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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>JAM - The Java API for Metadata</title>
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<h1>JAM - The Java API for Metadata</h1>
JAM is an object model for Java types and their associated annotations.
It provides a superset of the features offered by similar APIs
(such as Reflection or X/Javadoc), including a unique extensibility
mechanism specifically designed to help Java developers cope with the
rapidly-changing world of Java metadata.
(<a href='overview.html'>read more...</a>)
I am not distributing JAM as a separate binary at the moment,
though I hope to do so soon. For the moment, please go to the
<a href=''>
xml-beans website</a> at Apache to download xbeans, which includes JAM.
<li><a href='overview.html'>Overview</a></li>
<li><a href='faq.html'>JAM FAQ</a> (Please read if you have questions)</li>
<li><a href='javadocs/index.html'>API Javadocs</a> (<b>Note:</b> the package name be changing soon)</li>
<li><a href='typedMetadata.html'>JAM and JSR175</a>
(White paper draft)</li>
<li><a href=''>metaJAM,</a>
a Yahoo group for discussion and news about JAM</li>
<li><a href=''>Send email to Patrick</a></li>
<li><a href=''>JSR175</a></li>
<i>March 23, 2004</i>
JAM is looking pretty solid. Cedric has converted EJBgen and SGen
to the updated APIs, and all of his regression tests are passing.
Note that JAM currently is still packaged under
<code>org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam</code>. I know this looks weird,
and I am working on finding a better package name.
JAM has evolved as part my work on
<a href=''>XML-Beans</a> at Apache,
which I do on behalf of my employer,
<a href=''>BEA Systems</a>.
In XML-Beans, I need to be able model Java types in order to generate
XML schemas from them. I found all of the existing Java object models
(x/javadoc, reflection, qdox) to be lacking in
some respect. They each have some features I wanted, but none of them
brought all of those features together. Perhaps more importantly,
though, none of them provide a migration path from javadoc-based
metadata to JSR175, which is a big concern for me. JAM was written
to fill this void.
JAM is now proving to be a generally useful technology in its
own right. Most notably, it is already being used in Cedric Beust's
<a href=''>EJBgen</a> and
<a href=''>SGen</a>. Accordingly, I am now
exploring the possibility of spinning it up as a distinct open source
project, but it doesn't yet have an official open source community.
Until it does, my website here is serving as a temporary home.