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<!-- Tests various text on a path -->
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<!-- @version $Id$ -->
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<svg id="body" width="450" height="500" viewBox="0 0 450 500"
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<title>Test of Text wrapping stuff.</title>
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<text class="title" x="50%" y="40">Test of Text wrapping stuff</text>
<!-- Space after size 40 'that' is aci 45 -->
<rect x="17" y="80" width="200" height="400" fill="rgb(220,220,255)"/>
<line x1="27" y1="70" x2="27" y2="490" stroke="grey" fill="none"/>
<line x1="207" y1="70" x2="207" y2="490" stroke="grey" fill="none"/>
<rect x="220" y="80" width="10" height="400" fill="rgb(220,220,255)"/>
<rect x="233" y="80" width="200" height="400" fill="rgb(220,220,255)"/>
<line x1="243" y1="70" x2="243" y2="490" stroke="grey" fill="none"/>
<line x1="423" y1="70" x2="423" y2="490" stroke="grey" fill="none"/>
<flowRoot font-size="20">
<path d="M 17,80 v400 h200 v-400 z
M 220,80 v400 h10 v-400 z
M 233,80 v400 h200 v-400 z" visibility="hidden"/>
<flowPara indent="20" margin-top="10" margin-bottom="10" >This is an <flowSpan font-size="40" fill="crimson">ex&#x00AD;ample</flowSpan> of a very long string that is split &#x200D;across multi&#x00AD;ple lines via text wrap&#x0AD;ping.</flowPara>
<flowPara text-align="middle" margin-top="10" margin-left="10" margin-right="10" margin-bottom="10"><flowLine>Now check if text wrapping handles a number of tricky</flowLine> situations: a&#x00AD;very&#x00AD;long&#x00AD;runon&#x00AD;word&#x00AD;that&#x00AD;spans&#x00AD;multiple&#x00AD;lines&#x00AD;<flowSpan font-weight="bold">with&#x00AD;<flowSpan fill="crimson">embedded&#x00AD;</flowSpan>span</flowSpan>&#x00AD;elements &amp; <flowSpan fill="green" dy="-.3em" font-size="80%">super</flowSpan><flowSpan dy=".3em"> or </flowSpan><flowSpan fill="darkgreen" dy=".3em" font-size="80%">sub</flowSpan><flowSpan dy="-.3em"> scripts.</flowSpan></flowPara>
<flowPara margin-top="10" text-align="end">Now we are just <flowSpan font-size="30" fill="blue">about</flowSpan> to go to the next flow rect <flowSpan font-size="10">(note if the 'about' were included on the last line of the previous flow rect the line would not have fit and the whole line would have moved here).</flowSpan></flowPara>
<flowPara margin="10" text-align="full"> I'll keep going because I want to make sure that it properly stops when it hits the end of all of the the flow regions defined. Also the last line includes text in a larger font size so it will not fit. Thus the end of this sentence will be cut off because the line size gets <flowSpan font-size="35">tall</flowSpan>er</flowPara>
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