stop-color:blue" />
<rect x="0" y="10%" width="100%" height="80%" style="fill:black" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="10%" style="fill:#004" />
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<text x="50%" y="40" style="text-anchor:middle; font-family:Impact;font-size:36; fill:white;">Batik 3D</text>
<g id="container" onload="startAnimation(evt)">
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- Batik sample mark -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<use transform="translate(598,447)" width="27" height="28"
xlink:href="batikLogo.svg#Batik_Squiggle" />