blob: 16826120d15ce3dcead45679d6f038987df84127 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. #
# This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License #
# version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in #
# the LICENSE file. #
# The error messages for the bridge.
# Author: Thierry Kormann
resolveColorComponent.bad_primitive_type = \
Unexpected type for the CSSPrimitiveValue {0} that represents a color component
##### #####
bad.uri = \
Invalid URI "{0}"
element.unsupported = \
Unsupported element {0} = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "in" is not supported
filter.reference.illegal = \
The referenced element <{0}> is not a <filter>
mask.reference.illegal = \
The referenced element <{0}> is not a <mask>
clipPath.reference.illegal = \
The referenced element <{0}> is not a <clipPath>
paint.reference.illegal = \
The referenced element <{0}> is not a element that can be used to paint
##### #####
region.x.required = \
The attribute "x" on <{0}> is required
region.y.required = \
The attribute "y" on <{0}> is required
region.width.required = \
The attribute "width" on <{0}> is required
region.height.required = \
The attribute "height" on <{0}> is required
region.width.illegal = \
The attribute "width" on <{0}> must be positive
region.height.illegal = \
The attribute "height" on <{0}> must be positive
region.units.invalid = \
The value "{0}" is invalid for <{2}>
length.invalid = \
"{0}" is not a valid number or percentage for the attribute "{1}"
length.illegal = \
The attribute "{0}" must be positive
integer.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is not a valid integer number
float.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is not a valid float number
##### global #####
transform.invalid = \
The attribute "transform" {0} is invalid\n{1}
##### <circle> #####
circle.r.required = \
The attribute "r" on <circle> is required
circle.r.negative = \
The attribute "r" on <circle> must be positive
##### <rect> #####
rect.width.required = \
The attribute "width" on <rect> is required
rect.width.negative = \
The attribute "width" on <rect> must be positive
rect.height.required = \
The attribute "height" on <rect> is required
rect.height.negative = \
The attribute "height" on <rect> must be positive
rect.rx.negative = \
The attribute "rx" on <rect> must be positive
rect.ry.negative = \
The attribute "ry" on <rect> must be positive
##### <ellipse> #####
ellipse.rx.required = \
The attribute "rx" on <ellipse> is required
ellipse.rx.negative = \
The attribute "rx" on <ellipse> must be positive
ellipse.ry.required = \
The attribute "ry" on <ellipse> is required
ellipse.ry.negative = \
The attribute "ry" on <ellipse> must be positive
##### <polyline> #####
polyline.points.required = \
The attribute "points" on <polyline> is required
polyline.points.invalid = \
The attribute "points" on <polyline> is not a valid list of points\n{0}
##### <polygone> #####
polygon.points.required = \
The attribute "points" on <polygon> is required
polygon.points.invalid = \
The attribute "points" on <polygon> is not a valid list of points\n{0}
##### <image> #####
image.width.required = \
The attribute "width" on <image> is required
image.width.negative = \
The attribute "width" on <image> must be positive
image.height.required = \
The attribute "height" on <image> is required
image.height.negative = \
The attribute "height" on <image> must be positive
image.xlinkHref.required = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <image> is required
image.xlinkHref.invalid = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <image> can not reference elements \
within an SVG file
image.xlinkHref.badURL = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <image> has a malformed URL
image.xlinkHref.badImageType = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <image> references a bag image type
##### <path> #####
path.d.required = \
The attribute "d" on <path> is required
path.d.invalid = \
The attribute "d" on <path> is not a valid path\n{0}
##### <linearGradient> ; <radialGradient> and <stop> #####
gradient.spreadMethod.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "spreadMethod" is invalid
stop.offset.required = \
The attribute "offset" on <stop> is required
linearGradient.units.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is invalid for <linearGradient>
radialGradient.units.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is invalid for <radialGradient>
##### <feBlend> #####
feBlend.in2.required = \
The attribute "in2" on <feBlend> is required
feBlend.mode.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "mode" is invalid
##### <feColorMatrix> #####
feColorMatrix.type.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "type" is invalid
feColorMatrix.values.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "values" has not the correct number of values
feColorMatrix.value.invalid = \
The attribute "values" contains "{0}" which is not a valid float number
##### <feComponentTransfer> #####
feComponentTransfer.type.required = \
The attribute "type" on <{0}> is required
feComponentTransfer.type.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "type" is invalid
feComponentTransfer.value.invalid = \
The attribute "tableValues" contains "{0}" which is not a valid float number
##### <feComposite> #####
feComposite.in2.required = \
The attribute "in2" on <feComposite> is required
feComposite.operator.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "operator" on <feComposite> is invalid
##### <feConvolveMatrix> #####
feConvolveMatrix.order.notPosInt = \
The attribute "order" on <feConvolveMatrix> must contain positive integers(s).
