blob: df1e33527888ef6916d1d0cd06b4744268c3cab9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.TokenType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.ChangeStamp;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XMLChar;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.GlobalLock;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.Saver.TextSaver;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.Locale.GeneralChangeListener;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.Path.PathEngine;
public final class Cursor implements XmlCursor, GeneralChangeListener
static final int ROOT = Cur.ROOT;
static final int ELEM = Cur.ELEM;
static final int ATTR = Cur.ATTR;
static final int COMMENT = Cur.COMMENT;
static final int PROCINST = Cur.PROCINST;
static final int TEXT = Cur.TEXT;
Cursor ( Cur c )
_cur = c.weakCur( this );
_currentSelection = -1;
private static boolean isValid ( Cur c )
if (c.kind() <= 0)
if (c.toParentRaw())
int pk = c.kind();
if (pk == COMMENT || pk == PROCINST || pk == ATTR)
return false;
return true;
private boolean isValid ( )
return isValid( _cur );
Locale locale ( )
return _cur._locale;
Cur tempCur ( )
return _cur.tempCur();
public void dump ( PrintStream o )
_cur.dump( o );
public void dump ( )
dump( System.out );
static void validateLocalName ( QName name )
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "QName is null" );
validateLocalName( name.getLocalPart() );
static void validateLocalName ( String name )
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name is null" );
if (name.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name is empty" );
if (!XMLChar.isValidNCName( name ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name is not valid" );
static void validatePrefix ( String name )
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prefix is null" );
if (name.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prefix is empty" );
if (Locale.beginsWithXml( name ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prefix begins with 'xml'" );
if (!XMLChar.isValidNCName( name ))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Prefix is not valid" );
private static void complain ( String msg )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );
private void checkInsertionValidity ( Cur thisStuff )
int thisKind = thisStuff.kind();
if (thisKind < 0)
complain( "Can't move/copy/insert an end token." );
if (thisKind == ROOT)
complain( "Can't move/copy/insert a whole document." );
int k = _cur.kind();
if (k == ROOT)
complain( "Can't insert before the start of the document." );
if (thisKind == ATTR)
int pk = _cur.kind();;
if (pk != ELEM && pk != ROOT && pk != -ATTR)
"Can only insert attributes before other attributes or after containers." );
private void insertNode ( Cur thisStuff, String text )
assert thisStuff.isNode();
assert isValid( thisStuff );
assert isValid();
if (text != null && text.length() > 0)
thisStuff.insertChars( text, 0, text.length() );
checkInsertionValidity( thisStuff );
thisStuff.moveNode( _cur );
// TODO - deal with cursors moving to other documents upon release?
// Can I move the ref from one q to another? If not I will have to
// change from a phantom ref to a soft/weak ref so I can know what
// to do when I dequeue from the old q.
public void _dispose ( )
_cur = null;
public XmlCursor _newCursor ( )
return new Cursor( _cur );
public QName _getName ( )
// TODO - consider taking this out of the gateway
return _cur.getName();
public void _setName ( QName name )
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Name is null" );
switch ( _cur.kind() )
case ELEM :
case ATTR :
validateLocalName( name.getLocalPart() );
validatePrefix( name.getLocalPart() );
if (name.getNamespaceURI().length() > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Procinst name must have no URI" );
if (name.getPrefix().length() > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Procinst name must have no prefix" );
default :
new IllegalStateException(
"Can set name on element, atrtribute and procinst only" );
_cur.setName( name );
public TokenType _currentTokenType ( )
assert isValid();
switch ( _cur.kind() )
case ROOT : return TokenType.STARTDOC;
case - ROOT : return TokenType.ENDDOC;
case ELEM : return TokenType.START;
case - ELEM : return TokenType.END;
case TEXT : return TokenType.TEXT;
case ATTR : return _cur.isXmlns() ? TokenType.NAMESPACE : TokenType.ATTR;
case COMMENT : return TokenType.COMMENT;
case PROCINST : return TokenType.PROCINST;
default :
throw new IllegalStateException();
public boolean _isStartdoc ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isStartdoc(); }
public boolean _isEnddoc ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isEnddoc(); }
public boolean _isStart ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isStart(); }
public boolean _isEnd ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isEnd(); }
public boolean _isText ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isText(); }
public boolean _isAttr ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isAttr(); }
public boolean _isNamespace ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isNamespace(); }
public boolean _isComment ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isComment(); }
public boolean _isProcinst ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isProcinst(); }
public boolean _isContainer ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isContainer(); }
public boolean _isFinish ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isFinish(); }
public boolean _isAnyAttr ( ){ return _currentTokenType().isAnyAttr(); }
public TokenType _toNextToken ( )
assert isValid();
switch ( _cur.kind() )
case ROOT :
case ELEM :
if (!_cur.toFirstAttr());
case ATTR :
if (!_cur.toNextSibling())
case COMMENT :
default :
if (!
