update docs to list right saxon version

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlbeans/trunk@1864888 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/docs/guide/conSelectingXMLwithXQueryPathXPath.html b/docs/guide/conSelectingXMLwithXQueryPathXPath.html
index 648cde6..41b7849 100644
--- a/docs/guide/conSelectingXMLwithXQueryPathXPath.html
+++ b/docs/guide/conSelectingXMLwithXQueryPathXPath.html
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@
   <p>You use the <span class="langinline">execQuery</span> method to execute XQuery
     expressions. With XQuery expressions, XML returned is a copy of XML in the document queried against. In other words, changes your code makes to the values returned by <code>execQuery</code> are not reflected in the document queried against.</p>
-      <p><a name="saxon_jars"></a><strong>Note:</strong> To execute XQuery expressions, you must have the SaxonB 8.6.1 versions of the saxon8.jar and saxon8-dom.jar files on your classpath. These are two of the jars from inside the zip file saxonb8-6-1.zip
+      <p><a name="saxon_jars"></a><strong>Note:</strong> To execute XQuery expressions, you must have the SaxonB versions of the saxon9.jar and saxon9-dom.jar files on your classpath. These are two of the jars from inside the zip file saxonb9-0-0-4j.zip
       which can be downloaded from the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=29872&package_id=21888">Saxon web site</a>.
-      If you build XMLBeans from source then the saxonb8-6-1.zip file and the two Saxon jar files are available in the external/lib directory.</p>
+      If you build XMLBeans from source then the saxonb9-0-0-4j.zip file and the two Saxon jar files are available in the external/lib directory.</p>
   <h3>Calling XmlObject.execQuery</h3>
   <p>As with <span class="langinline">selectPath</span>, calling <span class="langinline">execQuery</span>