blob: b3108c8ccfba20a56d6b051c1474f9e4e84f3fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* XBeans implementation.
* Author: David Bau
* Date: Oct 1, 2003
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.binding.bts;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XMLChar;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeLoader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.soap.SOAPArrayType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
* An XmlTypeName is a way of uniquely identifying any
* logical component in a schema.
* For a diagram of the kinds of components that can be referenced,
* see
* A signature looks like this:
* a-name1|t|e=name2|p.3|s|p.5|c|p.0|t|e=name3@my-namespace
* This reads as:g
* The attribute declaration called "name1" (unqualified) inside
* the anonymous type of
* the element declaration called "name2" (qualified) which is
* the third particle of
* the sequence which is
* the fifth particle of
* the choice which is
* the zeroth particle of
* the anonymous type of
* the element named name3 (qualified) in
* the namespace my-namespace.
* Hyphens (-) introduce unqualified names
* Equals (=) introduce qualified names
* Dot (.) introduce numbers
* Anonymous components are just single-letters.
* There are these types of components
* n = Notations (named, global only)
* e = Element decls (named, global or inside t or p)
* Identity constraint defs
* k = key/unique/keyref (named, in elts only)
* g = Model group defs (named, global only)
* Model group compositors:
* l = All compositors (anon, inside p or g)
* s = Sequence compositors (anon, inside p or g)
* c = Choice compositors (anon, inside p or g)
* p = Particles (numbered, inside t or l or s or c)
* w = Wildcards (anon, inside p only)
* v = Attribute Uses (named, in type only, inside t)
* a = Attribute Declarations (named, global or inside t or v)
* r = Attribute group definitions (named, global only)
* t = Type definitions (name when global, or anon inside i, m, e, a, t)
* Not part of the spec, but we treat as components:
* d = document type definition (named, global only)
* b = attribute-container type definition (named, global only)
* m = union member definition (numbered, inside t only)
* y = soap array of dimension n (numbered, referencing global t or another y only)
* A canonical signature will shortcut the following:
* - global elements do not need to be explicitly nested inside their
* containing document types (e=name|d=name@namespace -> e=name@namespace)
* - global attributes do not need to be explicitly nested inside their
* containing attribute types (e=name|d=name@namespace -> e=name@namespace)
* - an element of a type, if its name is unique, may be referenced without the
* intervening particle path. (e.g., e=name2|p.3|s|p.5|c|p.0|t can be
* reduced to e=name2|t)
* - an attribute of a type may be referenced without explicitly putting it
* inside an attribute use (e.g., a-name1|v-name1|t -> a-name1|t)
* Notice SOAP arrays are included in the naming schema, as follows:
* A soap array type written like this:
* x:drg[,,,][,][,,]
* Has the following signature:
* y.3|y.2|y.4|t=drg@foobar
public class XmlTypeName
private String namespace;
private String path;
public static final char NOTATION = 'n';
public static final char ELEMENT = 'e';
public static final char ID_CONSTRAINT = 'k';
public static final char MODEL_GROUP = 'g';
public static final char ALL = 'l';
public static final char SEQUENCE = 's';
public static final char CHOICE = 'c';
public static final char PARTICLE = 'p';
public static final char WILDCARD = 'w';
public static final char ATTRIBUTE_USE = 'v';
public static final char ATTRIBUTE = 'a';
public static final char ATTRIBUTE_GROUP = 'r';
public static final char TYPE = 't';
public static final char DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'd';
public static final char ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 'b';
public static final char MEMBER = 'm';
public static final char SOAP_ARRAY = 'y';
public static final char NO_TYPE = 'z';
* This function is used to see if a path is valid or not.