return TokenType.NONE;
return _currentTokenType();
public TokenType _toPrevToken ( )
assert isValid();
if (!_cur.prev())
if (_cur.kind() == ATTR)
return TokenType.NONE;
int k = _cur.kind();
if (k == -COMMENT || k == -PROCINST)
else if (_cur.isContainer())
return _currentTokenType();
public Object _monitor ( )
// TODO - some of these methods need not be protected by a
// gatway. This is one of them. Inline this.
return _cur._locale;
public boolean _toParent ( )
Cur c = _cur.tempCur();
if (!c.toParent())
return false;
_cur.moveToCur( c );
return true;
private static final class ChangeStampImpl implements ChangeStamp
ChangeStampImpl ( Locale l )
_locale = l;
_versionStamp = _locale.version();
public boolean hasChanged ( )
return _versionStamp != _locale.version();
private final Locale _locale;
private final long _versionStamp;
public ChangeStamp _getDocChangeStamp ( )
return new ChangeStampImpl( _cur._locale );
public XmlDocumentProperties _documentProperties ( )
return Locale.getDocProps( _cur, true );
public XMLStreamReader _newXMLStreamReader ( )
return _newXMLStreamReader( null );
public XMLStreamReader _newXMLStreamReader ( XmlOptions options )
return Jsr173.newXmlStreamReader( _cur, options );
public XMLInputStream _newXMLInputStream ( )
return _newXMLInputStream( null );
public XMLInputStream _newXMLInputStream ( XmlOptions options )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public String _xmlText ( )
return _xmlText( null );
public String _xmlText ( XmlOptions options )
assert isValid();
return new TextSaver( _cur, options, null ).saveToString();
public InputStream _newInputStream ( XmlOptions options )
return new Saver.InputStreamSaver( _cur, options );
public InputStream _newInputStream ( )
return _newInputStream( null );
public Reader _newReader ( )
return _newReader( null );
public Reader _newReader( XmlOptions options )
return new Saver.TextReader( _cur, options );
public Node _newDomNode ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _save ( ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh ) throws SAXException
_save( ch, lh, null );
public void _save ( File file ) throws IOException
_save( file, null );
public void _save ( OutputStream os ) throws IOException
_save( os, null );
public void _save ( Writer w ) throws IOException
_save( w, null );
public void _save ( ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh, XmlOptions options ) throws SAXException
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
// new Saver.SaxSaver( _cur, options, ch, lh );
public void _save ( File file, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( file );
_save( os, options );
public void _save ( OutputStream os, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException
InputStream is = _newInputStream( options );
byte[] bytes = new byte[ 8192 ];
for ( ; ; )
int n = bytes );
if (n < 0)
os.write( bytes, 0, n );
public void _save ( Writer w, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException
Reader r = _newReader( options );
char[] chars = new char[ 8192 ];
for ( ; ; )
int n = chars );
if (n < 0)
w.write( chars, 0, n );
public Node _newDomNode ( XmlOptions options )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public Node _getDomNode ( )
return (Node) _cur.getDom();
public boolean _toCursor ( XmlCursor moveTo )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _push ( )
public boolean _pop ( )
return _cur.pop();
public void notifyGeneralChange ( )
// Noit sure why I need a general change notification .. .is text enuf?
