blob: feb45d08ad3aa5af8ba10bbe4ba7a354ac5ff8ca [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.internal.JFileSetImpl;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.internal.JamPrinter;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.internal.javadoc.JDClassLoader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.internal.javadoc.JDClassLoaderFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.provider.ReflectionClassBuilder;
* Start here! Entry point into the JAM subsystem. JFactory is a singleton
* builds everything you need to get started with a JAM.
* Here is a simple usage example which parses all of the source files
* in weblogic/utils/jam_old and prints out the classnames that were
* found.
* <pre>
* JFactory factory = JFactory.getInstance();
* JFileSet files = factory.createFileSet(new File("c:\\weblogic\\dev\\src"));
* files.include("weblogic\\utils\\jam_old\\**\\*.java");
* JClass[] classes = factory.loadSources(files);
* for(int i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
* System.out.println(classes[i].getQualifiedName());
* }
* </pre>
* @deprecated Please us JServiceFactory instead.
* @author Patrick Calahan <>
public class JFactory {
// ========================================================================
// Singleton
* Returns the singleton JFactory instance.
public static JFactory getInstance() { return INSTANCE; }
private static JFactory INSTANCE = new JFactory();
private JFactory() {}
// ========================================================================
// Constants
private JClassLoader SYSTEM_CL =
// REVIEW i think this needs to be even more special
// ========================================================================
// Public methods
* Create an object which is used to describe a set of java source
* files to be parsed. Once created, patterns of files to be
* included or excluded can be specified on the JFileSet. See
* @link JFileSet for more information.
* @param rootDir The root directory of the fileset. All include and
* exclude patterns are relative to this directory. This File must
* exist and must be a directory.
public JFileSet createFileSet(File rootDir) {
return new JFileSetImpl(rootDir);
* Note that this method is guaranteed to return a non-empty array;
* FileNotFoundException is thrown if no classes are found to parse.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If no java source files could be
* located in the given fileset.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurred while reading the
* source files.
public JClass[] loadSources(JFileSet fs)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
return loadSources(fs,null,null,new PrintWriter(System.out));
* Note that this method is guaranteed to return a non-empty array;
* FileNotFoundException is thrown if no classes are found to parse.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If no java source files could be
* located in the given fileset.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurred while reading the
* source files.
public JClass[] loadSources(JFileSet fs,
JClassLoader parentLoader,
JAnnotationLoader annLoader,
PrintWriter log)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
return loadSources(fs,parentLoader,annLoader,log,null);
* Note that this method is guaranteed to return a non-empty array;
* FileNotFoundException is thrown if no classes are found to parse.
* @param sourcePath A semicolon-separated path on which
* sources will be located for resolving types that are not included
* in the filest. It is ignored if null.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If no java source files could be
* located in the given fileset.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurred while reading the
* source files.
public JClass[] loadSources(JFileSet fs,
JClassLoader parentLoader,
JAnnotationLoader annLoader,
PrintWriter log,
String sourcePath)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
return loadSources(fs,parentLoader,annLoader,log,sourcePath,null,null);
* Note that this method is guaranteed to return a non-empty array;
* FileNotFoundException is thrown if no classes are found to parse.
* @param sourcePath A semicolon-separated path on which
* sources will be located for resolving types that are not included
* in the filest. It is ignored if null.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If no java source files could be
* located in the given fileset.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurred while reading the
* source files.
public JClass[] loadSources(JFileSet fs,
JClassLoader parentLoader,
JAnnotationLoader annLoader,
PrintWriter log,
String sourcePath,
String classPath)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
return loadSources(fs,parentLoader,annLoader,log,sourcePath,classPath,null);
* Note that this method is guaranteed to return a non-empty array;
* FileNotFoundException is thrown if no classes are found to parse.
* @param fs the source file set to use
* @param parentLoader a parent JClassLoader for the loaded JClasses (optional)
* @param annLoader external annotation loader (optional)
* @param log Writer to receive logging output (optional)
* @param sourcePath A semicolon-separated path on which
* sources will be located for resolving types that are not included
* in the filest. (optional)
* @param classPath A semicolon-separated path on which runtime classes
* (e.g. javadoc and doclets) will be found. (optional)
* @param extraJavadocArgs An array of parameter that are passed directly
* to javadoc. This is the last parameter in
* (optional)
* @throws FileNotFoundException If no java source files could be
* located in the given fileset.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurred while reading the
* source files.
public JClass[] loadSources(JFileSet fs,
JClassLoader parentLoader,
JAnnotationLoader annLoader,
PrintWriter log,
String sourcePath,
String classPath,
String[] extraJavadocArgs)
throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
JDClassLoader loader = JDClassLoaderFactory.getInstance().
Collection classes = loader.getResolvedClasses();
JClass[] out = new JClass[classes.size()];
return out;
* @param parent Optional parameter which specifies a parent
* JClassLoader for the created JClassLoader. If null, the parent
* is the System JClassLoader.
* @param annLoader Optional loader for supplemental annotations for
* classes loaded by the created classloader.
public JClassLoader createClassLoader(ClassLoader cl,
JClassLoader parent,
JAnnotationLoader annLoader) {
return ReflectionClassBuilder.createRClassLoader(cl);//FIXME
public JClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() { return SYSTEM_CL; }
* Serializes a set of JClasses to an XML document.
* @param out Writer where to write the XML document
* @param classes JClasses to write.
* @deprecated
public void toXML(Writer out, JClass[] classes) throws IOException
throw new RuntimeException("Temporarily not implemented.");
/* XClassLoader xc = XClassLoader.create(classes,null);
* Returns the JClasses described in an XML document.
* @param in Reader on the XML document
* @param parent JClassLoader to use as the parent classloader
* (i.e. for resolving external classes named in the document).
* Pass null to load from the system classloader.
* @deprecated
public JClass[] fromXML(Reader in, JClassLoader parent)
throws IOException
throw new RuntimeException("Temporarily not implemented.");
XClassLoader xc = XClassLoader.create(in,parent);
return xc.getLoadedClasses();
// ========================================================================
// main() method
* main method is provided for debugging.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 0) {
System.out.println("Usage:\n java org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam_old.JFactory "+
"include [include]...");
// create the factory
JFactory factory = new JFactory();
JFileSet fs = factory.createFileSet(new File("."));
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].endsWith(".java")) fs.include(args[i]);
PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(System.out);
JClass[] classes = factory.loadSources(fs,null,null,log,".","t:/src_141/server/classes",
new String[] {"-verbose"});
JamPrinter printer = JamPrinter.newInstance();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out,true);
for(int i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
JClassLoader loader = classes[0].getClassLoader();
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
if (!args[i].endsWith(".java")) {
JClass clazz = loader.loadClass(args[i]);
JMethod[] meths = clazz.getMethods();
for(int j=0; j<meths.length; j++) {
System.out.println(meths[j].getSimpleName()+" "+
meths[j].getAnnotation("operation")+" ----");
* @deprecated Don't do this.
public static void setInstance(JFactory f) {
if (f == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null factory");