blob: 44c865a33535afa2238f50a5dd214e997f7610cb [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.ResolverUtil;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.Saaj.SaajCallback;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.DomImpl.Dom;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.DomImpl.TextNode;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.DomImpl.CdataNode;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.DomImpl.SaajTextNode;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.DomImpl.SaajCdataNode;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.newstore2.Cur.Locations;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.QNameSet;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.QNameCache;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlRuntimeException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDocumentProperties;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStore;
final class Locale implements DOMImplementation, SaajCallback
static final int ROOT = Cur.ROOT;
static final int ELEM = Cur.ELEM;
static final int ATTR = Cur.ATTR;
static final int COMMENT = Cur.COMMENT;
static final int PROCINST = Cur.PROCINST;
static final int TEXT = Cur.TEXT;
static final int WS_UNSPECIFIED = TypeStore.WS_UNSPECIFIED;
static final int WS_PRESERVE = TypeStore.WS_PRESERVE;
static final int WS_REPLACE = TypeStore.WS_REPLACE;
static final int WS_COLLAPSE = TypeStore.WS_COLLAPSE;
static final String _xsi = "";
static final String _schema = "";
static final String _openFragUri = "";
static final String _xml1998Uri = "";
static final String _xmlnsUri = "";
static final QName _xsiNil = new QName( _xsi, "nil" );
static final QName _xsiType = new QName( _xsi, "type" );
static final QName _openuriFragment = new QName( _openFragUri, "fragment" );
static final QName _xmlFragment = new QName( "xml-fragment" );
// TODO (ericvas ) - have a qname factory here so that the same factory may be
// used by the parser. This factory would probably come from my
// high speed parser. Otherwise, use a thread local one
QName makeQName ( String uri, String localPart )
assert localPart != null && localPart.length() > 0;
// TODO - make sure name is a well formed name?
return _qnameFactory.getQName( uri, localPart );
QName makeQName ( String uri, String local, String prefix )
return _qnameFactory.getQName( uri, local, prefix == null ? "" : prefix );
QName makeQualifiedQName ( String uri, String qname )
if (qname == null)
qname = "";
int i = qname.indexOf( ':' );
return i < 0
? _qnameFactory.getQName( uri, qname )
: _qnameFactory.getQName( uri, qname.substring( i + 1 ), qname.substring( 0, i ) );
static private class DocProps extends XmlDocumentProperties
private HashMap _map = new HashMap();
public Object put ( Object key, Object value ) { return _map.put( key, value ); }
public Object get ( Object key ) { return _map.get( key ); }
public Object remove ( Object key ) { return _map.remove( key ); }
static XmlDocumentProperties getDocProps ( Cur c, boolean ensure )
while ( c.toParent() )
DocProps props = (DocProps) c.getBookmark( DocProps.class );
if (props == null)
c.setBookmark( DocProps.class, props = new DocProps() );
return props;
void registerForTextChange ( Cur c )
// The end of this list points to itself so that I can know if
// any cur is on the list by seeing if netx != null.
