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* Copyright (c) 2001 World Wide Web Consortium,
* (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
* Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All
* Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software
* Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* See W3C License for more details.
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMErrorHandler;
* A interface to an object that is able to build a DOM tree from various
* input sources.
* <p><code>DOMBuilder</code> provides an API for parsing XML documents and
* building the corresponding DOM document tree. A <code>DOMBuilder</code>
* instance is obtained from the <code>DOMImplementationLS</code> interface
* by invoking its <code>createDOMBuilder</code>method.
* <p> As specified in , when a document is first made available via the
* DOMBuilder: there is only one <code>Text</code> node for each block of
* text. The <code>Text</code> nodes are into "normal" form: only structure
* (e.g., elements, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and
* entity references) separates <code>Text</code> nodes, i.e., there are
* neither adjacent <code>Text</code> nodes nor empty <code>Text</code>
* nodes. it is expected that the <code>value</code> and
* <code>nodeValue</code> attributes of an <code>Attr</code> node initially
* return the XML 1.0 normalized value. However, if the features
* <code>validate-if-schema</code> and <code>datatype-normalization</code>
* are set to <code>true</code>, depending on the attribute normalization
* used, the attribute values may differ from the ones obtained by the XML
* 1.0 attribute normalization. If the feature
* <code>datatype-normalization</code> is not set to <code>true</code>, the
* XML 1.0 attribute normalization is garantee to occur, and if attributes
* list does not contain namespace declarations, the <code>attributes</code>
* attribute on <code>Element</code> node represents the property
* [attributes] defined in . XML Schemas does not modified the XML
* attribute normalization but represents their normalized value in an other
* information item property: [schema normalized value]XML Schema
* normalization only occurs if <code>datatype-normalization</code> is set
* to <code>true</code>.
* <p> The Document Object Model Level 3 Load and Save does not provide a way
* to disable the namespace resolution: Namespaces are always taken into
* account during loading and saving operations.
* <p> Asynchronous <code>DOMBuilder</code> objects are expected to also
* implement the <code>events::EventTarget</code> interface so that event
* listeners can be registerd on asynchronous <code>DOMBuilder</code>
* objects.
* <p> Events supported by asynchronous <code>DOMBuilder</code> are: ls-load:
* The document that's being loaded is completely parsed, see the definition
* of <code>LSLoadEvent</code>ls-progress: Progress notification, see the
* definition of <code>LSProgressEvent</code>
* <p> <code>DOMBuilder</code>s have a number of named features that can be
* queried or set. The name of <code>DOMBuilder</code> features must be
* valid XML names. Implementation specific features (extensions) should
* choose a implementation specific prefix to avoid name collisions.
* <p> Even if all features must be recognized by all implementations, being
* able to set a state (<code>true</code> or <code>false</code>) is not
* always required. The following list of recognized features indicates the
* definitions of each feature state, if setting the state to
* <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> must be supported or is optional
* and, which state is the default one:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>"namespace-declarations"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt>
* <code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) include the namespace declaration
* attributes, specified or defaulted from the schema or the DTD, in the DOM
* document. See also the section Declaring Namespaces in . </dd>
* <dt>
* <code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] discard all namespace declaration
* attributes. The Namespace prefixes will be retained even if this feature
* is set to <code>false</code>. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"validation"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[
* optional] report validation errors (setting <code>true</code> also will
* force the <code>external-general-entities</code> and
* <code>external-parameter-entities</code> features to be <code>true</code>
* .) Also note that the <code>validate-if-schema</code> feature will alter
* the validation behavior when this feature is set <code>true</code>. </dd>
* <dt>
* <code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) do not report validation errors. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"external-parameter-entities"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (
* default)load external parameter entities. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional]do
* not load external parameter entities. </dd>
* <dt>default value</dt>
* <dd><code>true</code></dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"external-general-entities"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (
* default) include all external general (text) entities. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[
* optional]do not include external general entities. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"external-dtd-subset"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default)
* load the external dtd and also all external parameter entities. </dd>
* <dt>
* <code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] do not load the dtd nor external parameter
* entities. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"validate-if-schema"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional]
* when both this feature and validation are <code>true</code>, enable
* validation only if the document being processed has a schema (i.e. XML
* schema, DTD, any other type of schema, note that this is unrelated to the
* abstract schema specification). Documents without schemas are parsed
* without validation. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) the validation
* feature alone controls whether the document is checked for validity.
