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XMLBeans Tools | |
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<h1> XMLBeans Tools </h1> | |
<p> XMLBeans includes several command-line tools you might find handy as shortcuts | |
for common tasks. You'll find these tools in the bin directory of the XMLBeans | |
installation or source tree.</p> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <a href="#dumpxsb">dumpxsb (XSB File Dumper)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Prints the contents of an XSB file in human-readable form. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#inst2xsd">inst2xsd (Instance to Schema Tool)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Generates XML schema from XML instance files. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#scomp">scomp (Schema Compiler)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Compiles a schema into XMLBeans classes and metadata. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#scopy">scopy (Schema Copier)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Copies the XML schema at the specified URL to the specified file. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#sdownload">sdownload (Schema Downloader)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Maintains "xsdownload.xml," an index of locally downloaded XSD | |
files. URLs that are specified are downloaded if they aren't already cached. | |
If no files or URLs are specified, all indexed files are relevant. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#sfactor">sfactor (Schema Factoring Tool)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Factors redundant definitions out of a set of schemas and uses imports | |
instead. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#svalidate">svalidate (Streaming Instance Validator)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Validates a schema definition and instances within the schema. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#validate">validate (Instance Validator)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Validates an instance against a schema. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#xpretty">xpretty (XML Pretty Printer)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Pretty prints the specified XML to the console. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#xsd2inst">xsd2inst (Schema to Instance Tool)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Prints an XML instance from the specified global element using the specified | |
schema. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="#xsdtree">xsdtree (Schema Type Hierarchy Printer)</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Prints an inheritance hierarchy of the types defined in a schema. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <a href="antXmlbean.html">xmlbean Ant task</a> </dt> | |
<dd> Compiles a set of XSD and/or WSDL files into XMLBeans types. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="dumpxsb"></a>dumpxsb (XSB File Dumper) </h2> | |
<p> Prints the contents of an XSB file in human-readable form. An XSB file contains | |
schema meta information needed to perform tasks such as binding and validation. | |
"XSB" stands for XML Schema Binary.</p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>dumpxsb </strong><em>myfile.xsb</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <em>myfile.xsb</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The name of an XSB file. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> The following command and output example use an XSB file generated by compiling | |
the schema (in EasyPo.xsd) that accompanies the SubstitutionGroup sample. </p> | |
<pre>dumpxsb PurchaseOrderDocument.xsb</pre> | |
<p> Output: </p> | |
<pre>PurchaseOrderDocument.xsb | |
Magic cookie: da7ababe | |
Major version: 2 | |
Minor version: 22 | |
Release number: 0 | |
String pool (2): | |
1 = "schema.system.s633ECC92E6CC0ACA137B11B7B38CA3A8" | |
Type system: schema.system.s633ECC92E6CC0ACA137B11B7B38CA3A8</pre> | |
<h2> <a name="inst2xsd"></a>inst2xsd (Instance to Schema Tool) </h2> | |
<p> Generates XML schema from XML instance files. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>inst2xsd </strong>[<em>options</em>] <em>instance.xml</em>*</pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-design </strong>[<strong>rd </strong>|<strong> ss </strong>|<strong> | |
vb</strong>] </dt> | |
<dd> The XML schema design type to use for the generated schema. </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>rd</strong> — Use russian doll design; local elements and | |
local types. </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>ss</strong> — Use salami slice design; global elements and | |
local types. </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>vb</strong> (default) — Use venetian blind design; local | |
elements and global complex types. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-simple-content-types</strong> [<strong>smart</strong> | <strong>string</strong>] | |
</dt> | |
<dd> The manner for detecting content types (leaf text) </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>smart</strong> (default) — Use a likely type, such as xs:byte | |
for a value of "123". </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>string</strong> — Use xs:string as the type. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-enumerations</strong> [<strong>never</strong> | <em>number</em>] | |