assert c._nextTextChangeListener == null;
if (_textChangeListeners == null)
_textChangeListeners = c._nextTextChangeListener = c;
c._nextTextChangeListener = _textChangeListeners;
_textChangeListeners = c;
interface GeneralChangeListener
void notifyGeneralChange ( );
void setNextGeneralChangeListener ( GeneralChangeListener listener );
GeneralChangeListener getNextGeneralChangeListener ( );
void registerForGeneralChange ( GeneralChangeListener listener )
if (listener.getNextGeneralChangeListener() == null)
if (_generalChangeListeners == null)
listener.setNextGeneralChangeListener( listener );
listener.setNextGeneralChangeListener( _generalChangeListeners );
_generalChangeListeners = listener;
void notifyGeneralChangeListeners ( )
while ( _generalChangeListeners != null )
if (_generalChangeListeners.getNextGeneralChangeListener() == _generalChangeListeners)
_generalChangeListeners.setNextGeneralChangeListener( null );
GeneralChangeListener next = _generalChangeListeners.getNextGeneralChangeListener();
_generalChangeListeners.setNextGeneralChangeListener( null );
_generalChangeListeners = next;
void notifyTextChangeListeners ( )
while ( _textChangeListeners != null )
if (_textChangeListeners._nextTextChangeListener == _textChangeListeners)
_textChangeListeners._nextTextChangeListener = null;
_textChangeListeners = _textChangeListeners._nextTextChangeListener;
// Cursor helpers
static String getTextValue ( Cur c, int wsRule )
assert c.isNode();
if (!c.hasChildren() && wsRule == WS_UNSPECIFIED || wsRule == WS_PRESERVE)
return c.getValueString();
int scrubState = START_STATE;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for ( ; !c.isAtEndOfLastPush() ; )
if (c.isText())
scrubState = scrubText( c.getChars( -1 ), c._offSrc, c._cchSrc, wsRule, sb );
return sb.toString();
private static final int START_STATE = 0;
private static final int SPACE_SEEN_STATE = 1;
private static final int NOSPACE_STATE = 2;
private static final int scrubText(
Object src, int off, int cch, int wsRule, StringBuffer sb )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not impl" );
// assert text != null;
// if (text._buf == null)
// {
// assert cch == 0;
// assert cp == 0;
// return state;
// }
// if (cch == 0)
// return state;
// boolean replace = false;
// boolean collapse = false;
// switch ( ws )
// {
// case TypeStore.WS_UNSPECIFIED : break;
// case TypeStore.WS_PRESERVE : break;
// case TypeStore.WS_REPLACE : replace = true; break;
// case TypeStore.WS_COLLAPSE : collapse = replace = true; break;
// default : assert false: "Unknown white space rule " +ws;
// }
// if (!replace && !collapse)
// {
// text.fetch(sb, cp, cch);
// return state;
// }
// int off = text.unObscure( cp, cch );
// int startpt = 0;
// for ( int i = 0 ; i < cch ; i++ )
// {
// char ch = text._buf[ off + i ];
// if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t')
// {
// sb.append(text._buf, off + startpt, i - startpt);
// startpt = i + 1;
// if (collapse)
// {
// if (state == NOSPACE_STATE)
// state = SPACE_SEEN_STATE;
// }
// else
// sb.append(' ');
// }
// else
// {
// if (state == SPACE_SEEN_STATE)
// sb.append( ' ' );
// state = NOSPACE_STATE;
// }
// }
// sb.append( text._buf, off + startpt, cch - startpt );
// return state;
static boolean pushToContainer ( Cur c )
for ( ; ; )
switch ( c.kind() )
case ROOT : case ELEM : return true;
case - ROOT : case - ELEM : c.pop(); return false;
case COMMENT : case PROCINST : c.toEnd();; break;
default : c.nextWithAttrs(); break;
static boolean toFirstChildElement ( Cur c )
if (!pushToContainer( c ))
return false;
if (!c.toFirstChild() || (!c.isElem() && !toNextSiblingElement( c )))
return false;
return true;
static boolean toNextSiblingElement ( Cur c )
if (!c.hasParent())
return false;
int k = c.kind();
if (k == ATTR)
else if (k == ELEM)
while ( (k = c.kind()) > 0 && k != ELEM );
if (k == ELEM)
return k == ELEM;
static boolean toChild ( Cur c, String uri, String local, int i )
return toChild( c, c._locale.makeQName( uri, local ), i );
static boolean toChild ( Cur c, QName name, int i )
// if (!c.pushToContainer())
// return false;
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
// c.pop....
// private final class NthChildCache
// {
// private boolean namesSame ( QName pattern, QName name )
// {
// return pattern == null || pattern.equals( name );
// }
// private boolean setsSame ( QNameSet patternSet, QNameSet set)
// {
// // value equality is probably too expensive. Since the use case
// // involves QNameSets that are generated by the compiler, we
// // can use identity comparison.