* Documents without a schemas are not valid. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"validate-against-dtd"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Prefere
* validation against the DTD over any other schema referenced in the XML
* file. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Let the parser decide what
* to validate against if there are references to multiple types of schemas. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"datatype-normalization"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] Let the
* (non-DTD) validation process do its datatype normalization that is
* defined in the used schema language. We should define "datatype
* normalization". </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Disable datatype
* normalization. The XML 1.0 attribute value normalization is garantee to
* occur in that case. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"create-entity-ref-nodes"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt>
* <code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Create <code>EntityReference</code>
* nodes in the DOM document. It will also set
* <code>create-entity-nodes</code> to be <code>true</code>. </dd>
* <dt>
* <code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] omit all <code>EntityReference</code> nodes
* from the DOM document, putting the entity expansions directly in their
* place. <code>Text</code> nodes are into "normal" form.
* <code>EntityReference</code> nodes to non-defined entities will still be
* created in the DOM document. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"create-entity-nodes"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt>
* <code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Create <code>Entity</code> nodes in
* the DOM document. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Omit all
* <code>entity</code> nodes from the DOM document. It will also set
* <code>create-entity-ref-nodes</code> to <code>false</code>. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"whitespace-in-element-content"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (
* default) Include white space characters appearing within element content
* (see 2.10 "White Space Handling"). </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Omit
* white space characters appearing within element content. Note that white
* space characters within element content will only be omitted if it can be
* identified as such, and not all parsers may be able to do so (see 2.10
* "White Space Handling"). </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"create-cdata-nodes"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt>
* <code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Create <code>CDATASection</code>
* nodes in response to the appearance of CDATA sections in the XML
* document. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Do not create
* <code>CDATASection</code> nodes in the DOM document. The content of any
* CDATA sections in the XML document appears in the DOM as if it had been
* normal (non-CDATA) content. If a CDATA section is adjacent to other
* content, the combined content appears in a single <code>Text</code> node,
* i.e. the <code>Text</code> nodes are into "normal" form. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"comments"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) Include XML
* comments in the DOM document. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] Discard XML
* comments, do not create <code>Comment</code> nodes in the DOM Document
* resulting from a parse. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt><code>"charset-overrides-xml-encoding"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt>
* <code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (default) If a higher level protocol such as
* HTTP provides an indication of the character encoding of the input
* stream being processed, that will override any encoding specified in the
* XML declaration or the Text declaration (see also 4.3.3 "Character
* Encoding in Entities"). Explicitly setting an encoding in the
* <code>DOMInputSource</code> overrides encodings from the protocol. </dd>
* <dt>
* <code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] Any character set encoding information from
* higher level protocols is ignored by the parser. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"load-as-infoset"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Load the
* document and store only the information defined in the XML Information
* Set . This will force the following features to <code>false</code>:
* <code>namespace-declarations</code>, <code>validate-if-schema</code>,
* <code>create-entity-ref-nodes</code>, <code>create-entity-nodes</code>,
* <code>create-cdata-nodes</code>. This will force the following features
* to <code>true</code>: <code>datatype-normalization</code>,
* <code>whitespace-in-element-content</code>, <code>comments</code>,
* <code>charset-overrides-xml-encoding</code>. Other features are not
* changed unless explicity specified in the description of the features.