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void setNextGeneralChangeListener ( GeneralChangeListener listener )
_nextGeneralChangeListener = listener;
public GeneralChangeListener getNextGeneralChangeListener ( )
return _nextGeneralChangeListener;
public void _selectPath ( String path )
_selectPath( path, null );
public void _selectPath ( String pathExpr, XmlOptions options )
_pathEngine = Path.getCompiledPath( pathExpr, options ).execute( _cur );
public boolean _hasNextSelection ( )
return toNextSelection();
public boolean _toNextSelection ( )
return _toSelection( _currentSelection + 1 );
public boolean _toSelection ( int i )
while ( i >= _cur.selectionCount() )
if (_pathEngine == null || ! _cur ))
return false;
_cur.moveToSelection( _currentSelection = i );
return true;
public int _getSelectionCount ( )
_toSelection( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
return _cur.selectionCount();
public void _addToSelection ( )
_toSelection( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
public void _clearSelections ( )
_pathEngine = null;
_currentSelection = 0;
public boolean _toBookmark ( XmlBookmark bookmark )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public XmlBookmark _toNextBookmark ( Object key )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public XmlBookmark _toPrevBookmark ( Object key )
// TODO - implement me!
return null;
public String _namespaceForPrefix ( String prefix )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public String _prefixForNamespace ( String namespaceURI )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _getAllNamespaces ( Map addToThis )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public XmlObject _getObject ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public TokenType _prevTokenType ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _hasNextToken ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _hasPrevToken ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public TokenType _toFirstContentToken ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public TokenType _toEndToken ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _toNextChar ( int maxCharacterCount )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _toPrevChar ( int maxCharacterCount )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toNextSibling ( )
assert isValid();
return Locale.toNextSiblingElement( _cur );
public boolean _toPrevSibling ( )
assert isValid();
if (!_cur.hasParent())
return false;
Cur c = tempCur();
boolean moved = false;
int k = c.kind();
if (k != ATTR)
for ( ; ; )
if (!c.prev())
k = c.kind();
if (k == ROOT || k == ELEM)
if (c.kind() == -ELEM)
_cur.moveToCur( c );
moved = true;
return moved;
public boolean _toLastChild ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toFirstChild ( )
return Locale.toFirstChildElement( _cur );
public boolean _toChild ( String local )
return Locale.toChild( _cur, null, local, 0 );
public boolean _toChild ( QName name )
return Locale.toChild( _cur, name, 0 );
public boolean _toChild ( String namespace, String local )
return Locale.toChild( _cur, namespace, local, 0 );
public boolean _toChild ( int index )
return Locale.toChild( _cur, null, null, index );
public boolean _toChild ( QName name, int index )
return Locale.toChild( _cur, name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart(), index );
public boolean _toNextSibling ( String name )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toNextSibling ( String namespace, String name )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toNextSibling ( QName name )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toFirstAttribute ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toLastAttribute ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toNextAttribute ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _toPrevAttribute ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public String _getAttributeText ( QName attrName )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _setAttributeText ( QName attrName, String value )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _removeAttribute ( QName attrName )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public String _getTextValue ( )
if (_cur.isText())
return _getChars();
if (!_cur.isNode())
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Can't get text value, current token can have no text value" );
return Locale.getTextValue( _cur, Locale.WS_PRESERVE );
public int _getTextValue ( char[] returnedChars, int offset, int maxCharacterCount )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _setTextValue ( String text )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _setTextValue ( char[] sourceChars, int offset, int length )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public String _getChars ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _getChars ( char[] returnedChars, int offset, int maxCharacterCount )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _toStartDoc ( )
while ( _cur.toParent() )
public void _toEndDoc ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _comparePosition ( XmlCursor cursor )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _isLeftOf ( XmlCursor cursor )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _isAtSamePositionAs ( XmlCursor cursor )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _isRightOf ( XmlCursor cursor )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public XmlCursor _execQuery ( String query )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public XmlCursor _execQuery ( String query, XmlOptions options )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _setBookmark ( XmlBookmark bookmark )
if (bookmark != null)
if (bookmark.getKey() == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Annotation key is null" );
_clearBookmark( bookmark.getKey() );
// TODO - I Don't do weak bookmarks yet ...