// return patternSet != null && patternSet == set;
// }
// private boolean nameHit(QName namePattern, QNameSet setPattern, QName name)
// {
// if (setPattern == null)
// return namesSame(namePattern, name);
// else
// return setPattern.contains(name);
// }
// private boolean cacheSame (QName namePattern, QNameSet setPattern)
// {
// return setPattern == null ? namesSame(namePattern, _name) :
// setsSame(setPattern, _set);
// }
// int distance ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
// {
// assert n >= 0;
// if (_version != Root.this.getVersion())
// return Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;
// if (parent != _parent || !cacheSame(name, set))
// return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// return n > _n ? n - _n : _n - n;
// }
// Begin fetch ( Splay parent, QName name, QNameSet set, int n )
// {
// assert n >= 0;
// if (_version != Root.this.getVersion() || _parent != parent ||
// ! cacheSame(name, set) || n == 0)
// {
// _version = Root.this.getVersion();
// _parent = parent;
// _name = name;
// _child = null;
// _n = -1;
// if (!parent.isLeaf())
// {
// loop:
// for ( Splay s = parent.nextSplay() ; ; s = s.nextSplay() )
// {
// switch ( s.getKind() )
// {
// case END :
// case ROOT : break loop;
// case BEGIN :
// if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
// {
// _child = s;
// _n = 0;
// break loop;
// }
// s = s.getFinishSplay();
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (_n < 0)
// return null;
// if (n > _n)
// {
// while ( n > _n )
// {
// for ( Splay s = _child.getFinishSplay().nextSplay() ; ;
// s = s.nextSplay() )
// {
// if (s.isFinish())
// return null;
// if (s.isBegin())
// {
// if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
// {
// _child = s;
// _n++;
// break;
// }
// s = s.getFinishSplay();
// }
// }
// }
// }
// else if (n < _n)
// {
// while ( n < _n )
// {
// Splay s = _child;
// for ( ; ; )
// {
// s = s.prevSplay();
// if (s.isLeaf() || s.isEnd())
// {
// if (s.isEnd())
// s = s.getContainer();
// if (nameHit( name, set, s.getName() ))
// {
// _child = s;
// _n--;
// break;
// }
// }
// else if (s.isContainer())
// return null;
// }
// }
// }
// return (Begin) _child;
// }
// private long _version;
// private Splay _parent;
// private QName _name;
// private QNameSet _set;
// private Splay _child;
// private int _n;
// }
Locale ( )
_noSync = true;
_tempFrames = new Cur [ _numTempFramesLeft = 8 ];
_charUtil = CharUtil.getThreadLocalCharUtil();
_qnameFactory = new DefaultQNameFactory();
_locations = new Locations();
long version ( )
return _versionAll;
Cur permCur ( )
return getCur( Cur.PERM );
Cur weakCur ( Object o )
assert o != null && !(o instanceof Ref);
Cur c = getCur( Cur.WEAK );
assert c._obj == null;
c._obj = new Ref( c, o );
return c;
final ReferenceQueue refQueue ( )
if (_refQueue == null)
_refQueue = new ReferenceQueue();
return _refQueue;
final static class Ref extends PhantomReference
Ref ( Cur c, Object obj )
super( obj, c._locale.refQueue() );
_cur = c;
final Cur _cur;
Cur tempCur ( )
Cur c = getCur( Cur.TEMP );
if (c._tempFrame < 0)
assert _numTempFramesLeft < _tempFrames.length;
int frame = _tempFrames.length - _numTempFramesLeft - 1;
assert frame >= 0 && frame < _tempFrames.length;
c._nextTemp = _tempFrames[ frame ];
_tempFrames[ frame ] = c;
c._tempFrame = frame;
return c;
private Cur getCur ( int curKind )
assert curKind == Cur.TEMP || curKind == Cur.PERM || curKind == Cur.WEAK;
assert _curPool == null || _curPoolCount > 0;
Cur c;
if (_curPool == null)