public boolean valid()
XmlTypeName outerComponent = null;
int outerType = 0;
String localName = internalGetStringName();
boolean hasNumber = internalGetNumber() >= 0;
boolean hasName = (localName != null);
boolean isAnonymous = internalIsAnonymous();
boolean isQualified = internalIsQualified();
boolean isGlobal = isGlobal();
if (!isGlobal)
outerComponent = getOuterComponent();
outerType = outerComponent.getComponentType();
boolean result;
if (localName != null && !XMLChar.isValidNCName(localName))
return false;
switch (getComponentType())
result = (isGlobal && hasName && isQualified);
result = (hasName && (isGlobal && isQualified || outerType == TYPE || outerType == PARTICLE));
result = (hasName && outerType == ELEMENT);
result = (hasName && isGlobal);
case ALL:
case CHOICE:
result = (isAnonymous && (outerType == PARTICLE || outerType == MODEL_GROUP));
result = (hasNumber && (outerType == SEQUENCE || outerType == CHOICE || outerType == ALL || outerType == TYPE));
result = (isAnonymous && (outerType == PARTICLE || outerType == TYPE || outerType == ATTRIBUTE_GROUP));
result = (hasName && (outerType == TYPE || outerType == ATTRIBUTE_GROUP));
result = (hasName && (isGlobal && isQualified || outerType == TYPE || outerType == ATTRIBUTE_USE));
result = (hasName && isQualified && isGlobal);
case TYPE:
result = ((hasName && isQualified && isGlobal) || (isAnonymous && outerType == TYPE || outerType == ELEMENT || outerType == ATTRIBUTE || outerType == MEMBER));
result = (hasName && isQualified && isGlobal);
result = (hasName && isQualified && isGlobal);
case MEMBER:
result = (isAnonymous && outerType == TYPE);
result = (hasNumber && (outerType == SOAP_ARRAY || outerType == TYPE && outerComponent.isGlobal()));
case NO_TYPE:
result = (isAnonymous && isGlobal && namespace.length() == 0);
result = false;
if (!result)
return false;
if (isGlobal)
return true;
return outerComponent.valid();
* Creates an XMLName based on the given String signature.
* This signature is described in the javadoc for this class.
public static XmlTypeName forString(String signature)
String path;
String namespace;
int atSign = signature.indexOf('@');
if (atSign < 0)
namespace = "";
path = signature;
namespace = signature.substring(atSign + 1);
path = signature.substring(0, atSign);
return forPathAndNamespace(path, namespace);
* Creates an XMLName for a schema type with the given fully-qualified QName.
public static XmlTypeName forTypeNamed(QName name)
return forPathAndNamespace(TYPE + "=" + name.getLocalPart(), name.getNamespaceURI());
* Creates an XMLName for a global schema element with the given fully-qualified QName.
public static XmlTypeName forGlobalName(char kind, QName name)
return forPathAndNamespace(kind + "=" + name.getLocalPart(), name.getNamespaceURI());
* Creates an XMLName for a nested component
public static XmlTypeName forNestedName(char kind, String localName, boolean qualified, XmlTypeName outer)
return forPathAndNamespace(kind + (qualified ? "=" : "-") + localName + "|" + outer.path, outer.namespace);
* Creates an XMLName for a nested component
public static XmlTypeName forNestedNumber(char kind, int n, XmlTypeName outer)
return forPathAndNamespace(kind + "." + n + "|" + outer.path, outer.namespace);
* Creates an XMLName for a nested component
public static XmlTypeName forNestedAnonymous(char kind, XmlTypeName outer)
return forPathAndNamespace(kind + "|" + outer.path, outer.namespace);
* Creates an XMLName for a particular schema type
public static XmlTypeName forSchemaType(SchemaType sType)
if (sType.getName() != null)
return forTypeNamed(sType.getName());
if (sType.isDocumentType())
return forGlobalName(DOCUMENT_TYPE, sType.getDocumentElementName());
if (sType.isAttributeType())
return forGlobalName(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, sType.getAttributeTypeAttributeName());
if (sType.isNoType() || sType.getOuterType() == null) // latter is an error
return forPathAndNamespace("" + NO_TYPE, "");
SchemaType outerType = sType.getOuterType();
XmlTypeName outerName = forSchemaType(outerType);
if (sType.getContainerField() != null)
boolean qualified = sType.getContainerField().getName().getNamespaceURI().length() > 0;
String localName = sType.getContainerField().getName().getLocalPart();
char kind = (sType.getContainerField().isAttribute() ? ATTRIBUTE : ELEMENT);
return forNestedAnonymous(TYPE, forNestedName(kind, localName, qualified, outerName));
if (outerType.getSimpleVariety() == SchemaType.UNION)
return forNestedAnonymous(TYPE, forNestedNumber(MEMBER, sType.getAnonymousUnionMemberOrdinal(), outerName));
return forNestedAnonymous(TYPE, outerName);
* Creates one for a SOAPArrayType
public static XmlTypeName forSoapArrayType(SOAPArrayType sType)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(SOAP_ARRAY + "." + sType.getDimensions().length);
int[] ranks = sType.getRanks();
for (int i = ranks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-= 1)
sb.append("|" + SOAP_ARRAY + "." + ranks[i]);
QName name = sType.getQName();
sb.append("|" + TYPE + "=" + name.getLocalPart());
return forPathAndNamespace(sb.toString(), name.getNamespaceURI());
* True if it is a schema type
public boolean isSchemaType()
switch (getComponentType())
case TYPE:
case NO_TYPE:
return true;
return false;
* Finds a type with the given name.
public SchemaType findTypeIn(SchemaTypeLoader loader)
switch (getComponentType())
case NO_TYPE:
return XmlBeans.NO_TYPE;
return loader.findDocumentType(getQName());
return loader.findAttributeType(getQName());
return null;
case TYPE:
if (isGlobal())
return loader.findType(getQName());
XmlTypeName outerName = getOuterComponent();
// if the component is contained within a type, get it
for (XmlTypeName outerTypeName = outerName; ; outerTypeName = outerTypeName.getOuterComponent())
if (outerTypeName.isSchemaType())
SchemaType outerType = outerTypeName.findTypeIn(loader);
switch (outerName.getComponentType())
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal type name " + this);
case TYPE:
return outerType.getAnonymousTypes()[0];
return outerType.getElementType(outerName.getQName(), null, loader);
return outerType.getAttributeType(outerName.getQName(), loader);
case MEMBER:
return outerType.getAnonymousTypes()[outerName.getNumber()];
if (outerTypeName.isGlobal())
switch (outerName.getComponentType())
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal type name " + this);
return loader.findDocumentType(outerTypeName.getQName()).getElementType(outerTypeName.getQName(), null, loader);
return loader.findAttributeType(outerTypeName.getQName()).getAttributeType(outerTypeName.getQName(), loader);
private static XmlTypeName forPathAndNamespace(String path, String namespace)
return new XmlTypeName(path, namespace);
private XmlTypeName(String path, String namespace)
if (path == null || namespace == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.path = path;
this.namespace = namespace;
public boolean isGlobal()
int index = path.indexOf('|');
return index < 0;
public XmlTypeName getOuterComponent()
int index = path.indexOf('|');
if (index < 0)
return null;
return forPathAndNamespace(path.substring(index + 1), namespace);
public int getComponentType()
if (path.length() > 0)
return path.charAt(0);
return 0; // unknown type
* Returns negative if there is no number
private int internalGetNumber()
if (path.length() <= 1 || path.charAt(1) != '.')
return -1;
int index = path.indexOf('|');
if (index < 0)
index = path.length();
return Integer.parseInt(path.substring(2, index));
catch (Exception e)
return -1;
* Returns the number locating this component within its parent,
* or throws an exception if there is none. Only union members (m)
* and particles (p) have numbers.
public int getNumber()
int result = internalGetNumber();
if (result < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Path has no number");
return result;
private String internalGetStringName()
if (path.length() <= 1 || path.charAt(1) != '=' && path.charAt(1) != '-')
return null;
int index = path.indexOf('|');
if (index < 0)
index = path.length();
return path.substring(2, index);
private boolean internalIsQualified()
return (path.length() > 1 && path.charAt(1) == '=');
private boolean internalIsAnonymous()
return (path.length() <= 1 || path.charAt(1) == '|');
* Returns the name locating this component within its parent, or
* returns null if there is none. Notice that if looking up elements
* by name in a type, you get the first element defintion when there
* are multiple ones. A full particle path can disambiguate.
* This name will be qualified in a namespace if appropriate, but,
* for example, local unqualified attributes will have a QName that
* is unqualified.
* Element, attributes, identity constraints, model/attribute groups,
* and notations have names.
public QName getQName()
String localName = internalGetStringName();
if (localName == null)
return null;
if (internalIsQualified())
return new QName(namespace, localName);
return new QName(localName);
* Returns the signature string.
public String toString()
if (namespace.length() == 0)
return path;
return path + '@' + namespace;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof XmlTypeName)) return false;
final XmlTypeName xmlName = (XmlTypeName) o;
if (!namespace.equals(xmlName.namespace)) return false;
if (!path.equals(xmlName.path)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
int result;
result = namespace.hashCode();
result = 29 * result + path.hashCode();
return result;