blob: 8eadd02658afbd589861ce163dccf4e762bbeed1 [file] [log] [blame]
* An XML document type.
* Localname: root
* Namespace: partials
* Java type: partials.RootDocument
* Automatically generated - do not modify.
package partials;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.ElementFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.AbstractDocumentFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.DocumentFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.schema.SimpleTypeFactory;
* A document containing one root(@partials) element.
* This is a complex type.
public interface RootDocument extends org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject {
DocumentFactory<partials.RootDocument> Factory = new DocumentFactory<>(org.apache.xmlbeans.metadata.system.Partials.TypeSystemHolder.typeSystem, "rootc8d7doctype");
org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type = Factory.getType();
// <GET>
* Gets the "root" element
partials.RootDocument.Root getRoot();
// </GET>
// <SET>
* Sets the "root" element
void setRoot(partials.RootDocument.Root root);
// </SET>
// <ADD_NEW>
* Appends and returns a new empty "root" element
partials.RootDocument.Root addNewRoot();
// </ADD_NEW>
* An XML root(@partials).
* This is a complex type.
public interface Root extends org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject {
ElementFactory<partials.RootDocument.Root> Factory = new ElementFactory<>(org.apache.xmlbeans.metadata.system.Partials.TypeSystemHolder.typeSystem, "root8a55elemtype");
org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType type = Factory.getType();
// <GET>
* Gets the "single" element
java.math.BigDecimal getSingle();
// </GET>
// <XGET>
* Gets (as xml) the "single" element
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal xgetSingle();
// </XGET>
// <IS_NIL>
* Tests for nil "single" element
boolean isNilSingle();
// </IS_NIL>
// <IS_SET>
* True if has "single" element
boolean isSetSingle();
// </IS_SET>
// <SET>
* Sets the "single" element
void setSingle(java.math.BigDecimal single);
// </SET>
// <XSET>
* Sets (as xml) the "single" element
void xsetSingle(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal single);
// </XSET>
// <SET_NIL>
* Nils the "single" element
void setNilSingle();
// </SET_NIL>
// <UNSET>
* Unsets the "single" element
void unsetSingle();
// </UNSET>
// <GET>
* Gets the "complex" element
partials.XmlBeanchen getComplex();
// </GET>
// <IS_SET>
* True if has "complex" element
boolean isSetComplex();
// </IS_SET>
// <SET>
* Sets the "complex" element
void setComplex(partials.XmlBeanchen complex);
// </SET>
// <ADD_NEW>
* Appends and returns a new empty "complex" element
partials.XmlBeanchen addNewComplex();
// </ADD_NEW>
// <UNSET>
* Unsets the "complex" element
void unsetComplex();
// </UNSET>
* Gets a List of "primitiveList" elements
java.util.List<java.math.BigDecimal> getPrimitiveListList();
// </GET_LIST>
* Gets array of all "primitiveList" elements
java.math.BigDecimal[] getPrimitiveListArray();
// <GET_IDX>
* Gets ith "primitiveList" element
java.math.BigDecimal getPrimitiveListArray(int i);
// </GET_IDX>
* Gets (as xml) a List of "primitiveList" elements
java.util.List<org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal> xgetPrimitiveListList();
* Gets (as xml) array of all "primitiveList" elements
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal[] xgetPrimitiveListArray();
* Gets (as xml) ith "primitiveList" element
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal xgetPrimitiveListArray(int i);
// </XGET_IDX>
* Tests for nil ith "primitiveList" element
boolean isNilPrimitiveListArray(int i);
// </IS_NIL_IDX>
* Returns number of "primitiveList" element
int sizeOfPrimitiveListArray();
* Sets array of all "primitiveList" element
void setPrimitiveListArray(java.math.BigDecimal[] primitiveListArray);
// <SET_IDX>
* Sets ith "primitiveList" element
void setPrimitiveListArray(int i, java.math.BigDecimal primitiveList);
// </SET_IDX>
* Sets (as xml) array of all "primitiveList" element
void xsetPrimitiveListArray(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal[] primitiveListArray);
* Sets (as xml) ith "primitiveList" element
void xsetPrimitiveListArray(int i, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal primitiveList);
// </XSET_IDX>
* Nils the ith "primitiveList" element
void setNilPrimitiveListArray(int i);
* Inserts the value as the ith "primitiveList" element
void insertPrimitiveList(int i, java.math.BigDecimal primitiveList);
// <ADD>
* Appends the value as the last "primitiveList" element
void addPrimitiveList(java.math.BigDecimal primitiveList);
// </ADD>
* Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "primitiveList" element
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal insertNewPrimitiveList(int i);
// <ADD_NEW>
* Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "primitiveList" element
org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDecimal addNewPrimitiveList();
// </ADD_NEW>
* Removes the ith "primitiveList" element
void removePrimitiveList(int i);
* Gets a List of "complexList" elements
java.util.List<partials.XmlBeanchen> getComplexListList();
// </GET_LIST>
* Gets array of all "complexList" elements
partials.XmlBeanchen[] getComplexListArray();
// <GET_IDX>
* Gets ith "complexList" element
partials.XmlBeanchen getComplexListArray(int i);
// </GET_IDX>
* Returns number of "complexList" element
int sizeOfComplexListArray();
* Sets array of all "complexList" element
void setComplexListArray(partials.XmlBeanchen[] complexListArray);
// <SET_IDX>
* Sets ith "complexList" element
void setComplexListArray(int i, partials.XmlBeanchen complexList);
// </SET_IDX>
* Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "complexList" element
partials.XmlBeanchen insertNewComplexList(int i);
// <ADD_NEW>
* Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "complexList" element
partials.XmlBeanchen addNewComplexList();
// </ADD_NEW>
* Removes the ith "complexList" element
void removeComplexList(int i);