* Note that querying this feature with <code>getFeature</code> will return
* <code>true</code> only if the individual features specified above are
* appropriately set. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd> Setting <code>load-as-infoset</code>
* to <code>false</code> has no effect. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* <dt>
* <code>"supported-mediatypes-only"</code></dt>
* <dd>
* <dl>
* <dt><code>true</code></dt>
* <dd>[optional] Check
* that the media type of the parsed resource is a supported media type and
* call the error handler if an unsupported media type is encountered. The
* media types defined in must be accepted. </dd>
* <dt><code>false</code></dt>
* <dd>[required] (
* default) Don't check the media type, accept any type of data. </dd>
* </dl></dd>
* </dl>
* <p>See also the <a href=''>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Abstract Schemas and Load
and Save Specification</a>.
public interface DOMBuilder {
* If a <code>DOMEntityResolver</code> has been specified, each time a
* reference to an external entity is encountered the
* <code>DOMBuilder</code> will pass the public and system IDs to the
* entity resolver, which can then specify the actual source of the
* entity.
public DOMEntityResolver getEntityResolver();
* If a <code>DOMEntityResolver</code> has been specified, each time a
* reference to an external entity is encountered the
* <code>DOMBuilder</code> will pass the public and system IDs to the
* entity resolver, which can then specify the actual source of the
* entity.
public void setEntityResolver(DOMEntityResolver entityResolver);
* In the event that an error is encountered in the XML document being
* parsed, the <code>DOMDcoumentBuilder</code> will call back to the
* <code>errorHandler</code> with the error information. When the
* document loading process calls the error handler the node closest to
* where the error occured is passed to the error handler if the
* implementation, if the implementation is unable to pass the node
* where the error occures the document Node is passed to the error
* handler. Mutations to the document from within an error handler will
* result in implementation dependent behavour.
public DOMErrorHandler getErrorHandler();
* In the event that an error is encountered in the XML document being
* parsed, the <code>DOMDcoumentBuilder</code> will call back to the
* <code>errorHandler</code> with the error information. When the
* document loading process calls the error handler the node closest to
* where the error occured is passed to the error handler if the
* implementation, if the implementation is unable to pass the node
* where the error occures the document Node is passed to the error
* handler. Mutations to the document from within an error handler will
* result in implementation dependent behavour.
public void setErrorHandler(DOMErrorHandler errorHandler);
* When the application provides a filter, the parser will call out to
* the filter at the completion of the construction of each
* <code>Element</code> node. The filter implementation can choose to
* remove the element from the document being constructed (unless the
* element is the document element) or to terminate the parse early. If
* the document is being validated when it's loaded the validation
* happens before the filter is called.
public DOMBuilderFilter getFilter();
* When the application provides a filter, the parser will call out to
* the filter at the completion of the construction of each
* <code>Element</code> node. The filter implementation can choose to
* remove the element from the document being constructed (unless the
* element is the document element) or to terminate the parse early. If
* the document is being validated when it's loaded the validation
* happens before the filter is called.
public void setFilter(DOMBuilderFilter filter);
* Set the state of a feature.
* <br>The feature name has the same form as a DOM hasFeature string.
* <br>It is possible for a <code>DOMBuilder</code> to recognize a feature
* name but to be unable to set its value.
* @param name The feature name.
* @param state The requested state of the feature (<code>true</code> or
* <code>false</code>).
* @exception DOMException
* Raise a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception when the <code>DOMBuilder</code>
* recognizes the feature name but cannot set the requested value.
* <br>Raise a NOT_FOUND_ERR When the <code>DOMBuilder</code> does not
* recognize the feature name.
public void setFeature(String name,
boolean state)
throws DOMException;
* Query whether setting a feature to a specific value is supported.
* <br>The feature name has the same form as a DOM hasFeature string.
* @param name The feature name, which is a DOM has-feature style string.
* @param state The requested state of the feature (<code>true</code> or
* <code>false</code>).
