blob: 26d7a7add6a490a92de582750ed773408a306dec [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.annotation;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.provider.JamLogger;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.provider.JamServiceContext;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.JAnnotationValue;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.JClass;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.jam.internal.elements.ElementContext;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Enumeration;
* <p>Provides a proxied view of some annotation artifact. JAM calls the
* public methods on this class to initialize the proxy with annotation
* values; those methods should not be called by user code.</p>
* <p>This class provides default implementations of
* initFromAnnotationInstance() and initFromJavadocTag() which will often be
* sufficient. However, extending classes are free to override them if
* they need to specialize how tags and annotations are mapped into the
* proxy's member values. A typical example might be overriding
* <code>initFromJavadocTag()</code> in provide a specialized parsing of
* the tags's name-value pairs.</p>
* @author Patrick Calahan &lt;email: pcal-at-bea-dot-com&gt;
public abstract class AnnotationProxy {
// ========================================================================
// Constants
* <p>Name of the member of annotations which have only a single member.
* As specified in JSR175, that name is "value", but you should use
* this constant to prevent typos.</p>
public static final String SINGLE_MEMBER_NAME = "value";
* <p>The delimiters to use by default when parsing out name=value pairs
* from a javadoc tag.</p>
private static final String DEFAULT_NVPAIR_DELIMS = "\n\r";
private static final String VALUE_QUOTE = "\"";
// ========================================================================
// Variables
private JamServiceContext mContext;
//FIXME need to expose a knob for setting this
private String mNvPairDelims = DEFAULT_NVPAIR_DELIMS;
// ========================================================================
// Initialization methods - called by JAM, don'
* <p>Called by JAM to initialize the proxy. Do not try to call this
* yourself.</p>
public void init(JamServiceContext ctx) {
if (ctx == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null logger");
mContext = ctx;
// ========================================================================
// Public abstract methods
* <p>Called by JAM to initialize a named member on this annotation proxy.
* </p>
public abstract void setValue(String name, Object value, JClass type);
public abstract JAnnotationValue[] getValues();
public JAnnotationValue getValue(String named) {
if (named == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name");
//FIXME this impl is very gross
named = named.trim();
JAnnotationValue[] values = getValues();
for(int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (named.equals(values[i].getName())) return values[i];
return null;
// ========================================================================
// Public methods
//REVIEW i'm not sure this is sufficient. they might need access to
//the whole tag (including the name) when doing this. they may
//want to tell us what the tag name is. a bit of a chicken-and-egg
//problem. i guess if the need to do that, they just have to write
//their own CommentInitializer.
* <p>Called by JAM to initialize this proxy's properties using a
* javadoc tag. The parameter will contain the raw contents of the tag,
* excluding the name declaration (i.e. everything after the '@mytag').</p>
* <p>The implementation of this method parses the tagContents
* for 'name = value' pairs delimited by line breaks. If one or more such
* pairs is found, <code>setMemberValue</code> is called for each. If no
* such pairs are found, <code>setMemberValue()</code> is called using
* SINGLE_MEMBER_NAME as the name and the tag contents as the value.</p>
* <p>Extending classes are free to override this method if different
* behavior is required.</p>
public void initFromJavadocTag(String tagline) {
//FIXME AND REVIEW so we're saying that tag values are always strings,
//at least by default. not clear that we can do any better than that.
//even if so, the way this is implemented here with this cast
//is somewhat gross
JClass type =
if (tagline == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null tagline");
tagline = tagline.trim();
if (tagline.length() == 0) return;
Properties props = new Properties();
if (props.size() == 0) {
setValue(SINGLE_MEMBER_NAME,tagline, type);
} else {
Enumeration names = props.propertyNames();
while(names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String)names.nextElement();
setValue(name,props.getProperty(name), type);
// ========================================================================
// Protected methods
* <p>Returns an instance of JamLogger that this AnnotationProxy should use
* for logging debug and error messages.</p>
protected JamLogger getLogger() { return mContext.getLogger(); }
// ========================================================================
// Private methods
//REVIEW the comment parsing logic here should be factored and made pluggable
* Parse a line that contains assignments, taking into account
* - newlines (ignore them)
* - double quotes (the value is everything in-between)
* - // (everything after is ignored)
* - multiple assignments on the same line
* @param out This variable will contain a list of properties
* representing the line once parsed.
