blob: 0b0155591e3769e8d4027ee56f7feb75e0520680 [file] [log] [blame]
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<xs:enumeration value="Syndication discussions hot up"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Personal web server integrates file sharing and messaging"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Syndication and Metadata"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UK bloggers get organised"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="WorldOS is a framework on which to build programs that work like Freenet or Gnutella -allowing distributed applications using peer-to-peer routing."/>
<xs:enumeration value="After a period of dormancy, the Syndication mailing list has become active again, with contributions from leaders in traditional media and Web syndication."/>
<xs:enumeration value="The Magi Project is an innovative project to create a combined personal web server and messaging system that enables the sharing and synchronization of information across desktop, laptop and palmtop devices."/>
<xs:enumeration value="RSS is probably the best known metadata format around. RDF is probably one of the least understood. In this essay, published on my O'Reilly Network weblog, I argue that the next generation of RSS should be based on RDF."/>
<xs:enumeration value="Looks like the weblogs scene is gathering pace beyond the shores of the US. There's now a UK-specific page on, and a mailing list at egroups."/>
<xs:enumeration value="Whatever you're publishing on the web, your site name is the most valuable asset you have, according to Carl Steadman."/>
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