* @return <code>true</code> if the feature could be successfully set to
* the specified value, or <code>false</code> if the feature is not
* recognized or the requested value is not supported. The value of
* the feature itself is not changed.
public boolean canSetFeature(String name,
boolean state);
* Look up the value of a feature.
* <br>The feature name has the same form as a DOM hasFeature string
* @param name The feature name, which is a string with DOM has-feature
* syntax.
* @return The current state of the feature (<code>true</code> or
* <code>false</code>).
* @exception DOMException
* Raise a NOT_FOUND_ERR When the <code>DOMBuilder</code> does not
* recognize the feature name.
public boolean getFeature(String name)
throws DOMException;
* Parse an XML document from a location identified by an URI reference .
* If the URI contains a fragment identifier (see section 4.1 in ), the
* behavior is not defined by this specification.
* @param uri The location of the XML document to be read.
* @return If the <code>DOMBuilder</code> is a synchronous
* <code>DOMBuilder</code> the newly created and populated
* <code>Document</code> is returned. If the <code>DOMBuilder</code>
* is asynchronous then <code>null</code> is returned since the
* document object is not yet parsed when this method returns.
* @exception DOMSystemException
* Exceptions raised by <code>parseURI</code> originate with the
* installed ErrorHandler, and thus depend on the implementation of
* the <code>DOMErrorHandler</code> interfaces. The default error
* handlers will raise a DOMSystemException if any form I/O or other
* system error occurs during the parse, but application defined error
* handlers are not required to do so.
public Document parseURI(String uri)
throws Exception;
* Parse an XML document from a resource identified by an
* <code>DOMInputSource</code>.
* @param is The <code>DOMInputSource</code> from which the source
* document is to be read.
* @return If the <code>DOMBuilder</code> is a synchronous
* <code>DOMBuilder</code> the newly created and populated
* <code>Document</code> is returned. If the <code>DOMBuilder</code>
* is asynchronous then <code>null</code> is returned since the
* document object is not yet parsed when this method returns.
* @exception DOMSystemException
* Exceptions raised by <code>parse</code> originate with the installed
* ErrorHandler, and thus depend on the implementation of the
* <code>DOMErrorHandler</code> interfaces. The default ErrorHandlers
* will raise a <code>DOMSystemException</code> if any form I/O or
* other system error occurs during the parse, but application defined
* ErrorHandlers are not required to do so.
public Document parse(DOMInputSource is)
throws Exception;
* Replace the context node with the result of parsing the input source.
* For this action to work the context node must be an
* <code>Element</code>, <code>Text</code>, <code>CDATASection</code>,
* <code>Comment</code>, <code>ProcessingInstruction</code>, or
* <code>EntityReference</code> node.
public static final short ACTION_REPLACE = 1;
* Append the result of parsing the input source to the context node. For
* this action to work, the context node must be an <code>Element</code>.
public static final short ACTION_APPEND = 2;
* Insert the result of parsing the input source after the context node.
* For this action to work the context nodes parent must be an
* <code>Element</code>.
public static final short ACTION_INSERT_AFTER = 3;
* Insert the result of parsing the input source before the context node.
* For this action to work the context nodes parent must be an
* <code>Element</code>.
public static final short ACTION_INSERT_BEFORE = 4;
* Parse an XML document or fragment from a resource identified by an
* <code>DOMInputSource</code> and insert the content into an existing
* document at the position epcified with the <code>contextNode</code>
* and <code>action</code> arguments. When parsing the input stream the
* context node is used for resolving unbound namespace prefixes.
* @param is The <code>DOMInputSource</code> from which the source
* document is to be read.
* @param cnode The <code>Node</code> that is used as the context for
* the data that is being parsed.
* @param action This parameter describes which action should be taken
* between the new set of node being inserted and the existing
* children of the context node. The set of possible actions is
* defined above.
* @exception DOMException
* HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: Thrown if this action results in an invalid
* hierarchy (i.e. a Document with more than one document element).
public void parseWithContext(DOMInputSource is,
Node cnode,
short action)
throws DOMException;