_cur.setBookmark( bookmark.getKey(), bookmark );
public XmlBookmark _getBookmark ( Object key )
// TODO - I Don't do weak bookmarks yet ...
return key == null ? null : (XmlBookmark) _cur.getBookmark( key );
public void _clearBookmark ( Object key )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _getAllBookmarkRefs ( Collection listToFill )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _removeXml ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _moveXml ( Cursor to )
to.checkInsertionValidity( _cur );
// Check for a no-op
if (_cur.isText())
if (_cur.inChars( to._cur, -1 ))
return false;
_cur.moveChars( to._cur, -1 );
else if (_cur.ancestorOf( to._cur ) ||
_cur.isSamePos( to._cur ) || to._cur.isJustAfterEnd( _cur ))
return false;
_cur.moveNode( to._cur );
return true;
public boolean _copyXml ( XmlCursor toHere )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _removeXmlContents ( )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _moveXmlContents ( XmlCursor toHere )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public boolean _copyXmlContents ( XmlCursor toHere )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _removeChars ( int maxCharacterCount )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _moveChars ( int maxCharacterCount, XmlCursor toHere )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public int _copyChars ( int maxCharacterCount, XmlCursor toHere )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
public void _insertChars ( String text )
int l = text == null ? 0 : text.length();
if (l > 0)
if (_cur.isRoot() || _cur.isAttr())
complain( "Can't insert before the document or an attribute." );
_cur.insertChars( text, 0, l );
_cur.nextChars( l );
// Inserting elements
public void _beginElement ( String localName ) { _insertElementWithText( localName, null, null ); _toPrevToken(); }
public void _beginElement ( String localName, String uri ) { _insertElementWithText( localName, uri ); _toPrevToken(); }
public void _beginElement ( QName name ) { _insertElementWithText( name, null ); _toPrevToken(); }
public void _insertElement ( String localName ) { _insertElementWithText( localName, null, null ); }
public void _insertElement ( String localName, String uri ) { _insertElementWithText( localName, uri, null ); }
public void _insertElement ( QName name ) { _insertElementWithText( name, null ); }
public void _insertElementWithText ( String localName, String text ) { _insertElementWithText( localName, null, text ); }
public void _insertElementWithText ( String localName, String uri, String text ) { _insertElementWithText( _cur._locale.makeQName( uri, localName ), text ); }
public void _insertElementWithText ( QName name, String text )
validateLocalName( name.getLocalPart() );
Cur c = _cur._locale.tempCur();
c.createElement( name );
insertNode( c, text );
public void _insertAttribute ( String localName ) { _insertAttributeWithValue( localName, null ); }
public void _insertAttribute ( String localName, String uri ) { _insertAttributeWithValue( localName, uri, null ); }
public void _insertAttribute ( QName name ) { _insertAttributeWithValue( name, null ); }
public void _insertAttributeWithValue ( String localName, String value ) { _insertAttributeWithValue( localName, null, value ); }
public void _insertAttributeWithValue ( String localName, String uri, String value ) { _insertAttributeWithValue( _cur._locale.makeQName( uri, localName ), value ); }
public void _insertAttributeWithValue ( QName name, String text )
Cur c = _cur._locale.tempCur();
c.createAttr( name );
insertNode( c, text );
public void _insertNamespace ( String prefix, String namespace )
_insertAttributeWithValue( _cur._locale.createXmlns( prefix ), namespace );
public void _insertComment ( String text )
Cur c = _cur._locale.tempCur();
insertNode( c, text );
public void _insertProcInst ( String target, String text )
validateLocalName( target );
if (Locale.beginsWithXml( target ) && target.length() == 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Target is 'xml'" );
Cur c = _cur._locale.tempCur();
c.createProcinst( target );
insertNode( c, text );
public void dispose ( )
if (preCheck())
Locale l = _cur._locale;
Locale l = _cur._locale;
synchronized ( l )
private void checkThisCursor ( )
if (_cur == null)
throw new IllegalStateException( "This cursor has been disposed" );
private Cursor checkCursors ( XmlCursor xOther )
if (xOther == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Other cursor is <null>" );
if (!(xOther instanceof Cursor))
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Incompatible cursors: " + xOther );
Cursor other = (Cursor) xOther;
if (other._cur == null)
throw new IllegalStateException( "Other cursor has been disposed" );
return other;
public boolean toCursor ( XmlCursor xOther )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
// Cursor other = checkCursors( xOther );
// if (preCheck())
// {
// _locale.enter();
// try
// {
// return _toCursor( moveTo );
// }
// finally
// {
// _locale.exit();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// synchronized ( _locale )
// {
// _locale.enter();
// try
// {
// return _toCursor( moveTo );
// }
// finally
// {
// _locale.exit();
// }
// }
// }
public boolean isInSameDocument ( XmlCursor xOther )
Cursor other = checkCursors( xOther );
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
private static final int MOVE_XML = 0;
private static final int COPY_XML = 1;
private static final int MOVE_XML_CONTENTS = 2;
private static final int COPY_XML_CONTENTS = 3;
private static final int MOVE_CHARS = 4;
private static final int COPY_CHARS = 5;
private int twoCursorOp ( XmlCursor xOther, int op, int arg )
Cursor other = checkCursors( xOther );
Locale locale = _cur._locale;
Locale otherLocale = other._cur._locale;
if (locale == otherLocale)
if (locale.noSync())
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
synchronized ( locale )
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
if (locale.noSync())
if (otherLocale.noSync())
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
synchronized ( otherLocale )
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
else if (otherLocale.noSync())
synchronized ( locale )
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
boolean acquired = false;
acquired = true;
synchronized ( locale )
synchronized ( otherLocale )
acquired = false;
return twoCursorOp( other, op, arg );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
if (acquired)
private int twoCursorOp ( Cursor other, int op, int arg )
Locale locale = _cur._locale;
Locale otherLocale = other._cur._locale;
locale.enter( otherLocale );
switch ( op )
case MOVE_XML : return _moveXml ( other ) ? 1 : 0;
case COPY_XML : return _copyXml ( other ) ? 1 : 0;
case MOVE_XML_CONTENTS : return _moveXmlContents ( other ) ? 1 : 0;
case COPY_XML_CONTENTS : return _copyXmlContents ( other ) ? 1 : 0;
case MOVE_CHARS : return _moveChars ( arg, other );
case COPY_CHARS : return _copyChars ( arg, other );
default : throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown operation: " + op );
locale.exit( otherLocale );
public boolean moveXml ( XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, MOVE_XML, 0 ) == 1;
public boolean copyXml ( XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, COPY_XML, 0 ) == 1;
public boolean moveXmlContents ( XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, MOVE_XML_CONTENTS, 0 ) == 1;
public boolean copyXmlContents ( XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, COPY_XML_CONTENTS, 0 ) == 1;
public int moveChars ( int maxCharacterCount, XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, MOVE_CHARS, maxCharacterCount );
public int copyChars ( int maxCharacterCount, XmlCursor xTo )
return twoCursorOp( xTo, COPY_CHARS, maxCharacterCount );
private boolean preCheck ( )
return _cur._locale.noSync();
// TODO - make sure _cur._locale does not change between operations ... some of these
// methods might actually be two Locale (or multiple Locale) operations. In particular,
// clearSelection might be a multiple Locale operation