feConvolveMatrix.kernelMatrix.tooMany = \
The attribute "kernelMatrix" on <feConvolveMatrix> contains too many values.
feConvolveMatrix.kernelMatrix.notEnough = \
The attribute "kernelMatrix" on <feConvolveMatrix> contains too few values. = \
The attribute "divisor" on <feConvolveMatrix> can not be zero.
feConvolveMatrix.targetX.invalid = \
The attribute "targetX" on <feConvolveMatrix> must lie within the kernel.
feConvolveMatrix.targetY.invalid = \
The attribute "targetY" on <feConvolveMatrix> must lie within the kernel.
feConvolveMatrix.edgeMode.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "edgeMode" on <feConvolveMatrix> is invalid.
feConvolveMatrix.kernelUnitLength.notPositive = \
The attribute "kernelUnitLength" on <feConvolveMatrix> must contain positive number(s).
feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "preserveAlpha" on <feConvolveMatrix> is invalid.
##### <feDisplacementMap> #####
feDisplacementMap.in2.required = \
The attribute "in2" on <feDisplacementMap> is required
feDisplacementMap.channelSelector.invalid = \
The value "{0}" is not a valid channelSelector
##### <feGaussianBlur> #####
feGaussianBlur.stdDeviationX.invalid = \
The attribute "stdDeviation" on <feGaussianBlur> must contain positive number(s)
feGaussianBlur.stdDeviationY.invalid = \
The attribute "stdDeviation" on <feGaussianBlur> must contain positive number(s)
##### <feImage> #####
feImage.xlinkHref.required = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <feImage> is required
image.xlinkHref.badURL = \
The attribute "xlink:href" on <feImage> has a malformed URL
##### <feMerge> #####
feMerge.subelement.invalid = \
Invalid subelement <{0}> on <feMerge>
##### <feMorphology> #####
feMorphology.radiusX.invalid = \
The attribute "radius" on <feMorphology> must contain positive number(s)
feMorphology.radiusY.invalid = \
The attribute "radius" on <feMorphology> must contain positive number(s)
feMorphology.operator.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "operator" is invalid
##### <feTurbulence> #####
feTurbulence.stitchTiles.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "stitchTiles" is invalid
feTurbulence.type.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "type" is invalid
##### <filter> #####
filter.filterResX.invalid = \
The attribute "filterRes" on <filter> must contain positive number(s)
filter.filterResY.invalid = \
The attribute "filterRes" on <filter> must contain positive number(s)
filter.subelement.illegal = \
Unsupported or bad filter primitive <{0}> in <filter>
filter.subelement.invalid = \
Unable to create the filter primitive "{0}"
##### <mask> #####
mask.subelement.illegal = \
Unsupported or bad subelement "{0}" on <mask>
mask.maskContentUnits.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is invalid for <mask>
##### <pattern> #####
pattern.subelement.illegal = \
Unsupported or bad subelement "{0}" on <pattern>
pattern.units.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is not valid for <pattern>
##### <clipPath> #####
clipPath.subelement.illegal = \
Unsupported or bad subelement "{0}" on <clipPath>
clipPath.units.invalid = \
The value "{0}" of the attribute "{1}" is not valid for <clipPath>
##### <text> #####
tref.xlinkHref.badURL = \
Invalid or bad URL on the element <tref>