c = new Cur( this );
c._tempFrame = -1;
c = _curPool;
_curPool = c.listRemove( _curPool );
c._state = Cur.UNREGISTERED;
assert c._state == Cur.UNREGISTERED;
assert c._prev == null && c._next == null;
assert !c.isPositioned();
assert c._obj == null;
c._curKind = curKind;
return c;
TextNode createTextNode ( )
return _saaj == null ? new TextNode( this ) : new SaajTextNode( this );
CdataNode createCdataNode ( )
return _saaj == null ? new CdataNode( this ) : new SaajCdataNode( this );
boolean entered ( )
return _tempFrames.length - _numTempFramesLeft > 0;
void enter ( )
assert _numTempFramesLeft >= 0;
if (--_numTempFramesLeft <= 0)
Cur[] newTempFrames = new Cur [ (_numTempFramesLeft = _tempFrames.length) * 2 ];
System.arraycopy( _tempFrames, 0, newTempFrames, 0, _tempFrames.length );
_tempFrames = newTempFrames;
if (++_entryCount > 1000)
_entryCount = 0;
if (_refQueue != null)
for ( ; ; )
Ref ref = (Ref) _refQueue.poll();
if (ref == null)
void exit ( )
assert _numTempFramesLeft >= 0;
int frame = _tempFrames.length - ++_numTempFramesLeft;
Cur c = _tempFrames [ frame ];
_tempFrames [ frame ] = null;
while ( c != null )
assert c._tempFrame == frame;
Cur next = c._nextTemp;
c._nextTemp = null;
c._tempFrame = -1;
c = next;
boolean noSync ( )
return _noSync;
static final boolean isWhiteSpace ( char ch )
switch ( ch )
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
return true;
return false;
static final boolean isWhiteSpace ( String s )
int l = s.length();
while ( l-- > 0)
if (!isWhiteSpace( s.charAt( l )))
return false;
return true;
static final boolean isWhiteSpace ( StringBuffer sb )
int l = sb.length();
while ( l-- > 0)
if (!isWhiteSpace( sb.charAt( l )))
return false;
return true;
static boolean beginsWithXml ( String name )
if (name.length() < 3)
return false;
char ch;
if (((ch = name.charAt( 0 )) == 'x' || ch == 'X') &&
((ch = name.charAt( 1 )) == 'm' || ch == 'M') &&
((ch = name.charAt( 2 )) == 'l' || ch == 'L'))
return true;
return false;
static boolean isXmlns ( QName name )
String prefix = name.getPrefix();
if (prefix.equals( "xmlns" ))
return true;
return prefix.length() == 0 && name.getLocalPart().equals( "xmlns" );
QName createXmlns ( String prefix )
if (prefix == null)
prefix = "";
prefix.length() == 0
? makeQName( _xmlnsUri, "xmlns", "" )
: makeQName( _xmlnsUri, prefix, "xmlns" );
static String xmlnsPrefix ( QName name )
return name.getPrefix().equals( "xmlns" ) ? name.getLocalPart() : "";
// Loading/parsing
static abstract class LoadContext
protected abstract void startElement ( QName name );
protected abstract void endElement ( );
protected abstract void attr ( String local, String uri, String prefix,
String value );
protected abstract void comment ( char[] buff, int off, int cch );
protected abstract void procInst ( String target, String value );
protected abstract void text ( char[] buff, int off, int cch );
protected abstract Cur finish ( );
private static ThreadLocal tl_saxLoadersDefaultResolver =
new ThreadLocal ( ) { protected Object initialValue ( ) { return newSaxLoader(); } };
private static ThreadLocal tl_saxLoaders =
new ThreadLocal ( ) { protected Object initialValue ( ) { return newSaxLoader(); } };
private static SaxLoader getSaxLoader ( XmlOptions options )
// XMLReader.setEntityResolver() cannot be passed null.
// Because of this, I cannot reset the entity resolver to be
// that which was default. Thus, I need to cache two
// SaxLoaders. One which uses the default entity resolver and
// one which I can change the resolve to whatever I want for a
// given parse.
options = XmlOptions.maskNull( options );
EntityResolver er = (EntityResolver) options.get( XmlOptions.ENTITY_RESOLVER );
if (er == null)
er = ResolverUtil.getGlobalEntityResolver();
if (er == null && options.hasOption( XmlOptions.LOAD_USE_DEFAULT_RESOLVER ))
return (SaxLoader) tl_saxLoadersDefaultResolver.get();
SaxLoader sl = (SaxLoader) tl_saxLoaders.get();
if (er == null)
er = sl;
sl.setEntityResolver( er );
return sl;
private static SaxLoader newSaxLoader ( )
SaxLoader sl = null;
sl = PiccoloSaxLoader.newInstance();
if (sl == null)
sl = DefaultSaxLoader.newInstance();
catch ( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find an XML parser", e );
if (sl == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find an XML parser" );
return sl;
private static class DefaultSaxLoader extends SaxLoader
private DefaultSaxLoader ( XMLReader xr )
super( xr, null );
static SaxLoader newInstance ( ) throws Exception
new DefaultSaxLoader(
SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().getXMLReader() );
private static class PiccoloSaxLoader extends SaxLoader
// TODO - Need to look at to bring this loader up to
// date with all needed features
private PiccoloSaxLoader (
XMLReader xr, Locator startLocator, Method m_getEncoding, Method m_getVersion )
super( xr, startLocator );
_m_getEncoding = m_getEncoding;
_m_getVersion = m_getVersion;
static SaxLoader newInstance ( ) throws Exception
Class pc = null;
pc = Class.forName( "com.bluecast.xml.Piccolo" );
catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
return null;
XMLReader xr = (XMLReader) pc.newInstance();
Method m_getEncoding = pc.getMethod( "getEncoding", null );
Method m_getVersion = pc.getMethod( "getVersion", null );
Method m_getStartLocator = pc.getMethod( "getStartLocator", null );
Locator startLocator =
(Locator) m_getStartLocator.invoke( xr, null );
return new PiccoloSaxLoader( xr, startLocator, m_getEncoding, m_getVersion );
private Method _m_getEncoding;
private Method _m_getVersion;
private static abstract class SaxLoader
implements ContentHandler, LexicalHandler, ErrorHandler, EntityResolver
SaxLoader ( XMLReader xr, Locator startLocator )
_xr = xr;
_startLocator = startLocator;
_xr.setFeature( "", true );
_xr.setFeature( "", true );
_xr.setFeature( "", false );
_xr.setProperty( "", this );
_xr.setContentHandler( this );
_xr.setErrorHandler( this );
catch ( Throwable e )
throw new RuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
void setEntityResolver ( EntityResolver er )
_xr.setEntityResolver( er );
public Cur load ( Locale l, InputSource is )
_locale = l;
_context = new Cur.CurLoadContext( _locale );
_xr.parse( is );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e.getMessage(), e );
return _context.finish();
public void setDocumentLocator ( Locator locator )
// TODO - hook up locator ...
public void startDocument ( ) throws SAXException
// Do nothing ... start of document is implicit
public void endDocument ( ) throws SAXException
// Do nothing ... end of document is implicit
public void startElement ( String uri, String local, String qName, Attributes atts )
throws SAXException
if (local.length() == 0)
local = qName;
// Out current parser (Piccolo) does not error when a
// namespace is used and not defined. Check for these here
if (qName.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 && uri.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
"Use of undefined namespace prefix: " +
qName.substring( 0, qName.indexOf( ':' ) ));
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
_context.startElement( _locale.makeQualifiedQName( uri, qName ) );
for ( int i = 0, len = atts.getLength() ; i < len ; i++ )
String aqn = atts.getQName( i );
if (aqn.equals( "xmlns" ))
_context.attr( "xmlns", _xmlnsUri, null, atts.getValue( i ) );
else if (aqn.startsWith( "xmlns:" ))
String prefix = aqn.substring( 6 );
if (prefix.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
XmlError.forMessage( "Prefix not specified", XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR );
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
String attrUri = atts.getValue( i );
if (attrUri.length() == 0)
XmlError err =
"Prefix can't be mapped to no namespace: " + prefix,
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
_context.attr( prefix, _xmlnsUri, "xmlns", attrUri );
int colon = aqn.indexOf( ':' );
if (colon < 0)
_context.attr( aqn, atts.getURI( i ), null, atts.getValue( i ) );
aqn.substring( colon + 1 ), atts.getURI( i ), aqn.substring( 0, colon ),
atts.getValue( i ) );
public void endElement ( String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName )
throws SAXException
public void characters ( char ch[], int start, int length ) throws SAXException
_context.text( ch, start, length );
public void ignorableWhitespace ( char ch[], int start, int length ) throws SAXException
