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<h1> Introduction to Schema Type Signatures</h1>
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<p>When you compile schema, the API generated from your schema is integrated
with the XMLBeans type system that represents the underlying XML schema. All
together, these types make up the <em>schema type system</em> to which your
code has access. When handling XML based on the schema, you typically call
methods of the API generated when you compiled the schema. However, for the
cases when you want to get information about the schema itself, you use the
schema type system API.</p>
<p>In the XMLBeans API, you have access to the system itself through <a href="../reference/org/apache/xmlbeans/SchemaTypeSystem.html"><span class="langinline">SchemaTypeSystem</span></a>
and related classes. These make up a kind of &quot;meta-API,&quot; or a view
on the schema. You can use the schema type system API to discover the type
system at run time. See the reference topic on that interface for an overview
of the schema type system.</p>
<h2>Schema Type &quot;Signatures&quot;</h2>
<p>A schema is made up of schema components. Schema components are the pieces
of a schema, such as a type definition, an element declaration, attribute
declaration, and so on. To mirror these in the schema type system, a <a href="../reference/org/apache/xmlbeans/SchemaComponent.html"><span class="langinline">SchemaComponent</span></a>
instance represents a component in the underlying schema; separate components
have corresponding types. For example you would have a <span class="langinline"><a href="../reference/org/apache/xmlbeans/SchemaType.html">SchemaType</a></span>
object for a <span class="langinline">CustomerType</span> your schema defined,
or a <a href="../reference/org/apache/xmlbeans/SchemaGlobalElement.html"><span class="langinline">SchemaGlobalElement</span></a>
object for a global <span class="langinline">PurchaseOrder</span> element.
You would also have a <span class="langinline">SchemaType</span> for built-in
schema types, such as <span class="langinline">xs:string</span> or <span class="langinline">xs:datetime</span>.
XMLBean provides a &quot;signature&quot; to describe each type. You can retrieve
this signature by calling the SchemaType class's <span class="langinline">toString</span>
<p>The <span class="langinline">toString</span> method returns XMLBeans' version
of a unique signature for a schema type. This string is useful for debugging
because it describes a given type even when the type doesn't have a name.
<p class="notepara"><strong>Note:</strong> It's important to remember that this
signature is an XMLBeans convention, rather than a standard from the schema
working group. The working group has not yet standardized a signature for
XML schema types. As a result the signature you'll see from XMLBeans is subject
to change &#8212; whatever the schema working group comes up with in the end
(if anything) is probably what will be used by this API. In other words, don't
write a program to decode the signature.</p>
<p>You can use the following description to understand how a signature is constructed.</p>
<div><strong>Global types.</strong> If the type has a name, it's a global
type. The following form is used:</div>
<p>The &quot;T&quot; is for &quot;type,&quot; of course. &quot;localname&quot;
is a convention used by qnames (qualified names), which include a local
name and the namespace URI (if any). So an example might be:</p>
<li><strong>Document types and global attribute types.</strong> These correspond
to a special anonymous type containing one global element or attribute. These
special types are generated by XMLBeans to represent global types declared
with the &lt;element&gt; or &lt;attribute&gt; tag in schema. Because such
types are types, but are declared as elements or attributes, they require
special treatment. The following signature form is used:
<div>Note that these are also the signatures of a type returned by a FooDocument.type
or FooAttribute.type method call.</div>
<li><strong>Anonymous types.</strong> If the type is anonymous, it is defined
as an element or attribute, or within a further anonymous type. In this case,
the signature is built by establishing the local context (in order words,
what is the anonymous type nested in?). From the local context, the larger
context is built recursively. In other words, the signature is built by giving
not only the anonymous type itself, but also by describing its context.
<p> The following rules are used for building a signature for an anonymous
type. </p>
<li> It might be an anonymous type defined inside a local element or attribute,
which in turn is defined within something else:
<p>If the element is <span class="langinline" style="langinline">form=&quot;qualified&quot;</span>
(the usual default):</p>
<pre>E=&lt;eltname&gt;|&lt;signature of the type within which the elt is defined&gt;</pre>
<div>If the element is <span class="langinline" style="langinline">form=&quot;unqualified&quot;</span>:</div>
<pre>U=&lt;eltname&gt;|&lt;signature of the type within which the elt is defined&gt;</pre>
<div>If the attribute is <span class="langinline" style="langline">form=&quot;unqualified&quot;</span>
(the usual default):</div>
<pre>A=&lt;attrname&gt;|&lt;signature of the type within the attr is defined&gt;</pre>
<div>if the attribute is <span class="langinline" style="langinline">form=&quot;qualified&quot;</span>:</div>
<pre>Q=&lt;attrname&gt;|&lt;signature of the type within the attr is defined&gt;</pre>
<li>It might be an anonymous type defined a simple restriction, union, or
list definition:</li>
<pre>M=#|&lt;signature of the containing union type&gt;</pre>
<p>(The # is a number indicating which union member it is, by source order
&#8212; such as 0,1,2, etc.)</p>
<pre>B=|&lt;signature of the containing base type for a restriction&gt;</pre>
<pre>I=|&lt;signature of the containing list type&gt;</pre>
<div> In the future if anonymous types are allowed in some other context,
there may be more codes.</div>
<h2>An Example</h2>
<p>So, for example, if you have a type that describes the list items within an
attribute of an instance that looks like this:</p>
<pre> &lt;root mylist=&quot;432 999 143 123&quot;/&gt;</pre>
<div> The schema, if done with lots of nested types, could look something like
&lt;schema targetNamespace=&quot;myNamespace&quot; elementFormDefault=&quot;qualified&quot;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;element name=&quot;root&quot;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;attribute name=&quot;mylist&quot;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;simpleType&gt; &lt;!--This is the type that the signature is for --&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;restriction base=&quot;xs:nonNegativeInteger&quot;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;totalDigits value=&quot;3&quot;/&gt;..
<div> The signature for the simpleType indicated in the example would be:</div>
<p>You could read this as: </p>
<div>&quot;The type of the list item | within the type of the mylist attribute's
type | within the type of the root element | within the document type for
&lt;root&gt; documents | in the myNamespace namespace&quot;.</div>
<p>Note that the signature structure mirrors the Java class structure generated
by XMLBeans when compiling the schema. In other words, if you were to compile
a schema that included the preceding snippet, you would be able to access
an instance of the schema with Java code like the following:</p>
<pre>SchemaType sType = RootDocument.Root.MyList.Item.type;</pre>
<p class="relatedtopics">Related Topics</p>
<p><a href="conGettingStartedwithXMLBeans.html">Getting Started with XMLBeans</a></p>
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