</dt> | |
<dd> Whether to use enumerations. </dd> | |
<dd> <strong>never</strong> — Never use enumerations. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>number</em> (default: 10) — Use <em>number</em> as the threshold | |
for enumerations. Specifying "2" will create enumerations for elements | |
with no more than two different values. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-outDir</strong> [<em>dir</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> The directory for output files. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>dir</em> — Directory path. Default is '.' (the current directory). | |
</dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-outPrefix</strong> [<em>file_name_prefix</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> The prefix for output file names. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>file_name_prefix</em> — Prefix to use. Default is "schema". | |
</dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-validate</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Validate input instances against generated schemas. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-verbose</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print more informational messages. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-help</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print help information. </dd> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> The following example generates schema0.xsd from Purchase-Order.xml, with | |
salami slice schema design, simple content types detected where possible, and | |
enumerations limited to elements with four different values. </p> | |
<pre>inst2xsd -design ss -simple-content-types smart -enumerations 4 Purchase-Order.xml</pre> | |
<h2> <a name="scomp"></a>scomp (Schema Compiler) </h2> | |
<p> Compiles schema into Java XMLBeans classes and metadata. Schema-related work | |
with XMLBeans begins by compiling schema to generated Java types. You can use | |
scomp to compile schema from the command line. XMLBeans also provides an Ant | |
task, <a href="antXmlbean.html">xmlbeans</a>, which you can use to compile schemas. | |
For run-time schema compilation that doesn't generate files, see the org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans.compileXsd | |
methods.</p> | |
<p>For more information about the types resulting from compiling schema, see <a href="conJavaTypesGeneratedFromUserDerived.html">Java | |
Types Generated from User-Derived Schema Types</a>, <a href="conXMLBeansSupportBuiltInSchemaTypes.html">XMLBeans | |
Support for Built-In Schema Types</a>, and <a href="conMethodsForGeneratedJavaTypes.html">Methods | |
for Types Generated From Schema</a>. </p> | |
<p>For more information on getting started with XMLBeans, see <a href="conGettingStartedwithXMLBeans.html">Getting | |
Started with XMLBeans</a>.</p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>scomp</strong> [<em>options</em>] [<em>dirs</em>]* [<em>schemaFile.xsd</em>]* [<em>service.wsdl</em>]* [<em>config.xsdconfig</em>]*</pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-cp</strong> [<em>pathA;pathB;pathC</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> Classpath specifying classes to include during compilation. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>pathA;pathB;pathC</em> — Class search path of directories and | |
JAR files. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-d</strong> [<em>dir</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> Target directory for CLASS and XSB files. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>dir</em> — The directory path. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-src</strong> [<em>dir</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> Target directory for generated JAVA files. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>dir</em> — The directory path. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-srconly</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Do not compile JAVA files or jar the output. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dd> Note that XSB files are needed in order for CLASS files compiled from the | |
sources to be useful as XMLBeans classes. To get <em>only JAVA files</em>, | |
use -src to specify a directory for the JAVA files. To get <em>JAVA and XSB | |
files in the same directory</em>, use -d to specify a directory that will | |
include both. To get <em>JAVA and XSB files in separate directories</em>, | |
use -src for the JAVA file destination and -d for the XSB file destination. | |
</dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-out</strong> [<em>jarFileName</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> The name of the output JAR that will contain the result of compilation. | |
The default is "xmltypes.jar". </dd> | |
<dd> <em>jarFileName</em> — The name for the JAR containing generated | |
files. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-dl</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Permit network downloads for imports and includes (this permission is off | |