public Object monitor ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _monitor(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _monitor(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlDocumentProperties documentProperties ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _documentProperties(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _documentProperties(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlCursor newCursor ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newCursor(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newCursor(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XMLStreamReader newXMLStreamReader ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLStreamReader(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLStreamReader(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XMLStreamReader newXMLStreamReader ( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLStreamReader( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLStreamReader( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XMLInputStream newXMLInputStream ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLInputStream(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLInputStream(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String xmlText ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _xmlText(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _xmlText(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public InputStream newInputStream ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newInputStream(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newInputStream(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public Reader newReader ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newReader(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newReader(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public Node newDomNode ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newDomNode(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newDomNode(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public Node getDomNode ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getDomNode(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newDomNode(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh ) throws SAXException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( ch, lh ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( ch, lh ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( File file ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( file ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( file ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( OutputStream os ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( os ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( os ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( Writer w ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( w ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( w ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XMLInputStream newXMLInputStream ( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLInputStream( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newXMLInputStream( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String xmlText ( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _xmlText( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _xmlText( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public InputStream newInputStream ( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newInputStream( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newInputStream( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public Reader newReader( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newReader( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newReader( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public Node newDomNode ( XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newDomNode( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _newDomNode( options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( ContentHandler ch, LexicalHandler lh, XmlOptions options ) throws SAXException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( ch, lh, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( ch, lh, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( File file, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( file, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( file, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( OutputStream os, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( os, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( os, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void save ( Writer w, XmlOptions options ) throws IOException { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( w, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _save( w, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void push ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _push(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _push(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean pop ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _pop(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _pop(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void selectPath ( String path ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _selectPath( path ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _selectPath( path ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void selectPath ( String path, XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _selectPath( path, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _selectPath( path, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean hasNextSelection ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasNextSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasNextSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextSelection ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toSelection ( int i ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toSelection( i ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toSelection( i ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int getSelectionCount ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getSelectionCount(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getSelectionCount(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void addToSelection ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _addToSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _addToSelection(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void clearSelections ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _clearSelections(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _clearSelections(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toBookmark ( XmlBookmark bookmark ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toBookmark( bookmark ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toBookmark( bookmark ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlBookmark toNextBookmark ( Object key ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlBookmark toPrevBookmark ( Object key ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public QName getName ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getName(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getName(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void setName ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setName( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setName( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String namespaceForPrefix ( String prefix ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _namespaceForPrefix( prefix ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _namespaceForPrefix( prefix ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String prefixForNamespace ( String namespaceURI ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _prefixForNamespace( namespaceURI ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _prefixForNamespace( namespaceURI ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void getAllNamespaces ( Map addToThis ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _getAllNamespaces( addToThis ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _getAllNamespaces( addToThis ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlObject getObject ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getObject(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getObject(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType currentTokenType ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _currentTokenType(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _currentTokenType(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isStartdoc ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isStartdoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isStartdoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isEnddoc ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isEnddoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isEnddoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isStart ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isStart(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isStart(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isEnd ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isEnd(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isEnd(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isText ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isText(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isText(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isAttr ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAttr(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAttr(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isNamespace ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isNamespace(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isNamespace(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isComment ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isComment(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isComment(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isProcinst ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isProcinst(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isProcinst(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isContainer ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isContainer(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isContainer(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isFinish ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isFinish(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isFinish(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isAnyAttr ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAnyAttr(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAnyAttr(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType prevTokenType ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _prevTokenType(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _prevTokenType(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean hasNextToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasNextToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasNextToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean hasPrevToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasPrevToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _hasPrevToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType toNextToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType toPrevToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType toFirstContentToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstContentToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstContentToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public TokenType toEndToken ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toEndToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toEndToken(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int toNextChar ( int maxCharacterCount ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextChar( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextChar( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int toPrevChar ( int maxCharacterCount ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevChar( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevChar( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextSibling ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toPrevSibling ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevSibling(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevSibling(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toParent ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toParent(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toParent(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toFirstChild ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstChild(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstChild(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toLastChild ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toLastChild(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toLastChild(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toChild ( String name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toChild ( String namespace, String name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( namespace, name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( namespace, name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toChild ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toChild ( int index ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( index ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( index ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toChild ( QName name, int index ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name, index ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toChild( name, index ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextSibling ( String name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextSibling ( String namespace, String name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( namespace, name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( namespace, name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextSibling ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextSibling( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toFirstAttribute ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toFirstAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toLastAttribute ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toLastAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toLastAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toNextAttribute ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toNextAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean toPrevAttribute ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _toPrevAttribute(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String getAttributeText ( QName attrName ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getAttributeText( attrName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getAttributeText( attrName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean setAttributeText ( QName attrName, String value ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _setAttributeText( attrName, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _setAttributeText( attrName, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean removeAttribute ( QName attrName ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeAttribute( attrName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeAttribute( attrName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String getTextValue ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getTextValue(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getTextValue(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int getTextValue ( char[] returnedChars, int offset, int maxCharacterCount ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getTextValue( returnedChars, offset, maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getTextValue( returnedChars, offset, maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void