public void comment ( char ch[], int start, int length ) throws SAXException
_context.comment( ch, start, length );
public void processingInstruction ( String target, String data ) throws SAXException
_context.procInst( target, data );
public void startDTD ( String name, String publicId, String systemId ) throws SAXException
public void endDTD ( ) throws SAXException
public void startPrefixMapping ( String prefix, String uri ) throws SAXException
if (beginsWithXml( prefix ) && ! ( "xml".equals( prefix ) && _xml1998Uri.equals( uri )))
XmlError err =
"Prefix can't begin with XML: " + prefix, XmlError.SEVERITY_ERROR );
throw new XmlRuntimeException( err.toString(), null, err );
public void endPrefixMapping ( String prefix ) throws SAXException
public void skippedEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException
// throw new RuntimeException( "Not impl: skippedEntity" );
public void startCDATA ( ) throws SAXException
public void endCDATA ( ) throws SAXException
public void startEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException
// throw new RuntimeException( "Not impl: startEntity" );
public void endEntity ( String name ) throws SAXException
// throw new RuntimeException( "Not impl: endEntity" );
public void fatalError ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
throw e;
public void error ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
throw e;
public void warning ( SAXParseException e ) throws SAXException
throw e;
public InputSource resolveEntity ( String publicId, String systemId )
return new InputSource( new StringReader( "" ) );
private Locale _locale;
private XMLReader _xr;
private LoadContext _context;
private Locator _startLocator;
private Dom load ( InputSource is, XmlOptions options )
return getSaxLoader( options ).load( this, is ).getDom();
public Dom load ( Reader r )
return load( new InputSource( r ), null );
public Dom load ( String s )
return load( new InputSource( new StringReader( s ) ), null );
public Dom load ( InputStream in )
return load( in, null );
public Dom load ( InputStream in, XmlOptions options )
return load( new InputSource( in ), options );
public Dom load ( String s, XmlOptions options )
return load( new InputSource( new StringReader( s ) ), options );
// DOMImplementation methods
public Document createDocument ( String uri, String qname, DocumentType doctype )
return DomImpl._domImplementation_createDocument( this, uri, qname, doctype );
public DocumentType createDocumentType ( String qname, String publicId, String systemId )
throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemented" );
// return DomImpl._domImplementation_createDocumentType( this, qname, publicId, systemId );
public boolean hasFeature ( String feature, String version )
return DomImpl._domImplementation_hasFeature( this, feature, version );
public Object getFeature ( String feature, String version )
throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" );
// SaajCallback methods
public void setSaajData ( Node n, Object o )
assert n instanceof Dom;
DomImpl.saajCallback_setSaajData( (Dom) n, o );
public Object getSaajData ( Node n )
assert n instanceof Dom;
return DomImpl.saajCallback_getSaajData( (Dom) n );
public Element createSoapElement ( QName name, QName parentName )
assert _ownerDoc != null;
return DomImpl.saajCallback_createSoapElement( _ownerDoc, name, parentName );
public Element importSoapElement ( Document doc, Element elem, boolean deep, QName parentName )
assert doc instanceof Dom;
return DomImpl.saajCallback_importSoapElement( (Dom) doc, elem, deep, parentName );
private static final class DefaultQNameFactory implements QNameFactory
private QNameCache _cache = XmlBeans.getQNameCache();
public QName getQName ( String uri, String local )
return _cache.getName( uri, local, "" );
public QName getQName ( String uri, String local, String prefix )
return _cache.getName( uri, local, prefix );
public QName getQName (
char[] uriSrc, int uriPos, int uriCch,
char[] localSrc, int localPos, int localCch )
new String( uriSrc, uriPos, uriCch ),
new String( localSrc, localPos, localCch ),
"" );
public QName getQName (
char[] uriSrc, int uriPos, int uriCch,
char[] localSrc, int localPos, int localCch,
char[] prefixSrc, int prefixPos, int prefixCch )
new String( uriSrc, uriPos, uriCch ),
new String( localSrc, localPos, localCch ),
new String( prefixSrc, prefixPos, prefixCch ) );
boolean _noSync;
private ReferenceQueue _refQueue;
private int _entryCount;
private int _numTempFramesLeft;
private Cur[] _tempFrames;
Cur _curPool;
int _curPoolCount;
Cur _registered;
GeneralChangeListener _generalChangeListeners;
Cur _textChangeListeners;
long _versionAll;
long _versionSansText;
Locations _locations;
CharUtil _charUtil;
Saaj _saaj;
Dom _ownerDoc;
QNameFactory _qnameFactory;
boolean _validateOnSet;