by default). </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-noupa</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Do not enforce the unique particle attribution rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-nopvr</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Do not enforce the particle valid (restriction) rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-noann</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Ignore annotations. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-novdoc</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Do not validate contents of <documentation> elements. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-compiler</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Path to external Java compiler. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-javasource</strong> [<em>version</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> Generate Java source compatible for the specified Java version (1.4 or | |
1.5). </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-ms</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Initial memory for external Java compiler; the default is "8m". | |
</dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-mx</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Maximum memory for external Java compiler; the default is "256m". | |
</dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-debug</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Compile with debug symbols. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-quiet</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print fewer informational messages. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-verbose</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print more informational messages. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-version</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print version information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-allowmdef</strong> "[<em>namespace</em>] [<em>namespace</em>] | |
[<em>namespace</em>]" </dt> | |
<dd> Ignore multiple defs in given namespaces. Use <code> ##local </code> to | |
specify the no-namespace in that list. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-catalog</strong> [<em>fileName</em>] </dt> | |
<dd> Catalog file to use for resolving external entities. With this option, | |
scomp uses <code> org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver </code> for | |
resolving. Note that to use this option, your classpath must include resolver.jar | |
from http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/resolver/index.html). Copy resolver.jar | |
to the XMLBEANS_HOME/lib directory, so that the script can pick it up from | |
there. You can use the <a href="#sdownload">sdownload</a> tool to ensure that | |
required schemas are present for compilation. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>fileName — </em>A path to the catalog file. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>dirs</em> </dt> | |
<dd> Directories containing XSD (and possibly XSDCONFIG) files that should be | |
compiled. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>schemaFile.xsd</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The names of XSD files that should be compiled. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>service.wsdl</em> </dt> | |
<dd> A WSDL file for which types should be generated. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>config.xsdconfig</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The name of an XSDCONFIG file. Use an XSDCONFIG file to guide the naming | |
of generated classes and packages. Without an XSDCONFIG file, scomp uses the | |
schema's type names and URI for classes and packages. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> In the following example, scomp compiles EasyPO.xsd, guiding type naming with | |
po.xsdconfig. scomp puts generated CLASS and XSB files into a classes directory | |
one level up, and JAVA source files into a src directory one level up. Source | |
files will be compatible with Java version 1.5. </p> | |
<pre>scomp -d ..\classes -src ..\src -javasource 1.5 EasyPO.xsd po.xsdconfig</pre> | |
<p> Here, scomp compiles all of the contents of the schemas directory and puts | |
the generated files into poschema.jar one level up. </p> | |
<pre>scomp -out ..\poschema.jar schemas</pre> | |
<p> The following example generates JAVA source and XSB files from the schema | |
in EasyPO.xsd. No CLASS files are generated, and the JAVA and XSB files are | |
put into src and xsb directories, respectively. </p> | |
<pre>scomp -srconly -src ..\src -d ..\xsb EasyPO.xsd</pre> | |
<p> When the schema features imports or includes and you want to use a catalog, | |
you can tell scomp to use the default catalog resolver (<code>org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver</code>); | |
you specify a catalog file with the -catalog option, as in the example below. | |
(Note that this requires resolver.jar, as noted above for the -catalog option.) | |
In this example, scomp compiles schemaThatUsesRequiredSchema.xsd into myschemas.jar, | |
resolving imports from requiredSchema.xsd through xsdownload.xml. The <a href="#sdownload">sdownload</a> | |
tool is executed first — this ensures that requiredSchema.xsd is present | |
for compilation, but does not actually download requiredSchema.xsd unless the | |
URL at which it's found isn't already cached. This is more efficient than using | |
scomp's -dl option, which attempts to download every time.</p> | |
<pre>sdownload "http://some.org/requiredSchema.xsd" | |
scomp -out ..\myschemas.jar -catalog xsdownload.xml schemaThatUsesRequiredSchema.xsd</pre> | |
<p> When a schema features multiple element declarations of the same qname, such | |
as multiple <xs:any> particles, you might want to disable to "unique | |