* @param line The line to be parsed
* This method contributed by Cedric Beust
private void parseAssignments(Properties out, String line) {
getLogger().verbose("PARSING LINE " + line,this);
String originalLine = line;
line = removeComments(line);
while (null != line && -1 != line.indexOf("=")) {
int keyStart = -1;
int keyEnd = -1;
int ind = 0;
// Skip stuff before the key
char c = line.charAt(ind);
while (isBlank(c)) {
c = line.charAt(ind);
keyStart = ind;
while (isLegal(line.charAt(ind))) ind++;
keyEnd = ind;
String key = line.substring(keyStart, keyEnd);
ind = line.indexOf("=");
if (ind == -1) {
return; //FIXME let's be a little conservative, just for now
//throw new IllegalStateException("'=' expected: "+line);
// Skip stuff after the equal sign
try {
c = line.charAt(ind);
catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex){
while (isBlank(c)) {
c = line.charAt(ind);
String value;
int valueStart = -1;
int valueEnd = -1;
if (c == '"') {
valueStart = ++ind;
while ('"' != line.charAt(ind)) {
if (ind >= line.length()) {
getLogger().verbose("missing double quotes on line "+line,this);
valueEnd = ind;
else {
valueStart = ind++;
while (ind < line.length() && isLegal(line.charAt(ind))) ind++;
valueEnd = ind;
value = line.substring(valueStart, valueEnd);
if (ind < line.length()) {
line = line.substring(ind + 1);
else {
line = null;
getLogger().verbose("SETTING KEY:"+key+" VALUE:"+value,this);
out.setProperty(key, value);
* Remove all the texts between "//" and '\n'
* This method contributed by Cedric Beust
private String removeComments(String value) {
String result = new String();
int size = value.length();
String current = value;
int currentIndex = 0;
int beginning = current.indexOf("//");
// Ignore // if it's between double quotes
int doubleQuotesIndex = current.indexOf("\"");
if (-1 != doubleQuotesIndex && doubleQuotesIndex < beginning) {
// do nothing
result = value;
else {
while (currentIndex < size && beginning != -1) {
beginning = value.indexOf("//", currentIndex);
if (-1 != beginning) {
if (beginning > 0 && value.charAt(beginning-1) == ':') {
//this is a quick fix for problem of unquoted url values. for
//now, just say it's not a comment if preceded by ':'. should
//review this later
currentIndex = beginning+2;
int end = value.indexOf('\n', beginning);
if (-1 == end) end = size;
// We have identified a portion to remove, copy the one we want to
// keep
result = result + value.substring(currentIndex, beginning).trim() + "\n";
current = value.substring(end);
currentIndex = end;
result += current;
return result.trim();
private boolean isBlank(char c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n';
private boolean isLegal(char c) {
return (! isBlank(c)) && c != '=';
// return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) || c == '-' || Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.';
public void initFromJavadocTag(String tagline) {
if (tagline == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null tagline");
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tagline, mNvPairDelims);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String pair = st.nextToken();
int eq = pair.indexOf('=');
if (eq <= 0) continue; // if not there or is first character
String name = pair.substring(0, eq).trim();
if (eq < pair.length() - 1) {
String value = pair.substring(eq + 1).trim();
if (value.startsWith(VALUE_QUOTE)) {
value = parseQuotedValue(value.substring(1),st);
private String parseQuotedValue(String line, StringTokenizer st) {
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
while(true) {
int endQuote = line.indexOf(VALUE_QUOTE);
if (endQuote == -1) {
if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) return out.toString();
line = st.nextToken().trim();
} else {
return out.toString();
* <p>Called by JAM to initialize this proxy's properties using a
* JSR175 annotation instnce. The value is guaranteed to be an instance
* of the 1.5-specific <code>java.lang.annotation.Annotation</code>
* marker interface. (It's typed as <code>Object</code> in order to
* preserve pre-1.5 compatibility).</p>
* <p>The implementation of this method introspects the given object
* for JSR175 annotation member methods, invokes them, and then calls
* <code>setMemberValue</code> using the method's name and invocation
* result as the name and value.</p>
* <p>Extending classes are free to override this method if different
* behavior is required.</p>
public void initFromAnnotationInstance(Class annType,
Object jsr175annotationObject) {
if (jsr175annotationObject == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
//FIXME this is a bit clumsy right now - I think we need to be a little
// more surgical in identifying the annotation member methods
Method[] methods = annType.getMethods();
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) {
int mods = methods[i].getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isStatic(mods)) continue;
if (!Modifier.isPublic(mods)) continue;
if (methods[i].getParameterTypes().length > 0) continue;
// try to limit it to real annotation methods.
// FIXME seems like this could be better
Class c = methods[i].getDeclaringClass();
String name = c.getName();
if (name.equals("java.lang.Object") ||
name.equals("java.lang.annotation.Annotation")) {
try {
methods[i].invoke(jsr175annotationObject,null), null);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {