blob: b503edfb4b56fa0f532cddd8f83612526589580c [file] [log] [blame]
SVG pretty-printer - (C) Apache Software Foundation
svgpp [options] <input file> [<output file>]
Available Options:
Disables any formatting. Useful for doctype modifications,
newline conversion, ...
-xml-decl <string>
The value to set to the XML declaraction.
-system-id <string>
The value to set to the system ID of the doctype.
-doc-width <number>
Sets the document preferred number of columns. The default is 80.
-tab-width <number>
Sets the tabulation width. The default is 4.
-public-id <string>
The value to set to the public ID of the doctype.
-newline (cr | cr-lf | lf)
Specifies the type of newline to output. Possible values are:
cr (mac), cr-lf (dos), lf (unix - the default).
-doctype (change | remove)
Removes or changes the DOCTYPE declaration. change is used
in conjonction with the -public-id and -system-id options.