particle validation" rule, which would ordinarily invalidate the schema. | |
To do this, use the -noupa option, as in the following example. </p> | |
<pre>scomp -out ..\myschemas.jar -noupa schemas</pre> | |
<h2> <a name="scopy"></a>scopy (Schema Copier) </h2> | |
<p> Copies the XML schema at the specified URL to the specified file. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>schemacopy</strong> <em>sourceurl</em> [<em>targetfile</em>]</pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>sourceurl</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> The URL at which the schema is located. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>targetfile</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The file to which the schema should be copied. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="sdownload"></a>sdownload (Schema Downloader) </h2> | |
<p> Maintains "xsdownload.xml," an index of locally downloaded XSD files. | |
URLs that are specified are downloaded if they aren't already cached. If no | |
files or URLs are specified, all indexed files are relevant. </p> | |
<p> You can use this tool when using <a href="#scomp">scomp</a>, in conjunction | |
with scomp's -catalog option, to ensure the presence of schemas that are required | |
for compilation because they're imported or included. This is an alternative | |
to using scomp's -dl option, which would hit the Internet on every invocation | |
of scomp. When you use sdownload with -catalog, the download occurs only if | |
the URL is not already cached. See the scomp section for an example.</p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>sdownload</strong> [<strong>-dir</strong> <em>directory</em>] [<strong>-refresh</strong>] [<strong>-recurse</strong>] [<strong>-sync</strong>] [<em>url/file</em>]</pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-dir </strong><em>directory</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The directory for the xsdownload.xml file (the default is "."). | |
</dd> | |
<dd> <em>directory</em> — The directory path. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-sync</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Synchronize the index to any local XSD files in the tree. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-recurse</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Recursively download imported and included XSD files. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-refresh</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Re-download all indexed XSD files. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="sfactor"></a>sfactor (Schema Factoring Tool) </h2> | |
<p> Factors redundant definitions out of a set of schemas and uses imports instead. | |
</p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>sfactor</strong> [<strong>-import</strong> <em>common.xsd</em>] [<strong>-out</strong> <em>outputdir</em>] <em>inputdir [-license]</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-import</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> The XSD file to contain redundant definitions for importing. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>common.xsd</em> — A path to the file. </dd> | |
<dt> <strong>-out</strong> <em>outputdir</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The directory into which to place XSD files resulting from refactoring, | |
plus a commonly imported common.xsd. </dd> | |
<dt> inputdir </dt> | |
<dd> The directory containing the XSD files with redundant definitions. </dd> | |
<dt> -license </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="svalidate"></a>svalidate (Streaming Instance Validator) </h2> | |
<p> Validates the specified instance against the specified schema. Unlike the | |
<a href="#validate">validate</a> tool, svalidate uses a streaming model through | |
which you can validate much larger instances with less memory (if the schema | |
permits it).</p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>svalidate</strong> [<em>options</em>] <em>schema.xsd</em> <em>instance.xml</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-dl</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Enable network downloads for imports and includes. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-nopvr</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable particle valid (restriction) rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-noupa</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable unique particle attribution rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>schema.xsd</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The schema against which to validate. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>instance.xm</em>l </dt> | |
<dd> The instance to validate. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="validate" id="validate"></a>validate (Instance Validator) </h2> | |
<p> Validates a the specified instance against the specified schema. Compare this | |
tool with the <a href="#svalidate">svalidate</a> tool, which is useful for validating | |