setTextValue ( String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setTextValue( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setTextValue( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void setTextValue ( char[] sourceChars, int offset, int length ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setTextValue( sourceChars, offset, length ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setTextValue( sourceChars, offset, length ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public String getChars ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getChars(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getChars(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int getChars ( char[] returnedChars, int offset, int maxCharacterCount ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getChars( returnedChars, offset, maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getChars( returnedChars, offset, maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void toStartDoc ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _toStartDoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _toStartDoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void toEndDoc ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _toEndDoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _toEndDoc(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int comparePosition ( XmlCursor cursor ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _comparePosition( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _comparePosition( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isLeftOf ( XmlCursor cursor ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isLeftOf( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isLeftOf( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isAtSamePositionAs ( XmlCursor cursor ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAtSamePositionAs( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isAtSamePositionAs( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean isRightOf ( XmlCursor cursor ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isRightOf( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _isRightOf( cursor ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlCursor execQuery ( String query ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _execQuery( query ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _execQuery( query ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlCursor execQuery ( String query, XmlOptions options ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _execQuery( query, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _execQuery( query, options ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public ChangeStamp getDocChangeStamp ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getDocChangeStamp(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getDocChangeStamp(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void setBookmark ( XmlBookmark bookmark ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setBookmark( bookmark ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _setBookmark( bookmark ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public XmlBookmark getBookmark ( Object key ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _getBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void clearBookmark ( Object key ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _clearBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _clearBookmark( key ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void getAllBookmarkRefs ( Collection listToFill ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _getAllBookmarkRefs( listToFill ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _getAllBookmarkRefs( listToFill ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean removeXml ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeXml(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeXml(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public boolean removeXmlContents ( ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeXmlContents(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeXmlContents(); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public int removeChars ( int maxCharacterCount ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeChars( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { return _removeChars( maxCharacterCount ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertChars ( String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertChars( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertChars( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElement ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElement ( String localName ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElement ( String localName, String uri ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElement( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void beginElement ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void beginElement ( String localName ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void beginElement ( String localName, String uri ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _beginElement( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElementWithText ( QName name, String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( name, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( name, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElementWithText ( String localName, String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( localName, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( localName, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertElementWithText ( String localName, String uri, String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( localName, uri, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertElementWithText( localName, uri, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttribute ( String localName ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( localName ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttribute ( String localName, String uri ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( localName, uri ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttribute ( QName name ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttribute( name ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttributeWithValue ( String Name, String value ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( Name, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( Name, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttributeWithValue ( String name, String uri, String value ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( name, uri, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( name, uri, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertAttributeWithValue ( QName name, String value ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( name, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertAttributeWithValue( name, value ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertNamespace ( String prefix, String namespace ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertNamespace( prefix, namespace ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertNamespace( prefix, namespace ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertComment ( String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertComment( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertComment( text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
public void insertProcInst ( String target, String text ) { if (preCheck()) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertProcInst( target, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } else synchronized ( _cur._locale ) { _cur._locale.enter(); try { _insertProcInst( target, text ); } finally { _cur._locale.exit(); } } }
private Cur _cur;
private PathEngine _pathEngine;
private int _currentSelection;
private GeneralChangeListener _nextGeneralChangeListener;