very large documents. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>validate</strong> [<em>options</em>] <em>schema.xsd</em> <em>instance.xml</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-dl</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Enable network downloads for imports and includes. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-nopvr</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable particle valid (restriction) rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-noupa</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable unique particle attribution rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>schema.xsd</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The schema against which to validate. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>instance.xml</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The instance to validate. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> The following simple example validates PurchaseOrder.xml against EasyPO.xsd. | |
</p> | |
<pre>validate ..\schemas\EasyPO.xsd PurchaseOrder.xml</pre> | |
<p> In this example, MySchema imports types from another schema and also includes | |
multiple particles defined as <xsd:any> types. The validate command here | |
locates the external schemas for importing (providing there is network access | |
to the schemas) and ignores the validation rule whereby multiple particles of | |
the same qname render the schema invalid. </p> | |
<pre>validate -dl -noupa ..\schemas\MySchema.xsd AnInstance.xml</pre> | |
<h2> <a name="xpretty"></a>xpretty (XML Pretty Printer) </h2> | |
<p> Pretty prints the specified XML to the console. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>xpretty</strong> [<em>options</em>] <em>file.xml</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-indent</strong> <em>numberOfSpaces</em> </dt> | |
<dd> Indent the specified number of spaces. </dd> | |
<dd> <em>numberOfSpaces</em> — The number of spaces to indent. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h2> <a name="xsd2inst"></a>xsd2inst (Schema to Instance Tool) </h2> | |
<p> Prints an XML instance from the specified global element using the specified | |
schema. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>xsd2inst</strong> <em>schemafile.xsd</em> <strong>-name</strong> <em>globalElementName</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <em>schemafile.xsd</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The schema file defining the element to print. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-name</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> The name of the global element </dd> | |
<dd> <em>globalElementName </em>— The local name of the global element | |
to use as the root of the printed instance. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> The following command and output use the schema that accompanies the SubstitutionGroup | |
sample. </p> | |
<pre>xsd2inst easypo.xsd -name invoice-header</pre> | |
<p> Output </p> | |
<pre><eas:invoice-header xmlns:eas="http://xmlbeans.apache.org/samples/substitutiongroup/easypo"> | |
<eas:ship-to> | |
<eas:name>string</eas:name> | |
<eas:address>string</eas:address> | |
</eas:ship-to> | |
<eas:bill-to> | |
<eas:name>string</eas:name> | |
<eas:address>string</eas:address> | |
</eas:bill-to> | |
<!--Optional:--> | |
<eas:product id="3"/> | |
<!--Optional:--> | |
<eas:comment>string</eas:comment> | |
</eas:invoice-header></pre> | |
<h2> <a name="xsdtree"></a>xsdtree (Schema Type Hierarchy Printer) </h2> | |
<p> Prints inheritance hierarchy of types defined in a schema. </p> | |
<h3> Syntax </h3> | |
<pre><strong>xsdtree</strong> [<strong>-noanon</strong>] [<strong>-nopvr</strong>] [<strong>-noupa</strong>] [<strong>-partial</strong>] [<strong>-license</strong>] <em>schemafile.xsd*</em></pre> | |
<h4> Options </h4> | |
<dl> | |
<dt> <strong>-noanon</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Don't include anonymous types in the tree. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-nopvr</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable particle valid (restriction) rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-noupa</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Disable unique particle attribution rule. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-partial</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print only part of the hierarchy. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <strong>-license</strong> </dt> | |
<dd> Print license information. </dd> | |
<dt> </dt> | |
<dt> <em>schemafile.xsd</em> </dt> | |
<dd> The file containing the schema whose hierarchy should be printed. </dd> | |
</dl> | |
<h3> Example </h3> | |
<p> The following command and output use the schema that accompanies the SubstitutionGroup | |
sample. </p> | |
<pre>xsdtree easypo.xsd</pre> | |
<p> Output: </p> | |
<pre>xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" | |
xmlns:eas="http://xmlbeans.apache.org/samples/substitutiongroup/easypo" | |
+-xs:anyType (builtin) | |
+-xs:anySimpleType (builtin) | |
| +-xs:string (builtin) | |
| +-xs:normalizedString (builtin) | |
| +-xs:token (builtin) | |
| +-type of color element in eas:clothing-type (enumeration) | |
+-type of element eas:invoice-header | |
+-type of element eas:purchase-order | |
+-eas:product-type | |
| +-eas:clothing-type | |
| +-eas:book-type | |
+-eas:name-address</pre> | |
<h2> <a name="xmlbeans_ant"></a>xmlbean Ant task </h2> | |
<p> Compiles a set of XSD and/or WSDL files into XMLBeans types. See <a href="antXmlbean.html">xmlbean | |
Ant Task</a> for more complete documentation on the task. </p> | |
<div> | |
<p class="relatedtopics"> Related Topics </p> | |
<p> <a href="conGettingStartedwithXMLBeans.html">Getting Started with XMLBeans</a> | |
</p> | |
</div> | |
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